montyash Posted March 16, 2008 Posted March 16, 2008 does anyone know whats wrong with my profile sigs everything works but wen i put in wat i want it dont show up on my profile but wen i go to ? edit it its still there Quote
03laceys Posted March 16, 2008 Posted March 16, 2008 Re: profile sig sounds like the code in your profile is worng, post you prefernces.php and profile.php in code tags (or mail them so everyone cannot use them if you have edited them). Quote
montyash Posted March 16, 2008 Author Posted March 16, 2008 Re: profile sig ill post them but how do i do it in code tag Quote
03laceys Posted March 16, 2008 Posted March 16, 2008 Re: profile sig the button that looks like # or simply ad it manualy by putting your code in these tags .... [.code]add your code here[/.code] (with out the .) Quote
montyash Posted March 16, 2008 Author Posted March 16, 2008 Re: profile sig prefernces.php <?php include "globals.php"; switch($_GET['action']) { case 'sexchange2': do_sex_change(); break; case 'sigchange2': do_sig_change(); break; case 'sigchange': sig_change(); break; case 'sexchange': conf_sex_change(); break; case 'passchange2': do_pass_change(); break; case 'passchange': pass_change(); break; case 'namechange2': do_name_change(); break; case 'namechange': name_change(); break; case 'picchange2': do_pic_change(); break; case 'picchange': pic_change(); break; case 'forumchange2': do_forum_change(); break; case 'forumchange': forum_change(); break; default: prefs_home(); break; } function prefs_home() { global $db,$ir,$c,$userid,$h; print "<h3>Preferences</h3> [url='preferences.php?action=sexchange']Sex Change[/url] [url='preferences.php?action=passchange']Password Change[/url] [url='preferences.php?action=namechange']Name Change[/url] [url='preferences.php?action=picchange']Display Pic Change[/url] [url='preferences.php?action=forumchange']Forum Info Change[/url] "; } function conf_sex_change() { global $ir,$c,$userid,$h; if($ir['gender'] == "Male") { $g="Female"; } else { $g="Male"; } print "Are you sure you want to become a $g? [url='preferences.php?action=sexchange2']Yes[/url] | [url='preferences.php']No[/url]"; } function do_sex_change() { global $db,$ir,$c,$userid,$h; if($ir['gender'] == "Male") { $g="Female"; } else { $g="Male"; } $db->query("UPDATE users SET gender='$g' WHERE userid=$userid"); print "Success, you are now $g! [url='preferences.php']Back[/url]"; } function pass_change() { global $ir,$c,$userid,$h; print "<h3>Password Change</h3><form action='preferences.php?action=passchange2' method='post'>Current Password: <input type='password' name='oldpw' /> New Password: <input type='password' name='newpw' /> Confirm: <input type='password' name='newpw2' /> <input type='submit' value='Change PW' /></form>"; } function do_pass_change() { global $db,$ir,$c,$userid,$h; if(md5($_POST['oldpw']) != $ir['userpass']) { print "The current password you entered was wrong. [url='preferences.php?action=passchange']> Back[/url]"; } else if($_POST['newpw'] !== $_POST['newpw2']) { print "The new passwords you entered did not match! [url='preferences.php?action=passchange']> Back[/url]"; } else { $db->query("UPDATE users SET userpass=md5('{$_POST['newpw']}') WHERE userid=$userid"); print "Password changed!"; } } function name_change() { global $ir,$c,$userid,$h; print "<h3>Name Change</h3> Please note that you still use the same name to login, this procedure simply changes the name that is displayed. <form action='preferences.php?action=namechange2' method='post'> New Name: <input type='text' name='newname' /> <input type='submit' value='Change Name' /></form>"; } function do_name_change() { global $db,$ir,$c,$userid,$h; if($_POST['newname'] == "") { print "You did not enter a new name. [url='preferences.php?action=namechange']> Back[/url]"; } else { $_POST['newname']=str_replace(array("<", ">", "\\\'"), array("<", ">", "'"), $_POST['newname']); $db->query("UPDATE users SET username='{$_POST['newname']}' WHERE userid=$userid"); print "Username changed!"; } } function pic_change() { global $ir,$c,$userid,$h; print "<h3>Pic Change</h3> Please note that this must be externally hosted, [url='']ImageShack[/url] is our recommendation. Any images that are not 150x150 will be automatically resized <form action='preferences.php?action=picchange2' method='post'> New Pic: <input type='text' name='newpic' value='{$ir['display_pic']}' /> <input type='submit' value='Change Name' /></form>"; } function do_pic_change() { global $db,$ir,$c,$userid,$h; if($_POST['newpic'] == "") { print "You did not enter a new pic. [url='preferences.php?action=picchange']> Back[/url]"; } else { $_POST['newpic']=str_replace('\\\'',''', $_POST['newpic']); $db->query("UPDATE users SET display_pic='{$_POST['newpic']}' WHERE userid=$userid"); print "Pic changed!"; } } function forum_change() { global $ir,$c,$userid,$h; print "<h3>Forum Info Change</h3> Please note that the avatar must be externally hosted, [url='']ImageShack[/url] is our recommendation. Any avatars that are not 100x100 will be automatically resized <form action='preferences.php?action=forumchange2' method='post'> Avatar: <input type='text' name='forums_avatar' value='{$ir['forums_avatar']}' /> Signature (you may use BBcode): <textarea rows=10 cols=50 name='forums_signature'>{$ir['forums_signature']}</textarea> <input type='submit' value='Change Info' /></form>"; } function do_forum_change() { global $db,$ir,$c,$userid,$h; $_POST['forums_avatar']=str_replace(array("<", ">"), array("<", ">"), $_POST['forums_avatar']); $db->query("UPDATE users SET forums_avatar='{$_POST['forums_avatar']}', forums_signature='{$_POST['forums_signature']}' WHERE userid=$userid"); print "Forum Info changed!"; } function sig_change() { //Please Keep This Notice //Coded By: GoldenZero // //E-mail: joshisthebest1ca[AT]msn[DOT]com global $ir,$c,$userid,$h; print "<h3>Signature Change</h3> <form action='preferences.php?action=sigchange2' method='post'> Signature (you may use BBcode): <textarea class=textbox rows=10 cols=50 name='sig'>{$ir['sig']}</textarea> <input class=textbox type='submit' value='Change Signature ' /></form>"; } function do_sig_change() { global $db,$ir,$c,$userid,$h; $db->query("UPDATE users SET sig='{$_POST['sig']}' WHERE userid=$userid"); print "Signature changed!"; } $h->endpage(); ?> viewusers.php <?php //Please Keep This Notice //Coded By: GoldenZero // //E-mail: joshisthebest1ca[AT]msn[DOT]com class bbcode { var $engine=""; function bbcode() { require "bbcode_engine.php"; $this->engine= new bbcode_engine; $this->engine->cust_tag("/</","<"); $this->engine->cust_tag("/>/",">"); //Since \n and screw up preg, convert them out. $this->engine->cust_tag("/\n/","&nbrlb;"); $this->engine->simple_bbcode_tag("b"); $this->engine->simple_bbcode_tag("i"); $this->engine->simple_bbcode_tag("u"); $this->engine->simple_bbcode_tag("s"); $this->engine->simple_bbcode_tag("sub"); $this->engine->simple_bbcode_tag("sup"); $this->engine->simple_bbcode_tag("big"); $this->engine->simple_bbcode_tag("small"); $this->engine->adv_bbcode_tag("list","ul"); $this->engine->adv_bbcode_tag("olist","ol"); $this->engine->adv_bbcode_tag("item","li"); $this->engine->adv_option_tag("font","font","family"); $this->engine->adv_option_tag("size","font","size"); $this->engine->adv_option_tag("url","a","href"); $this->engine->adv_option_tag("color","font","color"); $this->engine->adv_option_tag("style","span","style"); $this->engine->simp_option_notext("img","src"); $this->engine->simp_bbcode_att("img","src"); $this->engine->cust_tag("/\(c\)/","©"); $this->engine->cust_tag("/\(tm\)/",""); $this->engine->cust_tag("/\(r\)/","®"); $this->engine->adv_option_tag_em("email","a","href"); $this->engine->adv_bbcode_att_em("email","a","href"); $this->engine->cust_tag("/\[left\](.+?)\[\/left\]/","<div align='left'>\\1</div>"); $this->engine->cust_tag("/\[center\](.+?)\[\/center\]/","<div align='center'>\\1</div>"); $this->engine->cust_tag("/\[right\](.+?)\[\/right\]/","<div align='right'>\\1</div>"); $this->engine->cust_tag("/\[quote="(.+?)\"](.+?)\[\/quote\]/","<div class='quotetop'>QUOTE(\\1)</div><div class='quotemain'>\\2</div>"); $this->engine->cust_tag("/\[quote\](.+?)\[\/quote\]/","<div class='quotetop'>QUOTE</div><div class='quotemain'>\\1</div>"); $this->engine->cust_tag("/\[code\](.+?)\[\/code\]/","<div class='codetop'>CODE</div><div class='codemain'><code>\\1</code></div>"); $this->engine->cust_tag("/\[codebox\](.+?)\[\/codebox\]/","<div class='codetop'>CODE</div><div class='codemain' style='height:200px;white-space:pre;overflow:auto'>\\1</div>"); $this->engine->cust_tag("/&nbrlb;/"," \n"); } function bbcode_parse($html) { return $this->engine->parse_bbcode($html); } } include "globals.php"; $bbc = new bbcode; $_GET['u'] = abs((int) $_GET['u']); if(!$_GET['u']) { print "Invalid use of file"; } else { $q=$db->query("SELECT u.*,us.*,c.*,h.*,g.*,f.* FROM users u LEFT JOIN userstats us ON u.userid=us.userid LEFT JOIN cities c ON u.location=c.cityid LEFT JOIN houses h ON u.maxwill=h.hWILL LEFT JOIN gangs g ON g.gangID=u.gang LEFT JOIN fedjail f ON f.fed_userid=u.userid WHERE u.userid={$_GET['u']}"); if($db->num_rows($q) == 0) { print "Sorry, we could not find a user with that ID, check your source."; } else { $r=$db->fetch_row($q); if ( !$r['married'] ) { $marital="<font color='red'>No</font>"; } else { $k=mysql_query("SELECT username FROM users WHERE userid={$r['married']}", $c); $marital="[url='viewuser.php?u={$r[']".mysql_result($k,0,0)."[/url] "; } //if($r['user_level'] == 1) { $userl="Member"; } else if($r['user_level'] == 2) { $userl="Admin"; } else if ($r['user_level'] == 3) { $userl="Secretary"; } else if($r['user_level'] == 0) { $userl="NPC"; } else {$userl="Assistant"; } if($r['user_level'] == 1) { $userl="Member"; } else if($r['user_level'] == 2) { $userl="Owner"; } else if ($r['user_level'] == 3) { $userl="Admin"; } else if ($r['user_level'] == 4) { $userl="Secretary"; } else if($r['user_level'] == 5) { $userl="Assistant"; } else if($r['user_level'] == 0) { $userl="NPC"; } else {$userl="Beats me"; } $lon=($r['laston'] > 0) ?date('F j, Y g:i:s a',$r['laston']) : "Never"; $sup=date('F j, Y g:i:s a',$r['signedup']); $ts=$r['strength']+$r['agility']+$r['guard']+$r['labour']+$r['IQ']; $d=""; if($r['laston'] > 0) { $la=time()-$r['laston']; $unit="seconds"; if($la >= 60) { $la=(int) ($la/60); $unit="minutes"; } if($la >= 60) { $la=(int) ($la/60); $unit="hours"; if($la >= 24) { $la=(int) ($la/24); $unit="days"; } } $str="$la $unit ago"; } else { $str="--"; } if($r['last_login'] > 0) { $ll=time()-$r['last_login']; $unit2="seconds"; if($ll >= 60) { $ll=(int) ($ll/60); $unit2="minutes"; } if($ll >= 60) { $ll=(int) ($ll/60); $unit2="hours"; if($ll >= 24) { $ll=(int) ($ll/24); $unit2="days"; } } $str2="$ll $unit2 ago"; } else { $str2="--"; } if($r['donatordays']) { $r['username'] = "<font color=green>{$r['username']}</font>";$d="[img=vip.gif]"; } if($r['laston'] >= time()-15*60) { $on="<font color=green>[b]Online[/b]</font>"; } else { $on="<font color=red>[b]Offline[/b]</font>"; } print "<h3>Profile for {$r['username']}</h3> <table width=100% cellspacing=1 class='table'><tr style='background:gray'><th>General Info</th><th>Financial Info</th> <th>Display Pic</th></tr> <tr><td>Name: {$r['username']} [{$r['userid']}] $d "; if($r['user_level']==2) { echo "[img=staff.gif]"; } if($r['user_level']==3) { echo "[img=staff.gif]"; } if($r['user_level']==5) { echo "[img=staff.gif]"; } echo " User Level: $userl Duties: {$r['duties']} Gender: {$r['gender']} Rating: [url='rating.php?change=up&ID={$r['][img=positive.gif][/url]<font color=red>[<font color=666666>{$r['rating']}<font color=red>]</font></font></font> [url='rating.php?change=down&ID={$r['][img=negative.gif][/url] Signed Up: $sup Last Active: $lon Last Action: $str Last Login: $str2 Online: $on [b]Days Old:[/b] {$r['daysold']} Days Old "; $w=$db->query("SELECT * FROM warnings WHERE user={$r['userid']}",$c); print " <font color=red>Warnings: ".mysql_num_rows($w)." "; if($ir['user_level'] > 1) { print "|| [<a href=warnings.php?action=index&user={$r['userid']}>Manage</a>] "; } print " Location: {$r['cityname']} [[url='travel.php?to={$r[']Travel[/url]] Married: $marital</td><td> Money: \${$r['money']} Crystals: {$r['crystals']} Property: {$r['hNAME']} Referals: "; $rr=$db->query("SELECT * FROM referals WHERE refREFER={$r['userid']}"); print $db->num_rows($rr); print " Friends: {$r['friend_count']} Enemies: {$r['enemy_count']} </td> <td>"; if($r['display_pic']) { print "[img={$r[]"; } else { print "This user has no display pic!"; } $sh=($ir['user_level'] >1) ? "Staff Info" : " "; print "</td></tr> <tr style='background:gray'><th width=50%>Physical Info</th><th>Links</th><th>Contact Info</th></tr> <tr><td>Level: {$r['level']} Health: {$r['hp']}/{$r['maxhp']} Gang: "; if($r['gang']) { print "[url='gangs.php?action=view&ID={$r[']{$r['gangNAME']}[/url]"; } else { print "N/A"; } if($r['fedjail']) { print " [b]<font color=red>In federal jail for {$r['fed_days']} day(s). {$r['fed_reason']}</font>"; } if($r['hospital']) { print " [b]<font color=red>In hospital for {$r['hospital']} minutes. {$r['hospreason']}</font>[/b]"; } if($r['jail']) { print " [b]<font color=red>In jail for {$r['jail']} minutes. {$r['jail_reason']}</font>[/b]"; } print "</td><td>[[url='mailbox.php?action=compose&ID={$r[']Send Mail[/url]] [[url='sendcash.php?ID={$r[']Send Cash[/url]] "; if($set['sendcrys_on']) { print "[[url='sendcrys.php?ID={$r[']Send Crystals[/url]] "; } if($set['sendbank_on']) { if($ir['bankmoney'] >= 0 && $r['bankmoney'] >= 0) { print "[[url='sendbank.php?ID={$r[']Vault $ Transfer[/url]] "; } } print " [[url='attack.php?ID={$r[']Attack[/url]] [[url='hackpc.php?ID={$r[']Hack Pc[/url]] [[url='office.php?ID={$r[']Rob Their Office[/url]] [[url='hirespy.php?ID={$r[']Hire Spy[/url]] [[url='contactlist.php?action=add&ID={$r[']Add Contact[/url]]"; if($ir['user_level'] == 2 || $ir['user_level'] == 3 || $ir['user_level'] == 5) { print " [[url='jailuser.php?userid={$r[']Jail[/url]] [[url='mailban.php?userid={$r[']MailBan[/url]]"; } if($ir['donatordays'] > 0) { print " [[url='friendslist.php?action=add&ID={$r[']Add Friends[/url]] [[url='blacklist.php?action=add&ID={$r[']Add Enemies[/url]] "; } print "</td><td>"; if($r['contact']==1) { echo " Age: {$r['age']} Msn: {$r['msn']} Email: {$r['email']} Yahoo: {$r['yhoo']} Aol: {$r['aol']} "; } else if($r['contact']==0) { echo "<center>This User Does NOT To Share His/Her Contact Info "; } print "</td></tr></table>"; } } function checkblank($in) { if(!$in) { return "N/A"; } return $in; } echo "<table width=100% cellspacing=0 class='table'><tr style='background:gray'><th>Proflie Signature</th></tr><tr><td>"; if($r['sig']) { $r['sig']=$bbc->bbcode_parse($r['sig']); print "<tr><td colspan=5>{$r['sig']}</td>"; } else { print "<tr><td colspan=5><center>This user has no Signature! </center></td>"; } echo "</table>"; echo "<table width=100% cellspacing=0 class='table'><tr style='background:gray'><th>$sh</th></tr> <tr><td>"; if($ir['user_level'] == 2 || $ir['user_level'] == 3 || $ir['user_level'] == 5) { $r['lastiph']=@gethostbyaddr($r['lastip']); $r['lastiph']=checkblank($r['lastiph']); $r['lastip_loginh']=@gethostbyaddr($r['lastip_login']); $r['lastip_loginh']=checkblank($r['lastip_loginh']); $r['lastip_signuph']=@gethostbyaddr($r['lastip_signup']); $r['lastip_signuph']=checkblank($r['lastip_signuph']); print "<h3>Internet Info</h3><table width='100%' border='0' cellspacing='1' class='table'> <tr><td></td><td class='h'>IP</td><td class='h'>Hostname</td></tr> <tr><td class='h'>Last Hit</td><td>$r[lastip]</td><td>$r[lastiph]</td></tr> <tr><td class='h'>Last Login</td><td>$r[lastip_login]</td><td>$r[lastip_loginh]</td></tr> <tr><td class='h'>Signup</td><td>$r[lastip_signup]</td><td>$r[lastip_signuph]</td></tr></table>"; print "<form action='staffnotes.php' method='post'> Staff Notes: <textarea rows=7 cols=40 name='staffnotes'>{$r['staffnotes']}</textarea> <input type='hidden' name='ID' value='{$_GET['u']}' /> <input type='submit' value='Change' /></form>"; } echo "</td></table>"; $h->endpage(); ?> Quote
03laceys Posted March 16, 2008 Posted March 16, 2008 Re: profile sig in viewusers.php find print "[img={$r[]"; and replace with print "[img={$ir[]"; Quote
montyash Posted March 16, 2008 Author Posted March 16, 2008 Re: profile sig no it still says This user has no Signature! when i have put suff into it Quote
03laceys Posted March 16, 2008 Posted March 16, 2008 Re: profile sig you do have this added to your database dont you? ALTER TABLE `users` ADD `display_pic` TEXT latin1_swedish NOT NULL ; Quote
montyash Posted March 16, 2008 Author Posted March 16, 2008 Re: profile sig duno shall i add it Quote
montyash Posted March 16, 2008 Author Posted March 16, 2008 Re: profile sig na still dnt work sure its not any of the codes Quote
Halo Posted April 19, 2008 Posted April 19, 2008 Re: profile sig If its your sig thats not working run this querie: ALTER TABLE `users` ADD `sig` TEXT NOT NULL; Quote
Halo Posted April 19, 2008 Posted April 19, 2008 Re: profile sig in viewusers.php find print "[img={$r[]"; and replace with print "[img={$ir[]"; Oh and this so called "fix" wrong the original one was right, if you put {$ir['display_pic']} insted of {$r['display_pic']} it will show your display image not theirs... Quote
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