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Phaos Game Engine

Phaos is a browser based MMORPG written in PHP.

Phaos Current Features Include:

* Character creation,

* Ability to purchase/sell weapons and armor,

* Ability to fight in the arena,

* Traveling to different towns,

* Chatting with other players,

* Ability to fight other players,

* Ability to trade other players,

* Race dependent special abilities,

* and a Magic System.

Download Phaos 0.9.2 Here


Re: Phaos Game Engine

I'm preparing to get and develop this code. It's possibly replacing my current project, however that means that my current project's 7 hours of coding for the creation system's gone to waste, if anyone would like to look at the creation system, contact me as I don't want to spam the forums. Please note that that's about the only thing done on it (Thank you to partner -Genocide- for the use of his notov2 code which has most of the bugs fixed, as opposed to my bugged version)

Anyways. I'll be building a PHAOS based game regardless, hope we all have some fun playing in this one.


Re: Phaos Game Engine

Different is Unique , Unqique is goood.

Good Staff + Unique + Chalenging + FUN = Good Game ! Phaos Engine provides all :)


Re: Phaos Game Engine


it would be unique until it was posted on CE for everyone to see, it's gonne turn out like another MCcodes sage, hundreds of "unique" games all based on the same source code

yes but as i said on my Kiddy kartel engine topic , the people that will make this game first will the right players.

The other 'copy cats' that make these games after wont get nothing , especially if it will be one of their quick-money-making schemes...


Re: Phaos Game Engine

What's the user information for the mod "Kallen" or how to get an admin account there .... I can't decrypt the psw hash either to get the admin password and then change my account to admin ... there aren't any useful variables in mysql either ... any suggestions?

Guest Anonymous

Re: Phaos Game Engine


it would be unique until it was posted on CE for everyone to see, it's gonne turn out like another MCcodes sage, hundreds of "unique" games all based on the same source code


Actually the copycats lack ingenuity so ...its those that work on it and continue to expand on the game that will suceed...the engine itself is just one piece of the puzzle


Re: Phaos Game Engine


What's the user information for the mod "Kallen" or how to get an admin account there .... I can't decrypt the psw hash either to get the admin password and then change my account to admin ... there aren't any useful variables in mysql either ... any suggestions?

you may want to insert a row into phaos_admin and copy/paste your password from your mccode game.or try 'raist' as the password if you have loaded the data from the file contained in the kallen version.


Re: Phaos Game Engine


Lots of potential in this game, but the layout needs MASSIVE work. :mrgreen:

My biggest complaint is the annoying refresh of the left panel every click. It may be necessary but it's done poorly


Re: Phaos Game Engine


Kiddy Kartel seems a better option to me ... But with ALOT of work this could be the next bing thing

What you mean to say, is this is too developed, so individuality will be harder to attain... right?


Re: Phaos Game Engine

About originality , well phaos game engine will/might be as popular as MC codes , im sure , and i have a feeling each game wil only have around 100 members :)

  • 3 weeks later...

Re: Phaos Game Engine

Hello i jest downloaded phaos, but when i done evrithing whear says in install.txt i am geting errors evry whear i go! plz can some one tell me what is whong?

  • 2 weeks later...

Re: Phaos Game Engine

phaos is like really old school is was the first engine i tried when it was released back in the day. was good then but way before it's time.

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