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Re: Looking For MedPack Fix

This is the code i use in itemuse.php and it works fine..


if($r['itmtypename'] == 'Medical')
$f=mysql_query("SELECT * FROM medical WHERE item_id={$r['itmid']}",$c);
mysql_query("UPDATE inventory SET inv_qty=inv_qty-1 WHERE inv_id={$_GET['ID']}",$c);
mysql_query("DELETE FROM inventory WHERE inv_qty=0",$c);
mysql_query("UPDATE users SET hp=hp+{$fr['health']} WHERE userid=$userid");
mysql_query("UPDATE users SET hp=maxhp WHERE hp > maxhp");
if($r['itmname'] == 'Full Restore')
mysql_query("UPDATE users SET energy=maxenergy,will=maxwill,brave=maxbrave WHERE userid=$userid",$c);
if($r['itmname'] == 'Motivation Potion')
mysql_query("UPDATE users SET will=maxwill WHERE userid=$userid",$c);
if($r['itmname'] == 'Small First Aid kit')
mysql_query("UPDATE users SET hospital=hospital-50 WHERE userid=$userid",$c);
if($r['itmname'] == 'First Aid Kit')
mysql_query("UPDATE users SET hospital=hospital-75 WHERE userid=$userid",$c);
if($r['itmname'] == 'Morphine')
mysql_query("UPDATE users SET hospital=hospital-100 WHERE userid=$userid",$c);

echo 'You use a '.$r['itmname'].'. You feel a bit of '.$stat.' coming back to you.';
mysql_query("UPDATE users SET hospital=0 WHERE hospital<0", $c);

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