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A few weeks back I was pm'd by a guy I had talked to a few times on msn about making me a game.. I asked him if he was selling the code as well and he said everything was included in the price.. I agreed and he bgan making me a mess. I ended up pulling eveything off the site and re doing everything with the files he sent me.. I then started searching around to find mods and found this site. I recognized the name that was on all my files and started to look into it more and now find out the cash I paid him is for nothing.Everything is a ripoff.

So this morning I did the first thing of sending $75 in for version 1.1 source but need someone that can help me ge tthe rest straightened out. I will pay anyone that has the time to do coding on the game now and in the future $ now or a percentage of the income if they want to stick around.


Help needed straightening out my game.

I'm not the best, but since I'm not "Uber" I don't charge a bajillion $ per hour, matter of fact depending I'm usually very inexpensive (You can ask Tydar, Ricer, and a couple others whom I have coded for/with.)

Anyways, msn me:

[email protected]

or PM me here. I am willing to help :)


Help needed straightening out my game.

just outta curiousity, who was the guy???

when i first started about 2 and a half months ago, i had a jackass sell me the free version too. I didn't know it was free, thought he was selling me real code that he worked on. After paying him and getting the files, i saw the website and gnl thingy at the top of all the free files, so i came here, and voila, here i am today

his name was dethdeks...


Help needed straightening out my game.

Wolf told me (as wolf is at work so I'll tell you) that it was Young Buck, whom, I might add, sold him 1.1 codes, so it was even more illegal lol, however, of course it doesn't stop there, he sold SpellByte/My mods as well, possibly other peoples... so hopefully YB get's his just desserts

  • 2 weeks later...

Re: Help needed straightening out my game.

I can say that Vorlen did excellent work helping me out and did very professional work at a very reasonable cost. I have gotten help from other sources as well, all of whom did excellent work (Great job DarkWolf!). Now that I have learned how to maintain and edit code myself I do most of my work independently, but Vorlen and DarkWolf were both great getting me started out.


Re: Help needed straightening out my game.

If you need stuff coded, contact me. I do lots of things for lots of people all the time. Very rarely do I ever not get a mod or small addition working. I can code basically anything you wish, done right. I've coded numerous mods, including a very good armory mod(for sale I might add).

I can do almost anything you want and I won't charge and arm n a leg.

PM me or add me on msn:

[email protected]


Re: Help needed straightening out my game.

Sorry to hear you got scammed wolf.

To hire a coder, ask examples of their previous work etc not everyone is honest and I don't want to see someone get scammed twice

Also note that a coder does not need cpanel access. Most that asks cpanel access are most likely thieves.

If they claim to need sql access, you can always make a seperate user/pw for a sql db, a coder would know how to update the sql db through a script instead of phpmyadmin.

If they claim to need ftp access, you can always make a seperate ftp user/pw for the portion of the site allowed.

Take backups every day from your site and download them to your pc, just incase a coder screws up. (coders are lazy and hate to make a copy of a file, normally they overwrite the original file(s) )

The most expensive isn't allways the best, you can get quality work from someone who asks a lot less. So back to the top , ask examples of their work and if you can contact their clients.



Re: Help needed straightening out my game.

Thank you for the Advice :-)

Vorlen got me straightened out for the most part although I am looking for a few mods..

  • 2 weeks later...

Re: Help needed straightening out my game.

Yah im also thinking about startind a game soon to and that helped me alot. For my game ill be buying the 1.1 version and will need help stratining it out alot. But of course ill need to learn more about coding.

  • 2 months later...

Re: Help needed straightening out my game.


Wolf told me (as wolf is at work so I'll tell you) that it was Young Buck, whom, I might add, sold him 1.1 codes, so it was even more illegal lol, however, of course it doesn't stop there, he sold SpellByte/My mods as well, possibly other peoples... so hopefully YB get's his just desserts

YoungBuck has been scamming widely for a long time now anyone who would like his msn for various hate reasons etc. feel free to pm me and i will send it to you.

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