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Here is what I have so far, but when I include it with other pages, that page will display at the bottom.

How can I fix this?


    <!DOCTYPE html>
   <title>Game Name</title>
      <body style='background:#CCCCCC'>

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       <link type="text/css" rel="stylesheet" href="css/profiles.css" />
       <link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="css/incrementing.css" />
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   <div class="bs-example">
   <nav role="navigation" class="navbar navbar-default">
   <link REL="SHORTCUT ICON" HREF="ico-icon.jpg">
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       <div class="navbar-header">

      <span class="sr-only">Toggle navigation</span>
               <span class="icon-bar"></span>
               <span class="icon-bar"></span>
               <span class="icon-bar"></span>
<form action='/search.php' method='post' class="navbar-brand" class="pull-right">
                                       <input type='hidden' name='type' value='username' />
                                       <input type='text' name='name' placeholder='Search Players' />
                                       <input type='submit' value='Go' name='srch' />


if ($_SESSION['attacking']) {
$jorh   = array();
$jorh   = mysql_query("SELECT * FROM members WHERE 
            playerid = " . $_SESSION['playerid'] . " ");
$joh    = array();
$joh    = mysql_fetch_array($jorh);
$pl     = mysql_fetch_assoc(mysql_query("SELECT * FROM members WHERE playerid='" . $_SESSION['playerid'] . "'"));
$bgc    = array();
$sides  = array();
$banner = array();

$q_ry  = array();
$q_ry  = "SELECT lc.lc_time,ed.edu_name
               FROM live_courses lc
               LEFT JOIN educate_courses ed
               ON lc.lc_course = ed.edu_id
               WHERE lc.lc_playerid = " . $_SESSION['playerid'] . " ";
$oncrs = array();
$oncrs = mysql_query($q_ry);

$q_ry = array();
   $q_ry = "SELECT a_ammount,a_time
               FROM bank_accounts
               WHERE a_playerid = " . $_SESSION['playerid'] . " ";
   $bnka = array();
   $bnka = mysql_query($q_ry);

   $q_ry = array();
   $q_ry = "SELECT my_job
               FROM members_extra
               WHERE playerid = " . $_SESSION['playerid'] . " ";
if ($joh['my_jail'] > gmtime()) {
   $bgc   = 'E09900';
   $sides = 'j';
} else if ($joh['my_hosp'] > gmtime()) {
   $bgc   = 'FDFDFD';
   $sides = 'h';
} else {
   $bgc   = 'CCCCCC';
   $sides = '';

$playerid = $_SESSION['playerid'];
$statBars = array(
   'energy' => ($joh['my_energy'] / $joh['my_maxenergy']) * 100,
   'happy' => ($joh['my_happy'] / $joh['my_maxhappy']) * 100,
   'nerve' => ($joh['my_nerve'] / $joh['my_maxnerve']) * 100

if ($pl['my_dondays']) {
   if ($nextMinute > '50') {
       $energyMins = (60 - $nextMinute);
   } else if ($nextMinute > '40') {
       $energyMins = (50 - $nextMinute);
   } else if ($nextMinute > '30') {
       $energyMins = (40 - $nextMinute);
   } else if ($nextMinute > '20') {
       $energyMins = (30 - $nextMinute);
   } else if ($nextMinute > '10') {
       $energyMins = (20 - $nextMinute);
   } else if ($nextMinute > '00') {
       $energyMins = (10 - $nextMinute);
} else {
   if ($nextMinute > '45') {
       $energyMins = (60 - $nextMinute);
   } else if ($nextMinute > '30') {
       $energyMins = (45 - $nextMinute);
   } else if ($nextMinute > '15') {
       $energyMins = (30 - $nextMinute);
   } else if ($nextMinute > '00') {
       $energyMins = (15 - $nextMinute);

if ($nextMinute > '45') {
   $happyMins = (60 - $nextMinute);
} else if ($nextMinute > '30') {
   $happyMins = (45 - $nextMinute);
} else if ($nextMinute > '15') {
   $happyMins = (30 - $nextMinute);
} else if ($nextMinute > '00') {
   $happyMins = (15 - $nextMinute);

if ($nextMinute > '55') {
   $nerveMins = (60 - $nextMinute);
} else if ($nextMinute > '50') {
   $nerveMins = (55 - $nextMinute);
} else if ($nextMinute > '45') {
   $nerveMins = (50 - $nextMinute);
} else if ($nextMinute > '40') {
   $nerveMins = (45 - $nextMinute);
} else if ($nextMinute > '35') {
   $nerveMins = (40 - $nextMinute);
} else if ($nextMinute > '30') {
   $nerveMins = (35 - $nextMinute);
} else if ($nextMinute > '25') {
   $nerveMins = (30 - $nextMinute);
} else if ($nextMinute > '20') {
   $nerveMins = (25 - $nextMinute);
} else if ($nextMinute > '15') {
   $nerveMins = (20 - $nextMinute);
} else if ($nextMinute > '10') {
   $nerveMins = (15 - $nextMinute);
} else if ($nextMinute > '05') {
   $nerveMins = (10 - $nextMinute);
} else if ($nextMinute > '00') {
   $nerveMins = (05 - $nextMinute);

echo "<div class='container'>
   <div class='row'>
       <div class='col-md-3 col-xs-12 user-stats'>
           <div class='well'>
            <img src='images/" . $pl['my_gender'] . ".gif' title = '" . $pl['my_gender'] . "'>";
if ($mjb['my_job']) {
   echo "<img src='images/";
   if ($mjb['my_job'] == '1') {
       echo "army.png' alt = 'Job: Army' title='Job: Army";
   if ($mjb['my_job'] == '2') {
       echo "market.png' alt = 'Job: Grocer' title='Job: Grocer";
   if ($mjb['my_job'] == '3') {
       echo "casino.png' alt = 'Job: Casino' title='Job: Casino";
   echo "'>";

if ($pl['my_faction']) {
   $q_ry = array();
   $q_ry = "SELECT fac_name
               FROM faction_s
               WHERE fac_id = " . ['my_faction'] , " ";
   $fn   = array();
   $fn   = mysql_fetch_array(mysql_query($q_ry));
   echo " <img src='images/navigation/faction.gif' alt = 'Faction: " . $fn['fac_name'] . "' title='Faction: " . $fn['fac_name'] . "'>";
if ($pl['my_partner']) {
   $q_ry = array();
   $q_ry = "SELECT playername
               FROM members
               WHERE playerid = " . $pl['my_partner'] . " ";
   $pn   = array();
   $pn   = mysql_fetch_array(mysql_query($q_ry));
   echo " <img src='images/spouse.png' alt = 'Spouse: " . $pn['playername'] . "' title='Spouse: " . $pn['playername'] . "'>";
if (mysql_num_rows($bnka)) {
   $bk = array();
   $bk = mysql_fetch_array($bnka);
   echo " <img src='images/bank.png' alt = 'Investment: " . money_alter($bk['a_ammount']) . " - " . gettimeleft($bk['a_time']) . "' title='Investment: " . money_alter($bk['a_ammount']) . " - 
           " . gettimeleft($bk['a_time']) . "'>";
if (mysql_num_rows($oncrs)) {
   $onc = array();
   $onc = mysql_fetch_array($oncrs);
   echo " <img src='images/education.png' alt = '" . $onc['edu_name'] . ": " . gettimeleft($onc['lc_time']) . "' title='" . $onc['edu_name'] . ": " . gettimeleft($onc['lc_time']) . "'>";
$q_ry   = array();
$q_ry   = "SELECT mi_time,mi_effect_left,mi_drug_id
               FROM member_influences
               WHERE mi_playerid = " .$_SESSION['playerid'] . "
               AND mi_time >= '" . mysql_real_escape_string(time()) . "'";
$druggy = array();
$druggy = mysql_query($q_ry);
if (mysql_num_rows($druggy)) {
   $dr   = array();
   $dr   = mysql_fetch_array($druggy);
   $type = array(
       9 => 'Ecstacey',
       100 => 'Vicodin',
       79 => 'Xanax'
   echo " <img src='images/drug.png' title='" . $type[$dr['mi_drug_id']] . ": " . gettimeleft($dr['mi_time']) . "'>";
if ($pl['my_dondays']) {
   echo " <img src='images/donator.gif' alt = 'Donator: " . $pl['my_dondays'] . " Days left' title='Donator: " . $pl['my_dondays'] . " Days left'>";
if ($pl['vipday']) {
   echo " <img src='images/vip.jpg' alt = 'VIP: " . $pl['vipday'] . " Days left' title='VIP: " . $pl['vipday'] . " Days left'>";
if ($pl['am_i_staff'] > 1) {
   echo " <span  rel = 'tooltip' title = 'Staff Member'><img src='images/staff.png'></span>";
   echo "
                           <strong>Name: </strong><a href='/profile.php?XID=" . $_SESSION['playerid'] . "'>" . $joh['playername'] . "</a>
                           <strong>  Money: </strong> \$" . number_format($joh['wallet']) . "
                           <strong>  Level: </strong></td><td align = 'left'>" . $pl['my_level'] . " 

                   <a href='preferences.php' class='pull-left'>My Account</a>
                   <a href='logout.php' class='pull-right'>Logout</a>
                   <div class='clearfix'></div>
$q_ry = array();
$q_ry = "SELECT my_experience,my_crimeexp
               FROM members_extra
               WHERE playerid = " .$_SESSION['playerid'] . " ";
$lvl  = array();
$lvl  = mysql_query($q_ry);
$lv   = mysql_fetch_array($lvl);
if (($lv['my_experience'] + ($lv['my_crimeexp'] / $pl['my_level'])) > exp_level($pl['my_level'])) {
   echo "</td><td align = 'center'> [<a href='levelup.php'>upgrade</a>]";
$q_ry = array();
$q_ry = "SELECT my_experience,my_crimeexp
               FROM members_extra
               WHERE playerid = " . $_SESSION['playerid'] . " ";
$lvl  = array();
$lvl  = mysql_query($q_ry);
$lv   = mysql_fetch_array($lvl);
if (($lv['my_experience'] + ($lv['my_crimeexp'] / $pl['my_level'])) > exp_level($pl['my_level'])) {
   echo "</td><td align = 'center'> [<a href='levelup.php'>upgrade</a>]
echo "
       <div class='col-md-6 col-xs-12 text-center page-header'>
           <h1 class='game-name'>
echo "
       <div class='col-md-3 col-xs-12 user-stats'>
           <div class='progress'>
           <div class='progress-bar progress-bar-success' style='width:" . $statBars['energy'] . "%'>
                <font color='black'>   " . $joh['my_energy'] . "/" . $joh['my_maxenergy'] . " </font>
           <div class='progress'>
               <div class='progress-bar' style='width:" . $statBars['happy'] . "%'>
                <font color='black'>   " . $joh['my_happy'] . "/" . $joh['my_maxhappy'] . " </font>
           <div class='progress'>
               <div class='progress-bar progress-bar-info' style='width:" . $statBars['nerve'] . "%'>
                <font color='black'><center>   " . $joh['my_nerve'] . "/" . $joh['my_maxnerve'] . " </center></font>

       <div class='row'>
           <div class='col-md-12'>

<div class="container">
   <div class="row">
       <div class="col-sm-3 col-md-3">
           <div class="panel-group" id="accordion">
               <div class="panel panel-default">
                   <div class="panel-heading">
                       <h4 class="panel-title">
                           <a data-toggle="collapseo" data-parent="#accordion" href="#collapseOne"><span class="glyphicon glyphicon-folder-close">
                   <div id="collapseOne" class="panel-collapse collapse in">
                       <div class="panel-body">
                           <table class="table">
                                       <span class="glyphicon glyphicon-home text-primary"></span><a href="index.php">Home</a>
                                       <span class="glyphicon glyphicon-pencil text-success"></span><a href="item.php">Items</a>
                                       <span class="glyphicon glyphicon-city text-info"></span><a href="city.php">City</a>
                                       <span class="glyphicon glyphicon-event text-success"></span><a href="events.php">Events (0)</a>
                                       <span class="glyphicon glyphicon-award text-success"></span><a href=awards.php">Awards (0)</a>
                                       <span class="glyphicon glyphicon-mail text-success"></span><a href="messages.php">Mailbox (0)</a>
                                       <span class="glyphicon glyphicon-mail text-success"></span><a href="crimes.php">Crimes</a>
                                       <b><span class="glyphicon glyphicon-mail text-success"></span><a href="gym.php">Gym</a></b>

               <div class="panel panel-default">
                   <div class="panel-heading">
                       <h4 class="panel-title">
                           <a data-toggle="collapse" data-parent="#accordion" href="#collapseThree"><span class="glyphicon glyphicon-user">
                   <div id="collapseThree" class="panel-collapse collapse">
                       <div class="panel-body">
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                                       <a href="preferences.php">Preferences</a>
                                       <a href="logout.php">Logout</a>

               <div class="panel panel-default">
                   <div class="panel-heading">
                       <h4 class="panel-title">
                           <a data-toggle="collapse" data-parent="#accordion" href="#collapseOne"><span class="glyphicon glyphicon-file">
                   <div id="collapseOne" class="panel-collapse collapse">
                       <div class="panel-body">
                           <table class="table">
                                       <span class="glyphicon glyphicon-bug"></span><a href="bug_report.php">Report A Bug</a>



But other than that, how am I doing with it?

Edited by -BRAIDZ-
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It's all over the place. Start here.

Thanks, I will have a look.

I'm about to commence in a diploma of Web Development, so I'll learn a bit there.

I just want to know how I can get the other pages to display right next to the side nav bar, it's fine when on a mobile, but not on a pc.

I know it's all over the place, but I am slowly learning coding.

I think I'm doing good so far

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Thanks, I will have a look.

I'm about to commence in a diploma of Web Development, so I'll learn a bit there.

I just want to know how I can get the other pages to display right next to the side nav bar, it's fine when on a mobile, but not on a pc.

I know it's all over the place, but I am slowly learning coding.

I think I'm doing good so far

It depends largely on your CSS, too.

Also, why is your menu you a table? Did you know your "awards" links to: http://www.jquery2dotnet.com? lol

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You have 3 <head> declarations and 2 </head>.

You have 2 <title> declarations.

You open a <body> tag half way through all of your content.

Before you even start echo'ing out your data (which you don't need to do here) you have 1205 lines of code. How?!

You have 15 individual stylesheets along with a load of inline CSS/Javascript...!

You have 2 favicons set.

The last section of your code you're displaying images but...display none'ing them...why?

Tables, bad code, blah blah

Seriously. http://www.w3schools.com/html

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You have 3 <head> declarations and 2 </head>.

You have 2 <title> declarations.

You open a <body> tag half way through all of your content.

Before you even start echo'ing out your data (which you don't need to do here) you have 1205 lines of code. How?!

You have 15 individual stylesheets along with a load of inline CSS/Javascript...!

You have 2 favicons set.

The last section of your code you're displaying images but...display none'ing them...why?

Tables, bad code, blah blah

Seriously. http://www.w3schools.com/html

I didn't write the code in the pastebin..

My main question is how would I get the contents of other pages to display right next to the side bar instead of bellow everything?

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Create a mobile site just, use mobile specific layout and css, then using js redirect the user to the mobile site if they using a mobile device.

Or use bootstrap properly, use the correct containers etc

Okay thanks, I just started a diploma in Web Development.

So will learn all this as I go along over the next 18 months :)

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