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I want to change the text in explore.php, This text (<u><font color=yellow>Market Place</u>

) to a logo like this:


But i have tried loads of things but cannot not do it, Ive tried replacing (<u><font color=yellow>Market Place</u>

) with marketplace.png and i still get a error what code would i put in to make it work heres my explore.php


include "globals.php";
$tresder=(int) rand(100,999);
if($ir['jail'] or $ir['hospital']) { die("This page cannot be accessed while in jail or hospital."); }
print "[b]<font color=white>You begin exploring the area you're in, you see a bit that interests you.[/b]

<table width=75%><tr height=100><td valign=top>

[url='itemmarket.php']Item Market[/url]

[url='cmarket.php']Crystal Market[/url]</td>
<td valign=top>
<u><font color=yellow>Serious Money Makers</u>

[url='monorail.php']Travel Agency[/url]

[url='estate.php']Estate Agent[/url]

[url='bank.php']City Bank[/url]";
if($ir['location'] == 5)
print "

[url='cyberbank.php']Cyber Bank[/url]
print "</td>
<td valign=top>
<u><font color=yellow>Dark Side</u>


[url='gangwars.php']Gang Wars[/url]

[url='fedjail.php']Federal Jail[/url]

[url='slotsmachine.php?tresde=$tresder']Slots Machine[/url]


[url='lucky.php']Lucky Boxes[/url]";
if($ir['location'] == 5)
print "

[url='slotsmachine3.php']Super Slots[/url]
print "</td></tr><tr height=100>
<td valign=top>
<u><font color=yellow>Statistics Dept</u>

[url='userlist.php']User List[/url]

[url='stafflist.php']{$set['game_name']} Staff[/url]

[url='halloffame.php']Hall of Fame[/url]

<a href=staffpos.php>Staff Positions</a>

[url='stats.php']Game Stats[/url]

[url='usersonline.php']Users Online[/url]</td><td valign=top>
<u><font color=yellow>Misc</u>

[url='pick3.php']Pick Three[/url]

[url='polling.php']Polling Booth[/url]

[url='crystaltemple.php']Crystal Temple[/url]

print "[url='battletent.php']Battle Tent[/url]

print "</td></tr></table>

This is your referal link: http://{$domain}/register.php?REF=$userid 

Every signup from this link earns you two valuable crystals!";


Please Help me

Guest Anonymous

Re: I need help with explore.php and logo's

Use: marketplace.png


Re: I need help with explore.php and logo's

instead off me using the images would i be able to use the Text

could you show me the code if theres a way

Guest Anonymous

Re: I need help with explore.php and logo's

Do you mean text on the images?


Re: I need help with explore.php and logo's

no i mean the font on the code like (aria)l and stuff like that, How would you put it on the code


Re: I need help with explore.php and logo's

I tried <u><font color=yellow><font: arial>Serious Money Makers</u>

but that dont seem to work any ideas?

  • 2 weeks later...

Re: I need help with explore.php and logo's


<u><font color=yellow><font style='font-style:arial;'>Serious Money Makers</font></u>


Should be:

<u style='color: yellow; font-family: arial;'>Serious Money Makers</u>

Re: I need help with explore.php and logo's


<u><font color=yellow><font style='font-style:arial;'>Serious Money Makers</font></u>


Should be:

<u style='color: yellow; font-family: arial;'>Serious Money Makers</u>


Unfortunatly i dont do css so....

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