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Help with getting my Cron to work?


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This is a Cron I have for my lottery, and it returns a blank page, and does add an even and the lottery pot stays the same, any help would be great thanks!

Where am I screwing up?


include ("./config.php");
global $_CONFIG;
if($_GET['code'] != $_CONFIG['code']) { die(""); }
define("MONO_ON", 1);
require "class/class_db_{$_CONFIG['driver']}.php";
$db=new database;

$lotteryDetails = mysql_query("SELECT * FROM lotteryDetails");
$ld = mysql_fetch_assoc($lotteryDetails);

$winNumbers = array();
for($i = 0; $i < 6; $i++) {
   $num = mt_rand(1,46);
   if(empty($winNumbers)) {
       array_push($winNumbers, $num);
   else {
       while(in_array($num, $winNumbers)) {
           $num = mt_rand(1,46);
       array_push($winNumbers, $num);
$wn = implode(",", $winNumbers);

$getTickets = mysql_query("SELECT * FROM lotterytickets");
$jackpot = (mysql_num_rows($getTickets) * $ld['lotprice']) + $ld['lotjackpot'];
$zero = 0; $one = 0; $two = 0; $three = 0;
$four = 0; $five = 0; $six = 0;
$users = array();
while($gt = mysql_fetch_assoc($getTickets)) {
   $yourNumbers = explode(",", $gt['numbers']);
   $uID = abs(@intval($gt['userid']));

   if(empty($users)) {
       array_push($users, $uID);
   else {
       if(!in_array($uID, $users)) {
           array_push($users, $uID);

   $correct = 0;
   foreach($yourNumbers as $yn) {
       if(in_array($yn, $winNumbers)) {

   if($correct == 0) { $zero++; }
   if($correct == 1) { $one++; }
   if($correct == 2) { $two++; }
   if($correct == 3) { $three++; }
   if($correct == 4) { $four++; }
   if($correct == 5) { $five++; }
   if($correct == 6) { $six++; }

   $updateTicket = ("UPDATE lotterytickets SET correct = ". abs(@intval($correct)) ." WHERE id = ". abs(@intval($gt['id'])) ."");
   mysql_query($updateTicket) OR die("Could not update ticket ID ". $gt['id'] .": ". mysql_error());

$potWin = array();
$countUsers = count($users);
if(!empty($users)) {
   for($ui = 0; $ui < $countUsers; $ui++) {
       $selectCorrect = mysql_query("SELECT correct, id, userid, numbers FROM lotterytickets WHERE userid = ". abs(@intval($users[$ui])) ."");
       $event = "<b><u>The winning numbers are: ". $wn .".</u></b>";
       $event .= "
The results from your ". abs(@intval(mysql_num_rows($selectCorrect))) ." lottery tickets:";
       $nowin = array(0,1,2);
       $total = 0;
       while($sc = mysql_fetch_assoc($selectCorrect)) {
           $event .= "
<b>Ticket numbers: ". mysql_real_escape_string($sc['numbers']) ."</b>";
           if(in_array($sc['correct'], $nowin)) {
               $event .= "<i> -- ". $sc['correct'] ." matching number(s) (no winnings)</i>";
           else {
               if($sc['correct'] == 3) { $winnings = ($ld['lotprice'] + (floor($ld['lotprice'] * 0.5))); }
               if($sc['correct'] == 4) { $winnings = ($ld['lotprice'] + (floor($ld['lotprice'] * 0.8))); }
               if($sc['correct'] == 5) { $winnings = ($ld['lotprice'] + (floor($ld['lotprice'] * 1.4))); }
               if($sc['correct'] == 6) { $winnings = ($ld['lotprice'] + (floor($jackpot/$six))); array_push($potWin, $users[$ui]); }
               $event .= "<i> -- ". $sc['correct'] ." matching numbers (Won \$". number_format($winnings) .")</i>";
               $total += $winnings;
       $event .= "
You won a total of \$". number_format($total) .".<hr />";
       $subevent = mysql_real_escape_string(trim($event));
       event_add($users[$ui], $subevent);
       $giveWinnings = ("UPDATE users SET money = money + ". abs(@intval($total)) ." WHERE userid = ". abs(@intval($users[$ui])) ."");
       mysql_query($giveWinnings) OR die("Could not give userid ". $ui ." money: ". mysql_error());
   if(!empty($potWin)) { $winners = implode(",", $potWin); }
   elseif(empty($potWin)) { $winners = "NA"; }
   $insertDone = ("INSERT INTO lotterydone (ldID, ldNUMBERS, ldZERO, ldONE, ldTWO, ldTHREE, ldFOUR, ldFIVE, ldSIX, ldPOT, ldPOTWIN, ldTIME) VALUES('','". $wn ."', ". $zero .", ". $one .", ". $two .", ". $three .", ". $four .", ". $five .", ". $six .", ". $jackpot .", '". $winners ."', UNIX_TIMESTAMP())");
   mysql_query($insertDone) OR die("Could not insert into lottery done: ". mysql_error());

   if($six == 0) {
       $jp = $jackpot;
   elseif($six > 0) {
       $jp = 0;
   $updateJackpot = ("UPDATE lotteryDetails SET lotjackpot = ". abs(@intval($jp)) ."");
   mysql_query($updateJackpot) OR die("Could not update jackpot: ". mysql_error());
else {
   event_add(1, "No lottery this week. <img src="images/smilies/frown.png" border="0" alt="" title="Frown" class="inlineimg" />");

$truncate = ("TRUNCATE TABLE lotterytickets");
mysql_query($truncate) OR die("Could not truncate: ". mysql_error());


- - - Updated - - -

Here is the lottery mod

include_once(DIRNAME(__FILE__) ."/globals.php");
<script language = "javascript" type = "text/javascript">
   var ticked = new Array();
   function tickBox(val) {
       var theid = "id" + val;
       if(document.getElementById(theid).checked == true) {
       else if(document.getElementById(theid).checked == false) {
           for(var sp = 0; sp < ticked.length; sp++) {
               if(ticked[sp] == theid) {
       if(ticked.length >= 6) {
           for(var count = 1; count < 47; count++) {
               var countID = "id" + count;
               if(document.getElementById(countID).checked == false) {
                   document.getElementById(countID).disabled = true;
               document.getElementById("submit").disabled = false;
       else if(ticked.length < 6) {
           for(var count = 1; count < 47; count++) {
               var countID = "id" + count;
               document.getElementById(countID).disabled = false;
           document.getElementById("submit").disabled = true;
   function formReset() {
       for(var n = 1; n < 47; n++) {
           var id = "id" + n;
           document.getElementById(id).checked = false;
           document.getElementById(id).disabled = false;
       document.getElementById("dip").disabled = false;
       document.getElementById("submit").disabled = true;
       document.getElementById("luckysub").checked = false;
       document.getElementById("hiddenNums").value = "";
   function luckyDip() {
       var luckyarr = new Array();
       for(var d = 1; d < 47; d++) {
           var did = "id" + d;
           document.getElementById(did).checked = false;
           document.getElementById(did).disabled = true;
       for(var c = 1; c < 7; c++) {
           var box = Math.floor((46)*Math.random()) + 1;
           var boxid = "id" + box;
           if(document.getElementById(boxid).checked == false) {
               document.getElementById(boxid).checked = true;
           else {
               box = Math.floor((46)*Math.random()) + 1;
               boxid = "id" + box;
               while(document.getElementById(boxid).checked == true) {
                   box = Math.floor((46)*Math.random()) + 1;
                   boxid = "id" + box;
               document.getElementById(boxid).checked = true;
       document.getElementById("dip").disabled = true;
       document.getElementById("luckysub").checked = true;
       document.getElementById("submit").disabled = false;
       document.getElementById("hiddenNums").value = luckyarr;
<style type = "text/css">
.lotnum {
   width: 100%;
   text-align: center;
   font-size: 10px;
.luckdip {
   background-color: #E66C2C;
   color: #000000;
.odd {
   background-color: #306EFF;
.even {
   background-color: #4AA02C;
#bought {
   font-size: 20px;
   font-weight: bold;
   font-variant: small-caps;
$lotteryDetails = mysql_query("SELECT * FROM lotteryDetails");
$lD = mysql_fetch_object($lotteryDetails);
define('TICKETCOST', $lD->lotprice=10000);
define('LIMIT', $lD->lotlimit=50000);

if(!$_POST['submit']) {
   $all = mysql_query("SELECT id FROM lotterytickets");
   $numall = mysql_num_rows($all);
   $jackpot = ($numall * TICKETCOST) + $lD->lotjackpot;
   $yourTicks = mysql_query("SELECT id FROM lotterytickets WHERE userid = ". abs(@intval($ir['userid'])) ."");
   $numYourTicks = mysql_num_rows($yourTicks);
   print "<div align = 'center'>";
       print "<div class='generalinfo_txt'>
<div><img src='images/info_left.jpg' alt='' /></div>
<div class='info_mid'><h2 style='padding-top:10px;'> Lottery </h2></div>
<div><img src='images/info_right.jpg' alt='' /></div> </div>
<div class='generalinfo_simple'><br> <br><br>

It will cost you \$". number_format(TICKETCOST) ." to buy one lottery ticket, and you can only have ". number_format(LIMIT) ." tickets at any one time.</p>";
       $grammar = ($numYourTicks != 1) ? "tickets" : "ticket";
       print "You currently have ". number_format($numYourTicks) ." ". $grammar .".</p>";
       print "

The current jackpot is at \$". number_format($jackpot) .".</p>";
       print "

Select 6 numbers from below or click on Lucky Dip to have them randomly chosen for you!</p>";
       print "<form action = 'lottery.php' method = 'POST' name = 'boxes'>";
       print "<table class = 'lotnum'>";
       $rows = 0;
       $value = 1;
       while($rows <= 10) {
           print "<tr>";
           $cols = 0;
           while($cols <= 4) {
               $colclass = $cols+1;
               $class = ($value % 2 == 0) ? "even" : "odd";
               if($value <= 46) {
                   $id = "id".$value;
                   print "<td class = '". $class ."'>". $value ."  <input type = 'checkbox' name = 'numbers[]' id = '". $id ."' value = '". $value ."' onClick = \"tickBox(this.value);\" /></td>";
               else { $cols++; }
           print "</tr>";
       print "
           <td><input type = 'button' name = 'lucky' id = 'dip' value = 'Lucky Dip' onClick = \"luckyDip();\" /></td>
           <td><input type = 'button' name = 'resetForm' id = 'resetForm' value = 'Reset' onClick = \"formReset();\" /></td>
           <td colspan = '2'><input type = 'submit' name = 'submit' id = 'submit' value = 'Buy Ticket' disabled = 'disabled' /></td>
           <td class = 'luckdip'>Lucky Dip<input type = 'checkbox' name = 'luckysub' value = 'lucky' id = 'luckysub' disabled = 'disabled' /></td>
       print "</table>
       <input type = 'hidden' id = 'hiddenNums' name = 'hiddenNums' value = '' />
   print "</div>";
else {
   $tickets = mysql_query("SELECT userid FROM lotterytickets WHERE userid = ". abs(@intval($ir['userid'])) ."");
   if($_POST['hiddenNums'] == '') {
       $countNums = count($_POST['numbers']);
       $numbers = $_POST['numbers'];
       $lucky = "";
       $dip = 0;
   elseif($_POST['hiddenNums'] != '') {
       $explode = explode(",",$_POST['hiddenNums']);
       $countNums = count($explode);
       $numbers = $explode;
       $lucky = "Lucky Dip";
       $dip = 1;

   if($countNums != 6 || empty($numbers)) {
       print "

You either didn't select any numbers or you didn't select 6 numbers.</p>

<a href = 'lottery.php'>Back</a></p>";
   elseif($ir['money'] < TICKETCOST) {
       print "

You need to have \$". number_format(TICKETCOST) ." to buy a lottery ticket.</p>

<a href = 'lottery.php'>Back</a></p>";
   elseif(mysql_num_rows($tickets) >= LIMIT) {
       print "

You can only have ". number_format(LIMIT) ." lottery tickets at once.</p>

<a href = 'lottery.php'>Back</a></p>";
   else {
       $punct = 0;
       $store = "";
       print "<p id = 'bought'>Ticket bought!</p>";
       print "

Your ". $lucky ." numbers are: ";
       for($i = 0; $i < $countNums; $i++) {
           $n = abs(@intval($numbers[$i]));
           if($punct == 5) { $ender = "."; $store .= $n; }
           else { $ender = ", "; $store .= $n .","; }
           print $n . $ender;
       print "</p>";
       print "

<a href = 'lottery.php'>Back</a></p>";

       $insertTicket = ("INSERT INTO lotterytickets (id, userid, numbers, bought, luckydip) VALUES('',". abs(@intval($ir['userid'])) .", '". mysql_real_escape_string($store) ."', UNIX_TIMESTAMP(), ". abs(@intval($dip)) .")");
       mysql_query($insertTicket) OR die("Could not insert ticket: ". mysql_error());

       $takeMoney = ("UPDATE users SET money = money - ". abs(@intval(TICKETCOST)) ." WHERE userid = ". abs(@intval($ir['userid'])) ."");
       mysql_query($takeMoney) OR die("Could not take money: ". mysql_error());

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It's supposed to return blank, nothing is being printed to the user.

Also, make sure your cron is setup to use the correct path (and code). Normally something like:

* * * * 0 curl yoursite.tld/path/to/lottery_cron.php?code=THE_CODE_FROM_YOUR_CONFIG.PHP_FILE

Note: it could do with converting to v2

I'll do the cron file for you. You may wish to use this topic to help you if you're not sure on how to do it


include "./config.php";
global $_CONFIG;
if($_GET['code'] != $_CONFIG['code']) {
define("MONO_ON", 1);
require "class/class_db_{$_CONFIG['driver']}.php";
$db = new database;
$db->configure($_CONFIG['hostname'], $_CONFIG['username'], $_CONFIG['password'], $_CONFIG['database'], $_CONFIG['persistent']);
$c = $db->connection_id;
include "./global_func.php";
$lotteryDetails = $db->query("SELECT * FROM lotteryDetails");
$ld             = $db->fetch_row($lotteryDetails);
$winNumbers     = array();
for($i = 0; $i < 6; $i++) {
$num = mt_rand(1, 46);
	array_push($winNumbers, $num);
else {
	while(in_array($num, $winNumbers))
		$num = mt_rand(1, 46);
	array_push($winNumbers, $num);
$wn         = implode(",", $winNumbers);
$getTickets = $db->query("SELECT * FROM lotterytickets");
$jackpot    = $db->num_rows($getTickets) * $ld['lotprice'] + $ld['lotjackpot'];
$zero       = 0;
$one        = 0;
$two        = 0;
$three      = 0;
$four       = 0;
$five       = 0;
$six        = 0;
$users      = array();
while($gt = $db->fetch_row($getTickets)) {
$yourNumbers = explode(",", $gt['numbers']);
	array_push($users, $gt['userid']);
else {
	if(!in_array($gt['userid'], $users))
		array_push($users, $gt['userid']);
$correct = 0;
foreach($yourNumbers as $yn)
	if(in_array($yn, $winNumbers))
if($correct == 0)
if($correct == 1)
if($correct == 2)
if($correct == 3)
if($correct == 4)
if($correct == 5)
if($correct == 6)
$db->query("UPDATE lotterytickets SET correct = " . $correct . "  WHERE id = " . $gt['id']);
$potWin     = array();
$countUsers = count($users);
if(!empty($users)) {
for($ui = 0; $ui < $countUsers; $ui++) {
	$selectCorrect = $db->query("SELECT correct, id, userid, numbers FROM lotterytickets WHERE userid = " . $users[$ui]);
	$event         = "<b><u>The winning numbers are: " . $wn . ".</u></b><br />";
	$event .= "The results from your " . abs(@intval($db->num_rows($selectCorrect))) . " lottery tickets:<br />";
	$nowin = array(
	$total = 0;
	while($sc = $db->fetch_row($selectCorrect)) {
		$event .= "<b>Ticket numbers: " . $sc['numbers'] . "</b>";
		if(in_array($sc['correct'], $nowin))
			$event .= "<i> -- " . $sc['correct'] . " matching number(s) (no winnings)</i>";
		else {
			if($sc['correct'] == 3)
				$winnings = $ld['lotprice'] + floor($ld['lotprice'] * 0.5);
			if($sc['correct'] == 4)
				$winnings = $ld['lotprice'] + floor($ld['lotprice'] * 0.8);
			if($sc['correct'] == 5)
				$winnings = $ld['lotprice'] + floor($ld['lotprice'] * 1.4);
			if($sc['correct'] == 6) {
				$winnings = $ld['lotprice'] + floor($jackpot / $six);
				array_push($potWin, $users[$ui]);
			$event .= "<i> -- " . $sc['correct'] . " matching numbers (Won \$" . number_format($winnings) . ")</i>";
			$total += $winnings;
	$event .= "You won a total of \$" . number_format($total) . ".<hr />";
	event_add($users[$ui], trim($event));
	$db->query("UPDATE users SET money = money + " . $total . " WHERE userid = " . $users[$ui]);
$winners = !empty($potWin) ? implode(",", $potWin) : 'N/A';
$db->query("INSERT INTO lotterydone (ldID, ldNUMBERS, ldZERO, ldONE, ldTWO, ldTHREE, ldFOUR, ldFIVE, ldSIX, ldPOT, ldPOTWIN, ldTIME) VALUES('','" . $wn . "', " . $zero . ", " . $one . ", " . $two . ", " . $three . ", " . $four . ", " . $five . ", " . $six . ", " . $jackpot . ", '" . $winners . "', UNIX_TIMESTAMP())");
$jp = !$six ? $jackpot : 0;
$db->query("UPDATE lotteryDetails SET lotjackpot = " . $jp);
} else
event_add(1, "No lottery this week. :(");
$db->query("TRUNCATE TABLE lotterytickets");
Edited by Magictallguy
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