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Jail/Hospital Timestamps


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Hey there, MWG. I've spent a little bit of time doing this. Jail/Hospital times are now set via timestamp, instead of countdown timer.

Edit in global_func.php (Add before the functions)

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Save, upload.

Now, create a file in lib/tmg called functions.php and paste in:

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Save, upload!

Open globals.php and add in under check_level();

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Open header.php and replace the statement:

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Now look for the if statement with the hospital and replace with:

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Now everywhere you have a user be put into the hospital, use

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Same for jailing..

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Now, finally, where-ever you have a query to remove/substract players jail/hospital time, use:

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If its set up correctly, you should now be all set for timestamp hospital/jail times!

Pages that need adjusting off the top of my head:

Anything attack oriented




Staff Users



If you run into issues, please drop a reply and I'll get back to you ASAP! I also highly suggest disabling access to your game while you're rolling this change out, because it'll cause some weird issues if someone receives a hospital visit while the code isn't 100% implemented yet. ;P


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