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Hi all. I am new to this coding stuff, and have recently uploaded and installed a game, with MC Codes V2. I have had a few problems, however:


1 ) cannot edit bank money when editing user from staff panel

2 ) cannot add cities

3 ) all features have a $2.147 billion cap

4 ) cannot gain exp from training in a bigger house

5 ) maximum stats is 10 mill in each; IQ is 100,000

6 ) mass gang mail doesn't inform the members (go bold)

7 ) mass mailer doesn't inform the members (go bold)

8 ) when trying to buy house and not enough money, it says: You do not have enough money to buy the .

9 ) No info on homepage

10 ) Cannot delete topics: Fatal error: Call to a member function query() on a non-object in /usr/home/u1149/domains/globalconflict2250.co.uk/public_html/forums.php on line 703

11 ) Cannot delete forums.

12 ) There are no organised crimes.

13 ) There is no polls link...I can add polls, put other members can't see them. (?)

14 ) Cannot access cyberbank, even after changing location to 1.

Do you know anyway I can fix these problems?



Guest Anonymous

Re: V2 Problems

Scan thru the boards you will fine your ansaw to every one of these issues.

  • 1 month later...
  • 2 weeks later...

Re: V2 Problems

Replace your entire massmailer function with this (should be at the bottom of staff_special.php):

function massmailer()
global $db,$ir,$c,$userid;
$subj="This is a mass mail from the administration";
$q=$db->query("SELECT * FROM users ");
else if($_POST['cat']==2)
$q=$db->query("SELECT * FROM users WHERE user_level > 1");
else if($_POST['cat']==3)
$q=$db->query("SELECT * FROM users WHERE user_level=2");
else if($_POST['cat']==4)
$q=$db->query("SELECT * FROM users WHERE laston>unix_timestamp()-15*60 ORDER BY laston DESC");
$q=$db->query("SELECT * FROM users WHERE user_level={$_POST['level']}");
$db->query("INSERT INTO mail VALUES('', 0, 0, {$r['userid']}, unix_timestamp(),'$subj','{$_POST['text']}')");
print "Mass mail sent to {$r['username']}.
$db->query("UPDATE users SET new_mail=new_mail+1 WHERE userid = {$r['userid']}");
print "Mass mail sending complete!

[url='staff_special.php?action=massmailer']> Back[/url]";
print "[b]Mass Mailer[/b]

<form action='staff_special.php?action=massmailer' method='post'> Text: 

<textarea name='text' rows='7' cols='40'></textarea>

<input type='radio' name='cat' value='1' /> Send to all members 
<input type='radio' name='cat' value='2' /> Send to staff only 
<input type='radio' name='cat' value='3' /> Send to admins only 
<input type='radio' name='cat' value='4' /> Send to users online

OR Send to user level:

<input type='radio' name='level' value='1' /> Member

<input type='radio' name='level' value='2' /> Admin

<input type='radio' name='level' value='3' /> Secretary

<input type='radio' name='level' value='4' /> Special Op

<input type='radio' name='level' value='5' /> Assistant

<input type='submit' value='Send' /></form>";

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