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Help with selection


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I am trying to figure this out, I am sure if I dig deeper, I will find the way, but first I want to know if anyone else knows how to do this.

I have a select query selecting names, that forms a list of 25

What I want it to do is highlight the two above me and two below me.


Name 1

Name 2

Name 3

Name 4

My Name (5)

Name 6

Name 7

Name 8

Name 9

Name 10

So forth...

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Hmm, never really attempted this before because I never had the need. But what I would attempt is to grab the index number of my name and store that number in a separate variable. So in your example you would be index 4 and say your incrementing your indexes like this for this example: $i++; so when your $i hits your unique id or name or whatever store in cache like $var = $i;. Now you want the 2 indexes before and after your $var marker and format it that way.

you may find some help looking at Fizzbuzz

Edited by KyleMassacre
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