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Hey, anyone know where i would add this              <ahref='userlist.php'>UserList</a><br />
to the attackwon.php for people to get right back to the userlist from the won page/s instead of going to explore then userlist.


Find this in attackbeat;

print "You beat {$r['username']}!!<br /> You beat {$r['username']} severely on the ground. When there is lots of blood showing, you head up to the nearest 10-story building's roof and drop him over the edge. You run home silently and carefully.";<br />

Below that add <ahref='userlist.php'>UserList</a>

In the same file, find this;

print "<br />You earnt 3 respect for your gang!";<br />

below that add <ahref='userlist.php'>UserList</a>

Find this in attackwon;

print "You beat {$r['username']}!!<br /> You knock {$r['username']} on the floor a few times to make sure he is unconscious, then open his wallet, snatch \$$stole, and run home happily.";<br />

below that add <ahref='userlist.php'>UserList</a>

In the same file, find this;

print "<br />You earnt 2 respect for your gang!";<br />

below that add <ahref='userlist.php'>UserList</a>

In the attacktake file, find this;

print "and gained $expperc% EXP!<br /> You hide your weapons and drop {$r['username']} off outside the hospital entrance. Feeling satisfied, you walk home.";<br />

below that add <ahref='userlist.php'>UserList</a>

In the same file, find this;

print "<br />You earnt 1 respect for your gang!";<br />

below that add <ahref='userlist.php'>UserList</a>

That covers all three files where you win an attack. Done.




On 7/15/2023 at 12:22 AM, Dustin Rohel said:

no, i'm just looking to get to the userlist

I'm wanting a button on the attackwon.php and attackbeat.php to bring players back to the userlist

Thats fine but what im saying is what if they never went to the user  page to attack in the first place you can attack people from their profile pages also ?


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