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Re: houses

I'm sure people will help, but like before. Need more info about what you are working with...

what version of code?

Are you getting error messages?

Lines of code you think may be the problem?

Not everyone has every system, or experienced every problem. Some detail is needed in order to offer assistance.

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Re: houses

It is a good possibility that the marriage mod could cause this problem but i have been running my own version of shared house marriage for over a year with no probs. If you have the mod that is everywhere you should have three tables controlling this.....

will = the current amount of will you have left

maxwill= the maximum will you can get if you arent married

willmax= the maximun will you can get if you are married

I might have the last two reversed. I am going off of memory from a mod that i havent seen in over a year? Sorry, i wrote my own. Anyway, you need to make sure that your estate.php is using these tables correctly when a house is purchased.

If you post your estate.php up here someone may be able to help you more.

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