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Lottery Mod

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So i got bored and wanted to have a go at doing a lottery module i think it turned out all right in the end

Lets start with the SQL files


 `lotofund` int(30) NOT NULL DEFAULT '0',
 `tickets` int(30) NOT NULL DEFAULT '0'
) ENGINE=MyISAM DEFAULT CHARSET=latin1 COLLATE=latin1_general_ci;

INSERT INTO `lottery` (`lotofund`, `tickets`) VALUES (0, 0);

CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS `lottery_players` (
 `user` int(30) NOT NULL DEFAULT '0',
 `tickets` int(10) NOT NULL DEFAULT '0'
) ENGINE=MyISAM DEFAULT CHARSET=latin1 COLLATE=latin1_general_ci;

 `user` int(20) NOT NULL DEFAULT '0',
 `amountwon` int(50) NOT NULL DEFAULT '0'
) ENGINE=MyISAM DEFAULT CHARSET=latin1 COLLATE=latin1_general_ci;

CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS `lottery_config` (
 `ticketprice` int(30) NOT NULL DEFAULT '0',
 `maxtickets` int(30) NOT NULL DEFAULT '0',
 `pagedisable` enum('Yes','No') NOT NULL DEFAULT 'No'

INSERT INTO `lottery_config` (`ticketprice`, `maxtickets`, `pagedisable`) VALUES (1000, 10, 'No');

ALTER TABLE `grpgusers` ADD `tickets` INT(30) NOT NULL DEFAULT 0;


open up classes.php and add this to the user class

$this->tickets = $worked['tickets'];


You can add this to your style sheet if you have one if not add it into the header.php

.infobox {
background: #101010;
width: 200px;
height: auto;
border: 1px solid gray;
border-radius: 5px;
padding: 10px;
float: left;
text-align: center;
.otherbox {
background: #101010;
width: 400px;
height: auto;
border: 1px solid gray;
border-radius: 5px;
padding: 4px;
float: right;
text-align: center;
.buysection,.infobox {
margin-top: 5px;
.btn {
background: #585858;
width: auto;
height: auto;
border: 1px solid black;
border-radius: 3px;

.input {
background: #202020;
color: #FFFFFF;
border: 1px solid black;
padding: 1px;


Ok now time for the files.




$res = mysql_query("SELECT * FROM `lottery`");
$row = mysql_fetch_array($res);

$checkp = mysql_query("SELECT * FROM `lottery_players` WHERE `user` = ".$user_class->id);
$num = mysql_num_rows($checkp);
$checkt = mysql_fetch_array($checkp);

$config = mysql_query("SELECT * FROM `lottery_config`");
$worked = mysql_fetch_array($config);

if($worked['pagedisable'] == 'Yes') {
echo Message('Admin has disabled the Lottery Page.');

$_POST['amount'] = isset($_POST['amount']) && ctype_digit($_POST['amount']) ? abs(intval($_POST['amount'])) : null;
if(array_key_exists('buy', $_POST)) {
if(empty($_POST['amount'])) {
 echo Message("You didn't enter a valid amount");
 include(__DIR__ . '/footer.php');
$cost = $worked['ticketprice'] * $_POST['amount'];
$usercash = $user_class->money - $cost;
$tickets = $user_class->tickets + $_POST['amount'];
$loto = $row['lotofund'] + $cost;
$ltick = $row['tickets'] + $_POST['amount'];
$deficit = $worked['maxtickets'] - $user_class->tickets;
$havetick = $checkt['tickets'] + $_POST['amount'];

if($tickets > $worked['maxtickets']) {
 echo Message('The max tickets is '.number_format($worked['maxtickets']).'. This means you can only buy '.number_format($worked['maxtickets'] - $user_class->tickets).' more ticket'.($deficit == 1 ? '' : 's'));
if($_POST['amount'] > $worked['maxtickets']) {
 echo Message('You can only purchase '.number_format($worked['maxtickets']));
if($user_class->money < $worked['ticketprice']) {
 echo Message('You cant afford '.number_format($_POST['amount']).' tickets. It costs $'.number_format($worked['ticketprice'] * $_POST['amount']));
if($user_class->tickets > $worked['maxtickets']) {
 echo Message('You have already purchased max tickets which is '.number_format($worked['maxtickets']));
if($user_class->money >= $worked['ticketprice'] && $_POST['amount'] <= $worked['maxtickets']) {
 if($num) {
 	echo Message('You have purchase '.$_POST['amount'].' lottery tickets for $'.number_format($cost));
 	mysql_query("UPDATE `grpgusers` SET `money` = ".$usercash.", `tickets` = ".$tickets." WHERE `id` = ".$user_class->id);
 	mysql_query("UPDATE `lottery` SET `lotofund` = ".$loto.", `tickets` = ".$ltick);
 	mysql_query("UPDATE `lottery_players` SET `tickets` = ".$havetick." WHERE `user` = ".$user_class->id);
 else {
 	echo Message('You have purchase '.$_POST['amount'].' lottery tickets for $'.number_format($cost));
  mysql_query("UPDATE `grpgusers` SET `money` = ".$usercash.", `tickets` = ".$tickets." WHERE `id` = ".$user_class->id);
 	  mysql_query("UPDATE `lottery` SET `lotofund` = ".$loto.", `tickets` = ".$ltick);
  mysql_query("INSERT INTO `lottery_players` VALUES('$user_class->id',".$_POST['amount'].")");


<tr><td class="contenthead">Lottery</td></tr>
<tr><td class="contentcontent">
<div class="infobox">
	<span>Welcome to the lottery</span>
	<span>Each ticket costs $<?php echo number_format($worked['ticketprice']); ?></span>
	<span>Maximum of <?php echo number_format($worked['maxtickets']); ?> tickets per person</span>
<div class="otherbox">
	<span>Lottery Fund: $<?php echo number_format($row['lotofund']); ?></span>
	<span>Tickets Purchased: <?php echo number_format($row['tickets']); ?></span>
<tr><td class="contentcontent">	
<div class="buysection">
	<form method="post">
		[buy Tickets] <input type="text" name="amount" value="1" maxlength="2" />
		<input type="submit" name="buy" value="Buy Ticket" />
<tr><td class="contenthead">Previous Winners</td></tr>
<tr><td class="contentcontent">
$win = mysql_query("SELECT * FROM `lotowinners`");
$check = mysql_num_rows($win);
while($row = mysql_fetch_array($win)) {
	$user = new User($row['user']);
	if($check == 0) {
		echo "<div class='infobox'><span>There has been no previous Winners</span></div>";
	else {
		echo "
		<table class='infobox'>
				<td>".$user->formattedname." - $".number_format($row['amountwon'])."</td>
	echo "</table>";





$allowed = array(1,2);

if($user_class->id != in_array(1,$allowed)) {
echo Message('You are not allowed here.');

$res = mysql_query("SELECT * FROM `lottery_config");
$row = mysql_fetch_array($res);

if(isset($_POST['disable'])) {
if($row['pagedisable'] == 'No') {
	echo Message('You have disabled the lottery page');
	mysql_query("UPDATE `lottery_config` SET `pagedisable` = 'Yes' WHERE `pagedisable` = 'No'");
} else if($row['pagedisable'] == 'Yes') {
	echo Message('You have enabled the lottery page.');
	mysql_query("UPDATE `lottery_config` SET `pagedisable` = 'No' WHERE `pagedisable` = 'Yes'");

$_POST['price'] = isset($_POST['price']) && ctype_digit($_POST['price']) ? abs(intval($_POST['price'])) : null;
if(isset($_POST['setprice'])) {
if(empty($_POST['price'])) {
	echo Message('Invalid Price');
if(!is_numeric($_POST['price'])) {
	echo Message('Price must be a number.');
if($_POST['price'] == $row['ticketprice']) {
	echo Message('It is already set to that nothing has changed.');
if($_POST['price'] != $row['ticketprice']) {
	echo Message('You have updated the price to $'.number_format($_POST['price']));
	mysql_query("UPDATE `lottery_config` SET `ticketprice` = ".$_POST['price']);

$_POST['tickets'] = isset($_POST['tickets']) && ctype_digit($_POST['tickets']) ? abs(intval($_POST['tickets'])) : null;
if(isset($_POST['settickets'])) {
if(empty($_POST['tickets'])) {
	echo Message('Invalid Price');
if(!is_numeric($_POST['tickets'])) { 
	echo Message('Tickets must be a number.');
if($_POST['ticketprice'] == $_POST['tickets']) {
	echo Message('It is already set to this so nothing has changed.');
if($_POST['tickets'] != $row['maxtickets'])	{
	echo Message('You have updated the max tickets to '.number_format($_POST['tickets']));
	mysql_query("UPDATE `lottery_config` SET `maxtickets` = ".$_POST['tickets']);

<tr><td class="contenthead">Lottery Panel</td></tr>
<tr><td class="contentcontent">
<table width="100%" style="background: #101010" cellpadding="5">
			<span>Disable/Enable Lottery Page<span>
			<form method="post">
				if($row['pagedisable'] == 'No') { 
					echo '
					<input type="submit" name="disable" class="btn" value="Disable Page" />';
				if($row['pagedisable'] == 'Yes') { 
					echo '
					<input type="submit" name="disable" class="btn" value="Enable Page" />';
			<i>Set Ticket Price</i>
			<form method="post">
				Price: <input type="text" name="price" value="0" class="input" />
				<input type="submit" name="setprice" class="btn" value="Set Ticket Price" />
				<i>Set Max Tickets per person</i>
				<form method="post">
					Max Tickets: <input type="text" name="tickets" value="0" class="input" />
					<input type="submit" name="settickets" class="btn" value="Set Max Tickets" />





if(isset($_GET['code']) != 'Your code here') {
echo "<span style='color:red'><h2>Error</h2></span>";
else {
$res = mysql_query("SELECT * FROM `lottery_players` ORDER BY RAND() LIMIT 1");
$checkwinner = mysql_num_rows($res);
while($row = mysql_fetch_array($res)) {
if($checkwinner == 0) {

else {
	$winner = new User($row['user']);
	$check = mysql_query("SELECT * FROM `lottery`");
	$worked = mysql_fetch_array($check);
	Send_Event($winner->id, "Congrats you have won the lottery your prize is $".number_format($worked['lotofund']));
	mysql_query("UPDATE `grpgusers` SET `money` = `money` + {$worked['lotofund']} WHERE `id` = ".$winner->id);
	mysql_query("UPDATE `lottery` SET `lotofund` = '0',`tickets` = '0'");
	mysql_query("UPDATE `grpgusers` SET `tickets` = '0' WHERE `tickets` > '0'");	
	mysql_query("INSERT INTO `lotowinners` VALUES('$winner->id',".$worked['lotofund'].")");
	mysql_query("TRUNCATE TABLE `lottery_players`");


ok some screenshots


Is this for MCC? Looks pretty good :)

Sorry didn't see that it was in Generic RPG section.

Wouldn't mind finding one similar to this one for MCcodes/Ravan's

Edited by -BRAIDZ-
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There is already lotto mods for mccodes which just need converting to the new style the link for the forum post is http://makewebgames.io/showthread.php/44832-Lottery-System?highlight=lottery

Yes I have already seen that one, I don't like the idea of selecting your own numbers, way too time consuming.

And too much confusion, I'd rather a set price for just tickets, so there is one winner a week.

If you get what I mean? Sort of like the lottery on torn?

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So here is a quick conversion off the file

Add this to cron_day

$res = $db->query("SELECT * FROM `lottery_players` ORDER BY RAND() LIMIT 1");
   $checkwinner = $db->num_rows($res);
   $row = $db->fetch_row($res);
       if($checkwinner == 0) {
       echo "There is no winners yet!";
       else {

           $check = $db->query("SELECT * FROM `lottery`");
           $worked =$db->fetch_row($check);
           event_add($row['user'], "Congrats you have won the lottery your prize is $".number_format($worked['lotofund']));
           $db->query("UPDATE `users` SET `money` = `money` + ".$worked['lotofund']." WHERE `userid` = ".$row['user']."");
           $db->query("UPDATE `lottery` SET `lotofund` = '0',`tickets` = '0'");
           $db->query("UPDATE `users` SET `tickets` = '0' WHERE `tickets` > '0'");
           $db->query("INSERT INTO `lotowinners` VALUES({$row['user']},{$worked['lotofund']})");
           $db->query("TRUNCATE TABLE `lottery_players`");


This is the main lottery file lottery.php


$res = $db->query("SELECT * FROM `lottery`");
$row = $db->fetch_row($res);

$checkp = $db->query("SELECT * FROM `lottery_players` WHERE `user` = {$ir['userid']}");
$num = $db->num_rows($checkp);
$checkt = $db->fetch_row($checkp);

$config = $db->query("SELECT * FROM `lottery_config`");
$worked = $db->fetch_row($config);

if($worked['pagedisable'] == 'Yes') {
   echo 'Admin has disabled the Lottery Page.';

$_POST['amount'] = isset($_POST['amount']) && ctype_digit($_POST['amount']) ? abs(intval($_POST['amount'])) : null;
if($_POST['buy']) {
   if(empty($_POST['amount'])) {
       echo "You didn't enter a valid amount";
   $cost = $worked['ticketprice'] * $_POST['amount'];
   $usercash = $ir['money'] - $cost;
   $tickets = $ir['tickets'] + $_POST['amount'];
   $loto = $row['lotofund'] + $cost;
   $ltick = $row['tickets'] + $_POST['amount'];
   $deficit = $worked['maxtickets'] - $ir['tickets'];
   $havetick = $checkt['tickets'] + $_POST['amount'];

   if($tickets > $worked['maxtickets']) {
       echo "The max tickets is ".number_format($worked['maxtickets'])." This means you can only buy ".number_format($worked['maxtickets'] - $ir['tickets'])." more ticket";($deficit == 1 ? '' : 's');
   if($_POST['amount'] > $worked['maxtickets']) {
       echo 'You can only purchase '.number_format($worked['maxtickets']);
   if($ir['money'] < $worked['ticketprice']) {
       echo 'You cant afford '.number_format($_POST['amount']).' tickets. It costs $'.number_format($worked['ticketprice'] * $_POST['amount']);
   if($ir['tickets'] > $worked['maxtickets']) {
       echo  'You have already purchased max tickets which is '.number_format($worked['maxtickets']);
   if($ir['money'] >= $worked['ticketprice'] && $_POST['amount'] <= $worked['maxtickets']) {
       if($num) {
           echo  "You have purchase {$_POST['amount']} lottery tickets for ${number_format($cost)}";
           $db->query("UPDATE `users` SET `money` = {$usercash}, `tickets` = {$tickets} WHERE `userid` = ".$userid."");
           $db->query("UPDATE `lottery` SET `lotofund` = {$loto}, `tickets` = {$ltick}");
           $db->query("UPDATE `lottery_players` SET `tickets` = {$havetick} WHERE `user` = {$ir['userid']}");
       else {
           echo  "You have purchase {$_POST['amount']} lottery tickets for ${number_format($cost)}";
           $db->query("UPDATE `users` SET `money` = {$usercash}, `tickets` = {$tickets} WHERE `userid` ={$ir['userid']}");
           $db->query("UPDATE `lottery` SET `lotofund` = {$loto}, `tickets` = {$ltick}");
           $db->query("INSERT INTO `lottery_players` VALUES('{$ir['userid']}',{$_POST['amount']})");

<table class="table">
   <tr><td class="contenthead">Lottery</td></tr>
   <tr><td class="contentcontent">
           <div class="infobox">
               <span>Welcome to the lottery</span>
               <span>Each ticket costs $<?php echo number_format($worked['ticketprice']); ?></span>
               <span>Maximum of <?php echo number_format($worked['maxtickets']); ?> tickets per person</span>
           <div class="otherbox">
               <span>Lottery Fund: $<?php echo number_format($row['lotofund']); ?></span>
               <span>Tickets Purchased: <?php echo number_format($row['tickets']); ?></span>
   <tr><td class="contentcontent">
           <div class="buysection">
               <form method="post">
                   [buy Tickets] <input class="lotoinput" type="text" name="amount" value="1" maxlength="2" />
                   <input type="submit" name="buy" value="Buy Ticket" />
   <tr><td class="contenthead">Previous Winners</td></tr>
   <tr><td class="contentcontent">
           $win = $db->query("SELECT * FROM `lotowinners`");
           $check = $db->num_rows($win);
           while($row = $db->fetch_row($win)) {
               if($check == 0) {
                   echo "<div class='infobox'><span>There has been no previous Winners</span></div>";
               else {
                   echo "
           <table class='infobox'>
                   <td>".$row['username']." - $".number_format($row['amountwon'])."</td>
               echo "</table>";


Lottery cofig file lottery_config.php



if($ir['user_level'] != 2) {
exit("You do not have permission to view this page!");

echo '<h2>Lottery Control Panel</h2>';

echo '<form method="post">';
echo '<h3>Lottery Days</h3>';
echo 'Select how often (days) you want the lottery draw to take place. NOTE: You will need to update the cron job.';
echo "<b>The current setting is: {$set['lottery_days']} days.</b>";
echo '<select name="days"><option value="1">1</option><option value="2">2</option><option value="3">3</option><option value="4">4</option><option value="5">5</option><option value="6">6</option><option value="7">7</option></select>';

echo '<h3>Lottery Numbers</h3>';
echo 'Select the amount of numbers you want users to be able to choose from.';
echo "<b>The current setting is: {$set['lottery_numbers']} numbers.</b>";
echo "<input type='text' name='numbers' size='2' maxlength='2' value='{$set['lottery_numbers']}' />";

echo '<h3>Ticket Cost</h3>';
echo 'Select the cost per lottery ticket.';
echo "<b>The current setting is: \${$set['lottery_ticketcost']}.</b>";
echo "$<input type='text' name='cost' value='{$set['lottery_ticketcost']}' />";

echo '<input type="submit" name="update" value="Update" />';
echo '</form>';

if(isset($_POST['update'])) {

$days = abs(intval($_POST['days']));
$numbers = abs(intval($_POST['numbers']));
$cost = abs(intval($_POST['cost']));

if ($days > 7) {
echo 'The days must be 7 or less!';
} else {
if ($numbers < 6 || $numbers > 99) {
echo 'The numbers must be greater than 5 and less than 100!';
} else {
$db->query("UPDATE settings SET conf_value=$days WHERE conf_name='lottery_days'");
$db->query("UPDATE settings SET conf_value=$numbers WHERE conf_name='lottery_numbers'");
$db->query("UPDATE settings SET conf_value=$cost WHERE conf_name='lottery_ticketcost'");
echo 'Successfully updated!';



May be errors in place but it works! lol

- - - Updated - - -

SQL FILE http://pastebin.com/BrFVEifr

Due to forum screwing sql up its in the pastebin link above

Edited by adamhull
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So here is a quick conversion off the file

Add this to cron_day

$res = $db->query("SELECT * FROM `lottery_players` ORDER BY RAND() LIMIT 1");
   $checkwinner = $db->num_rows($res);
   $row = $db->fetch_row($res);
       if($checkwinner == 0) {
       echo "There is no winners yet!";
       else {

           $check = $db->query("SELECT * FROM `lottery`");
           $worked =$db->fetch_row($check);
           event_add($row['user'], "Congrats you have won the lottery your prize is $".number_format($worked['lotofund']));
           $db->query("UPDATE `users` SET `money` = `money` + ".$worked['lotofund']." WHERE `userid` = ".$row['user']."");
           $db->query("UPDATE `lottery` SET `lotofund` = '0',`tickets` = '0'");
           $db->query("UPDATE `users` SET `tickets` = '0' WHERE `tickets` > '0'");
           $db->query("INSERT INTO `lotowinners` VALUES({$row['user']},{$worked['lotofund']})");
           $db->query("TRUNCATE TABLE `lottery_players`");


This is the main lottery file lottery.php


$res = $db->query("SELECT * FROM `lottery`");
$row = $db->fetch_row($res);

$checkp = $db->query("SELECT * FROM `lottery_players` WHERE `user` = {$ir['userid']}");
$num = $db->num_rows($checkp);
$checkt = $db->fetch_row($checkp);

$config = $db->query("SELECT * FROM `lottery_config`");
$worked = $db->fetch_row($config);

if($worked['pagedisable'] == 'Yes') {
   echo 'Admin has disabled the Lottery Page.';

$_POST['amount'] = isset($_POST['amount']) && ctype_digit($_POST['amount']) ? abs(intval($_POST['amount'])) : null;
if($_POST['buy']) {
   if(empty($_POST['amount'])) {
       echo "You didn't enter a valid amount";
   $cost = $worked['ticketprice'] * $_POST['amount'];
   $usercash = $ir['money'] - $cost;
   $tickets = $ir['tickets'] + $_POST['amount'];
   $loto = $row['lotofund'] + $cost;
   $ltick = $row['tickets'] + $_POST['amount'];
   $deficit = $worked['maxtickets'] - $ir['tickets'];
   $havetick = $checkt['tickets'] + $_POST['amount'];

   if($tickets > $worked['maxtickets']) {
       echo "The max tickets is ".number_format($worked['maxtickets'])." This means you can only buy ".number_format($worked['maxtickets'] - $ir['tickets'])." more ticket";($deficit == 1 ? '' : 's');
   if($_POST['amount'] > $worked['maxtickets']) {
       echo 'You can only purchase '.number_format($worked['maxtickets']);
   if($ir['money'] < $worked['ticketprice']) {
       echo 'You cant afford '.number_format($_POST['amount']).' tickets. It costs $'.number_format($worked['ticketprice'] * $_POST['amount']);
   if($ir['tickets'] > $worked['maxtickets']) {
       echo  'You have already purchased max tickets which is '.number_format($worked['maxtickets']);
   if($ir['money'] >= $worked['ticketprice'] && $_POST['amount'] <= $worked['maxtickets']) {
       if($num) {
           echo  "You have purchase {$_POST['amount']} lottery tickets for ${number_format($cost)}";
           $db->query("UPDATE `users` SET `money` = {$usercash}, `tickets` = {$tickets} WHERE `userid` = ".$userid."");
           $db->query("UPDATE `lottery` SET `lotofund` = {$loto}, `tickets` = {$ltick}");
           $db->query("UPDATE `lottery_players` SET `tickets` = {$havetick} WHERE `user` = {$ir['userid']}");
       else {
           echo  "You have purchase {$_POST['amount']} lottery tickets for ${number_format($cost)}";
           $db->query("UPDATE `users` SET `money` = {$usercash}, `tickets` = {$tickets} WHERE `userid` ={$ir['userid']}");
           $db->query("UPDATE `lottery` SET `lotofund` = {$loto}, `tickets` = {$ltick}");
           $db->query("INSERT INTO `lottery_players` VALUES('{$ir['userid']}',{$_POST['amount']})");

<table class="table">
   <tr><td class="contenthead">Lottery</td></tr>
   <tr><td class="contentcontent">
           <div class="infobox">
               <span>Welcome to the lottery</span>
               <span>Each ticket costs $<?php echo number_format($worked['ticketprice']); ?></span>
               <span>Maximum of <?php echo number_format($worked['maxtickets']); ?> tickets per person</span>
           <div class="otherbox">
               <span>Lottery Fund: $<?php echo number_format($row['lotofund']); ?></span>
               <span>Tickets Purchased: <?php echo number_format($row['tickets']); ?></span>
   <tr><td class="contentcontent">
           <div class="buysection">
               <form method="post">
                   [buy Tickets] <input class="lotoinput" type="text" name="amount" value="1" maxlength="2" />
                   <input type="submit" name="buy" value="Buy Ticket" />
   <tr><td class="contenthead">Previous Winners</td></tr>
   <tr><td class="contentcontent">
           $win = $db->query("SELECT * FROM `lotowinners`");
           $check = $db->num_rows($win);
           while($row = $db->fetch_row($win)) {
               if($check == 0) {
                   echo "<div class='infobox'><span>There has been no previous Winners</span></div>";
               else {
                   echo "
           <table class='infobox'>
                   <td>".$row['username']." - $".number_format($row['amountwon'])."</td>
               echo "</table>";


Lottery cofig file lottery_config.php



if($ir['user_level'] != 2) {
exit("You do not have permission to view this page!");

echo '<h2>Lottery Control Panel</h2>';

echo '<form method="post">';
echo '<h3>Lottery Days</h3>';
echo 'Select how often (days) you want the lottery draw to take place. NOTE: You will need to update the cron job.';
echo "<b>The current setting is: {$set['lottery_days']} days.</b>";
echo '<select name="days"><option value="1">1</option><option value="2">2</option><option value="3">3</option><option value="4">4</option><option value="5">5</option><option value="6">6</option><option value="7">7</option></select>';

echo '<h3>Lottery Numbers</h3>';
echo 'Select the amount of numbers you want users to be able to choose from.';
echo "<b>The current setting is: {$set['lottery_numbers']} numbers.</b>";
echo "<input type='text' name='numbers' size='2' maxlength='2' value='{$set['lottery_numbers']}' />";

echo '<h3>Ticket Cost</h3>';
echo 'Select the cost per lottery ticket.';
echo "<b>The current setting is: \${$set['lottery_ticketcost']}.</b>";
echo "$<input type='text' name='cost' value='{$set['lottery_ticketcost']}' />";

echo '<input type="submit" name="update" value="Update" />';
echo '</form>';

if(isset($_POST['update'])) {

$days = abs(intval($_POST['days']));
$numbers = abs(intval($_POST['numbers']));
$cost = abs(intval($_POST['cost']));

if ($days > 7) {
echo 'The days must be 7 or less!';
} else {
if ($numbers < 6 || $numbers > 99) {
echo 'The numbers must be greater than 5 and less than 100!';
} else {
$db->query("UPDATE settings SET conf_value=$days WHERE conf_name='lottery_days'");
$db->query("UPDATE settings SET conf_value=$numbers WHERE conf_name='lottery_numbers'");
$db->query("UPDATE settings SET conf_value=$cost WHERE conf_name='lottery_ticketcost'");
echo 'Successfully updated!';



May be errors in place but it works! lol

- - - Updated - - -

SQL FILE http://pastebin.com/BrFVEifr

Due to forum screwing sql up its in the pastebin link above


if($worked['pagedisable'] == 'Yes') {
   echo 'Admin has disabled the Lottery Page.';


should be


if($worked['pagedisable'] == 'Yes') {
   echo 'Admin has disabled the Lottery Page.';


but other than that looks alright from a quick scan :P

Edit: edit alot of echos :D i think i'm going to re code this hehe

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if($worked['pagedisable'] == 'Yes') {
   echo 'Admin has disabled the Lottery Page.';


should be


if($worked['pagedisable'] == 'Yes') {
   echo 'Admin has disabled the Lottery Page.';


but other than that looks alright from a quick scan :P

Edit: edit alot of echos :D i think i'm going to re code this hehe

yeh was just a straight conversion the php and html needs to be separated and the how often in the control panel needs removing

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So here is a quick conversion off the file

Add this to cron_day

$res = $db->query("SELECT * FROM `lottery_players` ORDER BY RAND() LIMIT 1");
   $checkwinner = $db->num_rows($res);
   $row = $db->fetch_row($res);
       if($checkwinner == 0) {
       echo "There is no winners yet!";
       else {

           $check = $db->query("SELECT * FROM `lottery`");
           $worked =$db->fetch_row($check);
           event_add($row['user'], "Congrats you have won the lottery your prize is $".number_format($worked['lotofund']));
           $db->query("UPDATE `users` SET `money` = `money` + ".$worked['lotofund']." WHERE `userid` = ".$row['user']."");
           $db->query("UPDATE `lottery` SET `lotofund` = '0',`tickets` = '0'");
           $db->query("UPDATE `users` SET `tickets` = '0' WHERE `tickets` > '0'");
           $db->query("INSERT INTO `lotowinners` VALUES({$row['user']},{$worked['lotofund']})");
           $db->query("TRUNCATE TABLE `lottery_players`");


This is the main lottery file lottery.php


$res = $db->query("SELECT * FROM `lottery`");
$row = $db->fetch_row($res);

$checkp = $db->query("SELECT * FROM `lottery_players` WHERE `user` = {$ir['userid']}");
$num = $db->num_rows($checkp);
$checkt = $db->fetch_row($checkp);

$config = $db->query("SELECT * FROM `lottery_config`");
$worked = $db->fetch_row($config);

if($worked['pagedisable'] == 'Yes') {
   echo 'Admin has disabled the Lottery Page.';

$_POST['amount'] = isset($_POST['amount']) && ctype_digit($_POST['amount']) ? abs(intval($_POST['amount'])) : null;
if($_POST['buy']) {
   if(empty($_POST['amount'])) {
       echo "You didn't enter a valid amount";
   $cost = $worked['ticketprice'] * $_POST['amount'];
   $usercash = $ir['money'] - $cost;
   $tickets = $ir['tickets'] + $_POST['amount'];
   $loto = $row['lotofund'] + $cost;
   $ltick = $row['tickets'] + $_POST['amount'];
   $deficit = $worked['maxtickets'] - $ir['tickets'];
   $havetick = $checkt['tickets'] + $_POST['amount'];

   if($tickets > $worked['maxtickets']) {
       echo "The max tickets is ".number_format($worked['maxtickets'])." This means you can only buy ".number_format($worked['maxtickets'] - $ir['tickets'])." more ticket";($deficit == 1 ? '' : 's');
   if($_POST['amount'] > $worked['maxtickets']) {
       echo 'You can only purchase '.number_format($worked['maxtickets']);
   if($ir['money'] < $worked['ticketprice']) {
       echo 'You cant afford '.number_format($_POST['amount']).' tickets. It costs $'.number_format($worked['ticketprice'] * $_POST['amount']);
   if($ir['tickets'] > $worked['maxtickets']) {
       echo  'You have already purchased max tickets which is '.number_format($worked['maxtickets']);
   if($ir['money'] >= $worked['ticketprice'] && $_POST['amount'] <= $worked['maxtickets']) {
       if($num) {
           echo  "You have purchase {$_POST['amount']} lottery tickets for ${number_format($cost)}";
           $db->query("UPDATE `users` SET `money` = {$usercash}, `tickets` = {$tickets} WHERE `userid` = ".$userid."");
           $db->query("UPDATE `lottery` SET `lotofund` = {$loto}, `tickets` = {$ltick}");
           $db->query("UPDATE `lottery_players` SET `tickets` = {$havetick} WHERE `user` = {$ir['userid']}");
       else {
           echo  "You have purchase {$_POST['amount']} lottery tickets for ${number_format($cost)}";
           $db->query("UPDATE `users` SET `money` = {$usercash}, `tickets` = {$tickets} WHERE `userid` ={$ir['userid']}");
           $db->query("UPDATE `lottery` SET `lotofund` = {$loto}, `tickets` = {$ltick}");
           $db->query("INSERT INTO `lottery_players` VALUES('{$ir['userid']}',{$_POST['amount']})");

<table class="table">
   <tr><td class="contenthead">Lottery</td></tr>
   <tr><td class="contentcontent">
           <div class="infobox">
               <span>Welcome to the lottery</span>
               <span>Each ticket costs $<?php echo number_format($worked['ticketprice']); ?></span>
               <span>Maximum of <?php echo number_format($worked['maxtickets']); ?> tickets per person</span>
           <div class="otherbox">
               <span>Lottery Fund: $<?php echo number_format($row['lotofund']); ?></span>
               <span>Tickets Purchased: <?php echo number_format($row['tickets']); ?></span>
   <tr><td class="contentcontent">
           <div class="buysection">
               <form method="post">
                   [buy Tickets] <input class="lotoinput" type="text" name="amount" value="1" maxlength="2" />
                   <input type="submit" name="buy" value="Buy Ticket" />
   <tr><td class="contenthead">Previous Winners</td></tr>
   <tr><td class="contentcontent">
           $win = $db->query("SELECT * FROM `lotowinners`");
           $check = $db->num_rows($win);
           while($row = $db->fetch_row($win)) {
               if($check == 0) {
                   echo "<div class='infobox'><span>There has been no previous Winners</span></div>";
               else {
                   echo "
           <table class='infobox'>
                   <td>".$row['username']." - $".number_format($row['amountwon'])."</td>
               echo "</table>";


Lottery cofig file lottery_config.php



if($ir['user_level'] != 2) {
exit("You do not have permission to view this page!");

echo '<h2>Lottery Control Panel</h2>';

echo '<form method="post">';
echo '<h3>Lottery Days</h3>';
echo 'Select how often (days) you want the lottery draw to take place. NOTE: You will need to update the cron job.';
echo "<b>The current setting is: {$set['lottery_days']} days.</b>";
echo '<select name="days"><option value="1">1</option><option value="2">2</option><option value="3">3</option><option value="4">4</option><option value="5">5</option><option value="6">6</option><option value="7">7</option></select>';

echo '<h3>Lottery Numbers</h3>';
echo 'Select the amount of numbers you want users to be able to choose from.';
echo "<b>The current setting is: {$set['lottery_numbers']} numbers.</b>";
echo "<input type='text' name='numbers' size='2' maxlength='2' value='{$set['lottery_numbers']}' />";

echo '<h3>Ticket Cost</h3>';
echo 'Select the cost per lottery ticket.';
echo "<b>The current setting is: \${$set['lottery_ticketcost']}.</b>";
echo "$<input type='text' name='cost' value='{$set['lottery_ticketcost']}' />";

echo '<input type="submit" name="update" value="Update" />';
echo '</form>';

if(isset($_POST['update'])) {

$days = abs(intval($_POST['days']));
$numbers = abs(intval($_POST['numbers']));
$cost = abs(intval($_POST['cost']));

if ($days > 7) {
echo 'The days must be 7 or less!';
} else {
if ($numbers < 6 || $numbers > 99) {
echo 'The numbers must be greater than 5 and less than 100!';
} else {
$db->query("UPDATE settings SET conf_value=$days WHERE conf_name='lottery_days'");
$db->query("UPDATE settings SET conf_value=$numbers WHERE conf_name='lottery_numbers'");
$db->query("UPDATE settings SET conf_value=$cost WHERE conf_name='lottery_ticketcost'");
echo 'Successfully updated!';



May be errors in place but it works! lol

- - - Updated - - -

SQL FILE http://pastebin.com/BrFVEifr

Due to forum screwing sql up its in the pastebin link above

Is returning Blank page for me.

I tried converting it myself, without the brackets

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Can't wait for it to be finished.

If you need any help with it let me know (not that good, but know the basics)

got it pretty much covered :) but thanks

Main Lottery page - 100%

Buy function - 100%

Option to set max tickets and price per ticket - 0%

Edit & test cron - 0%

Previous Winners - 0%

Then ill be able to release it i have made some changes to the module

* Instead of using the insert / update tickets i have made a simple for statement and made it insert the amount of rows of the max tickets they purchase the more tickets the user buys the more of a chance he has of being selected.

* Changed the database structure a little

* Cleaned up some code and made it look more like a mccodes module

* Optimized the code to only pull the required info

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got it pretty much covered :) but thanks

Main Lottery page - 100%

Buy function - 100%

Option to set max tickets and price per ticket - 0%

Edit & test cron - 0%

Previous Winners - 0%

Then ill be able to release it i have made some changes to the module

* Instead of using the insert / update tickets i have made a simple for statement and made it insert the amount of rows of the max tickets they purchase the more tickets the user buys the more of a chance he has of being selected.

* Changed the database structure a little

* Cleaned up some code and made it look more like a mccodes module

* Optimized the code to only pull the required info

How much longer till it is released do you reckon?

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