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Re: crime hospital time

i have done this for all my crimes i have no jail on my game only the hospital, on my game there is also no food to get you out of hosp lol.

of the top of my head i cant remember the code i will how ever when i get home go onto my host and get the code for you.


Re: crime hospital time

Here is a simple way of doing it:

Open docrime.php and find:

print $r['crimeFTEXT'];


Then replace that code with:

print $r['crimeFTEXT'];
$hosptime= rand(2,7);
mysql_query("UPDATE users SET hospital={$hosptime}, hospreason='Failed a crime' WHERE userid=$userid",$c);


There you have it, that should work, don't think there will be any problems with it. :-D


Re: crime hospital time


Here is a simple way of doing it:

Open docrime.php and find:

print $r['crimeFTEXT'];


Then replace that code with:

print $r['crimeFTEXT'];
$hosptime= rand(2,7);
mysql_query("UPDATE users SET hospital={$hosptime}, hospreason='Failed a crime' WHERE userid=$userid",$c);


There you have it, that should work, don't think there will be any problems with it. :-D

Wouldnt You Need To Take Away The Jail Time Part Of The Code

So You Would Edit

if(rand(1, 2) == 1)
print $r['crimeFTEXT'];
 print $r['crimeJTEXT'];
 $db->query("UPDATE `users` SET `jail` = '$r[crimeJAILTIME]', `jail_reason` = '$r[crimeJREASON]' WHERE `userid` = '$userid'");



if(rand(1, 2) == 1)
print $r['crimeFTEXT'];
 print $r['crimeJTEXT'];
 $db->query("UPDATE `users` SET `hospital` = '$r[crimeJAILTIME]', `hospreason` = 'Failed To Do A Crime' WHERE `userid` = '$userid'");


Then You Would Go Into Hospital For Amount Of Time That You Would Have Spent In Jail


Re: crime hospital time

He asked how to go in hospital when failing a crime, I gave him an easy way :-D

Go on as well tho Klikoka

He would have to add 2 more fields in tho crimeJTEXT and crimeHTEXT I need mine so they randomly go in hospital on FTEXT


Re: crime hospital time


He asked how to go in hospital when failing a crime, I gave him an easy way :-D

Go on as well tho Klikoka

He would have to add 2 more fields in tho crimeJTEXT and crimeHTEXT I need mine so they randomly go in hospital on FTEXT

wats the sql for this then as its a weird sql


Re: crime hospital time

Replace the other code I had with this:


print $r['crimeFTEXT'];
if ($chance == 1)
mysql_query("UPDATE users SET hospital={$hosp}, hospreason='Failed a crime' WHERE userid=$userid",$c);
if ($chance == 2)
mysql_query("UPDATE users SET jail={$jail}, jail_reason='Failed a crime' WHERE userid=$userid",$c);


That should make it random to go to jail or hospital.

If have any problems please message me.

Enjoy :-)

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