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Dragon Blade

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Hello all, I have a problem when I race in game.

If the person who sends the challenge, and the other person accepted it. The person who sent the challenge wins? Can someone fix this for me?



require "global_func.php";
if($_SESSION['loggedin']==0) { header("Location: login.php");exit; }
require "header.php";
$h = new headers;
include "mysql.php";
global $c;
$is=mysql_query("SELECT u.*,us.* FROM users u LEFT JOIN userstats us ON u.userid=us.userid WHERE u.userid=$userid",$c) or die(mysql_error());
$lv=date('F j, Y, g:i a',$ir['laston']);

// Security check
$id=abs((int) $_POST['id']);
$car=abs((int) $_POST['car']);
if(!$id || !$car)
 print "<hr width='50%'>Please read the error message.<hr width='50%'><h3>! ERROR</h3>Invalid usage.<br /><br />
 <hr width='50%'><a href='index.php'>> Go Home</a><hr width='50%'><br />";
// End
$q=mysql_query("SELECT ch.*, cp.*, ct.*, u1.username as challenger, u2.username as challenged FROM challenges ch LEFT JOIN cars_playercars cp ON ch.chCHRCAR=cp.cpcID LEFT JOIN cars_types ct ON ct.carID=cp.cpcCAR LEFT JOIN users u1 ON ch.chCHR=u1.userid LEFT JOIN users u2 ON ch.chCHD=u2.userid WHERE ch.chID={$id} AND (ch.chCHR=$userid OR ch.chCHD=$userid)");
if(mysql_num_rows($q) == 0)
 print "<hr width='50%'>Please read the error message.<hr width='50%'><h3>! ERROR</h3>Invalid challenge.<br /><br />
 <hr width='50%'><a href='index.php'>> Go Home</a><hr width='50%'><br />";
if($r['chSTATUS']=="open") {
if($bet > $ir['money'])
 print "<hr width='50%'>Please read the error message.<hr width='50%'><h3>! ERROR</h3>The bet is too large.<br /><br />
 <hr width='50%'><a href='index.php'>> Go Home</a><hr width='50%'><br />";
$q=mysql_query("SELECT cp.*,ct.* FROM cars_playercars cp LEFT JOIN cars_types ct ON ct.carID=cp.cpcCAR WHERE cp.cpcID={$car} AND cp.cpcPLAYER=$userid");
if(mysql_num_rows($q) == 0)
 print "<hr width='50%'>Please read the error message.<hr width='50%'><h3>! ERROR</h3>Invalid car.<br /><br />
 <hr width='50%'><a href='index.php'>> Go Home</a><hr width='50%'><br />";
if($m['cpcID'] == $r['cpcID'])
 print "<hr width='50%'>Please read the error message.<hr width='50%'><h3>! ERROR</h3>????<br /><br />
 <hr width='50%'><a href='index.php'>> Go Home</a><hr width='50%'><br />";
//kk, time to race =D
 print "<hr width='50%'>Please read the confirmation message.<hr width='50%'><h3>! CONFIRMATION</h3>You will receive the results of this race in an event.<br /><br />
 <hr width='50%'><a href='events.php'>> Go Back</a><hr width='50%'><br />";
mysql_query("UPDATE users SET money=money-$bet WHERE userid={$userid}");

$q=mysql_query("SELECT * FROM cars_tracks ORDER BY rand() LIMIT 1");

$notes="No-one won anything";
mysql_query("UPDATE users SET cars_challs_accpt=cars_challs_accpt+1 WHERE userid=$userid");
if($stats_y > $stats_o)
mysql_query("UPDATE users SET money=money+$winnings, cars_races_income=cars_races_income+$bet,cars_races_won=cars_races_won+1 WHERE userid={$r['chCHD']}");
mysql_query("UPDATE users SET cars_races_income=cars_races_income-$bet,cars_races_lost=cars_races_lost+1 WHERE userid={$r['chCHR']}");
if($bet > 0)
$notes="{$r['challenged']} won \$$winnings"; 
if($r['chTYPE'] == "High-Stakes")
mysql_query("UPDATE cars_playercars SET cpcPLAYER=$userid WHERE cpcID={$r['cpcID']}");
$notes="{$r['challenged']} won {$r['challenger']}\'s {$r['carNAME']}";
mysql_query("UPDATE users SET cars_lost=cars_lost+1 WHERE userid={$r['chCHR']}");
mysql_query("UPDATE users SET cars_won=cars_won+1,cars_owned=cars_owned+1 WHERE userid={$r['chCHD']}");
else if($r['chTYPE'] == "Betted")
mysql_query("UPDATE users SET cars_races_betted=cars_races_betted+1 WHERE userid IN ({$r['chCHR']}, {$r['chCHD']})");
mysql_query("UPDATE users SET cars_races_friendly=cars_races_friendly+1 WHERE userid IN ({$r['chCHR']}, {$r['chCHD']})");
if($bet > 0)
$notes="{$r['challenger']} won \$$winnings"; 
mysql_query("UPDATE users SET money=money+$winnings, cars_races_income=cars_races_income+$bet,cars_races_won=cars_races_won+1 WHERE userid={$r['chCHR']}");
mysql_query("UPDATE users SET cars_races_income=cars_races_income-$bet,cars_races_lost=cars_races_lost+1 WHERE userid={$r['chCHD']}");
if($r['chTYPE'] == "High-Stakes")
mysql_query("UPDATE cars_playercars SET cpcPLAYER={$r['chCHR']} WHERE cpcID={$m['cpcID']}");
$notes="{$r['challenger']} won {$r['challenged']}\'s {$m['carNAME']}";
mysql_query("UPDATE users SET cars_lost=cars_lost+1 WHERE userid={$r['chCHD']}");
mysql_query("UPDATE users SET cars_won=cars_won+1,cars_owned=cars_owned+1 WHERE userid={$r['chCHR']}");
else if($r['chTYPE'] == "Betted")
mysql_query("UPDATE users SET cars_races_betted=cars_races_betted+1 WHERE userid IN ({$r['chCHR']}, {$r['chCHD']})");
mysql_query("UPDATE users SET cars_races_friendly=cars_races_friendly+1 WHERE userid IN ({$r['chCHR']}, {$r['chCHD']})");
mysql_query("INSERT INTO race_results VALUES('', '{$r['chTYPE']}', '{$r['chBET']}', '{$r['challenger']}', '{$r['challenged']}', '$challengercar', '$challengedcar','$winner', '$notes')", $c);
event_add($r['chCHR'], "Your race with <a href='viewuser.php?u={$r['chCHD']}'>{$r['challenged']}</a> is finished. Click <a href='viewrace.php?race={$i}'><font color='green'>here</font></a> to view the results.</a>");
event_add($r['chCHD'], "Your race with <a href='viewuser.php?u={$r['chCHR']}'>{$r['challenger']}</a> is finished. Click <a href='viewrace.php?race={$i}'><font color='green'>here</font></a> to view the results.</a>");
mysql_query("UPDATE challenges SET chSTATUS='accepted' WHERE chID={$id}");
Edited by KyleMassacre
added code tags
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  • 3 months later...
Check your databases and query's in the code I think there is something there...

So, we not only resurrect a 2 month old thread that's dead, but equate the problem to either the code or the database... Leaving... Nothing.

It can't be anything but the code or database, so I assume it's a post count boost of a post.

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