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Hello all.

I have made this modification because some people wanted it on this forum but no one made it so i did.


Family File:

When you marry some one you get a link called "Family Manager" you will then get only 1 link in there called "Create a Family" this link will then send an aproval to your partner and they can decline or accept. If they accept the other partner will recieve an event saying "Your partner has accepted your proposal to make a family." Then you shall get a link to create a family or you can go to "Family Manager" and get the link there. You may only make 2 children (Can be edited) and when you got 2 children every hour there hunger and thirst will go lower and lower but if the parents dont feed them they will die sending the parents to jail. You can also send your child to school (Compulsary) and if you dont your child will be taken away from you and deleted from the game. Every day it will take a certain sum of money off your's and your partners money to pay for the school fees. When the child turns 19 he decides to leave the house (Gets deleted) and wonders off from your family.

Proposal File:

This is a new script i made its not got all the take money functions and all because eventualy some people take it off.

This file will allow you to send a proposal, view your proposals sent, view your incoming proposals.

-Proposal: You can send a proposal to anyone in the game.

-View proposals Sent: View your proposals that you sent and can cancel them.

-View incoming proposals: View your incoming proposals and either delete or accept.

Partner File:

This file is new i have added just the default box, devorce (NEW), send love note.

-The default if married is a table showing your money and your partners money.

-Send love note: You can send a nice pink love note to your partner.

-The devorce function is better than the one out atm. When devorcing the house money is split into 2 so if a house costs $200 you shall get $100 and your partner shall get a $100, You both loose the house. If you have children and when getting devorced all children will be deleted.

You may only propose once at a time. (Can be modified)

You can not create a baby without failing. Some times you fail some times you dont.

This does come with shared housing.


Price: $30

Copies: 3 left out of 6

Rights: You may only use this on one game only. If you desire to make a new game but change the mod to the new domain and delete off old game notify me.

Paypal: [email protected]

Paypal note: Please provide the domain name you want this on and the email you want it sent to.

Versions: v1 & v2 in stock!

This mod is fully tested and works.

Screen Shots: -> Family & Proposal -> Partner



Re: [v2] Family's [$30]

wow just got this its the best mod ive seen 100% safe this guy is a pro thanx for the mod :mrgreen: mail me if you have any new ones ill buy.


Re: [v2] Family's [$30]


Sounds like an edited version of the pets mod.

You ant got one good comment in your body do you? And no this is nothing like pets, i bought this and its nothing like pets.

Guest Anonymous

Re: [v2] Family's [$30]

Looks like very cool modification...do you have a demo or screenshots?


Re: [v2] Family's [$30]


Sounds like an edited version of the pets mod.

Zaver this is not a edited pathetic pets mod. Coded from scratch. Ask shaved92bravada, fenix & Matt. You may ask them it is not a modified pets mod :/.

Not to mention i do not even have the pets mod on my game on my computer and why? Because its crap i do not like it.


Re: [v2] Family's [$30]

Hmm Great mod very intresting...i think i should get into the mod making business again and create some mind blowers :evil: LOl

gd mod i havent seen it...but Why say it's finished now this is a type of mod where it can always be advanced and made a hell of alot better..so yeh gd work and keep it up..


Re: [v2] Family's [$30]

Well the actual mod is finished. Ironed out some bugs thanks to shaved92bravada & fenix. I will be giving all the free addons to those who bought the mod and i know who they are. Thats why my price is $30 because if you came to think of it, you can make this a hell of a mod to users. If you wanted you can actualy pay donations to buy upgrades for rooms and you can have 3 babys or even 10. One hell of a mod if you put your head together and code it :-P :roll:


Re: [v2] Family's [$30]


Sounds like an edited version of the pets mod.

You ant got one good comment in your body do you? And no this is nothing like pets, i bought this and its nothing like pets.

I don't know about you but I usually don't store comments in my body. :lol:

And I never said it was an edited version of the pets mod, I said it sounded like it.

Please read carefully before you make an ass out of yourself. :wink:


Re: [v2] Family's [$30]


Sounds like an edited version of the pets mod.

You ant got one good comment in your body do you? And no this is nothing like pets, i bought this and its nothing like pets.

Never thought I'd see the day when you say: "I bought" something..


Re: [v2] Family's [$30]


Sounds like an edited version of the pets mod.

You ant got one good comment in your body do you? And no this is nothing like pets, i bought this and its nothing like pets.

Never thought I'd see the day when you say: "I bought" something..

Infact ben -matt- buys everything he wants or he will ask either cyanide or normally me to make it if it does not exist like the dragon tent i made for him.

  • 4 weeks later...

Re: [v2] Family's [$30]


Is anyone still interested in the last 3 copies?

This mod sounds great. I plan on buying it as soon as I get the extra money. Still $30?

- Robertâ„¢

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