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Password Protect Staff/Admin Panel


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I know there has already been one of these made but this ones unique no SQL required, Can be used on any page.

You can put in a single user/pass for everyone or use a different user/pass for each person you want to access the file.

Price: $10



PM me if your interested.

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Re: Password Protect Staff/Admin Panel

No because the username/passwords are stored in this file. You obviously use a different user/pass then you game one so they could be sat there for hours fingering it out.

You use a different user/pass for each staff member.

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Re: Password Protect Staff/Admin Panel

seriusly useless :-o

I made the other free one into a way better one where my staff can choose there own particular password apart from there game password and such.

What happens if one of your staff hates you but likes the hacker? of course your staff will go and say the password wich you gave to everyone duh thats so obvius.

But leave it your way IT is just useless in my eyes for $10 when i can make it for free

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Re: Password Protect Staff/Admin Panel


I have made a mod liek this but about 5 months ago.

Bullet is this your mod...


if ($_POST['password']=="bulletisc00l") { echo 'You can now enter the [url="admin.php"]admin panel[/url]...'; $h->endpage(); 
$_SESSION['staffloged']=1; }
echo 'Access denied!';



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