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The Dump Don't Work?

Dragon Blade

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Hello all, I have a problem when ever I dump the item it always come out as blank? Any reasons why too? And if anyone could help me out that would be great!





require "global_func.php";
if ($_SESSION['loggedin'] == 0)
   header("Location: login.php");
$userid = $_SESSION['userid'];
require "header.php";
$h = new headers;
include "mysql.php";
global $c;
$is =
               "SELECT u.*,us.* FROM users u LEFT JOIN userstats us ON u.userid=us.userid WHERE u.userid=$userid",
               $c) or die(mysql_error());
$ir = mysql_fetch_array($is);
$fm = money_formatter($ir['money']);
$cm = money_formatter($ir['crystals'], '');
$lv = date('F j, Y, g:i a', $ir['laston']);
$h->userdata($ir, $lv, $fm, $cm);

echo '<h3><u>Dump</u></h3><hr width="75%" />';

switch($_GET['step']) {
   case "dump": dump(); break;
   case "dump2": dump2(); break;
   case "search": search(); break;
   default: index();

function index() {
   global $db, $ir, $c, $h, $userid;
   $num = mysql_query("SELECT * FROM `dump`");
   echo '<br />Welcome to the dump, people all over the city come here to dump there crap. <br />There are currently <font color=blue><b>'.mysql_num_rows($num).'</b></font> items that are dumped.<br /><br />
         > <a href="dump.php?step=search">Search the dump!</a><br /><br />';
function dump2() {
   global $db, $ir, $c, $h, $userid;
   if($_POST) {
       $itemid = abs((int) $_GET['id']);
       $amount = abs((int) $_POST['amount']);
       $query = mysql_query("SELECT * FROM `inventory` WHERE `inv_userid` = {$ir['userid']} and inv_itemid = ".$itemid."");
       $data = mysql_fetch_array($query);
       if($_POST['amount'] < 1)
       echo '<br />You have to dump something to be able to dump it!<br /><br />';
       if($data['inv_qty'] < $_POST['amount'])
       echo '<br />You do not have that many of this item to dump!<br /><br />';
       $query = mysql_query("SELECT * FROM `inventory` WHERE `inv_userid` = ".$userid."");
       $data = mysql_fetch_array($query);
       item_remove($userid, $itemid, $_POST['amount']);
       for($i=1; $i <= $_POST['amount']; $i++) {
       mysql_query("INSERT INTO `dump` (dumpID, itmID, dumperID) VALUES (NULL, ".$itemid.", ".$userid.")");
       echo '<br />You have dumped '.$_POST['amount'].' '.getitmname($itemid).'(s)!<br /><br />';
function dump() {
   global $db, $ir, $c, $h, $userid;

       echo "
<br />Please pick which items you would like to dump.<br /><br /><hr width='75%' />";

<table width='75%' cellspacing='1' class='table'><tr style='background:gray'>
       <th width='70%'>Name</th><th>Qty</th><th width='15%'>Amount</th><th width='15%'>Trash</th></tr>";

   $query = mysql_query("SELECT * FROM `inventory` WHERE `inv_userid` = ".$userid."");



<td>".getitmname($data['inv_itemid'])." </td>
<td><input type=text name='amount' size='5' maxlength='5' value='0'></td>
<form action=dump.php?step=dump2&id=".$data['inv_itemid']." method='post'>

<td><input type='submit' value='Dump' /></td>



       echo '<br /></form></table>';
function search() {
   global $db, $ir, $c, $h, $userid;
   	$energy=(int) ($ir['maxenergy']/100*10);
   	$rfc =rand(1,5);
       $num = mysql_query("SELECT * FROM `dump`");
       if ($energy >= $ir['energy']+1)
echo '<br />You do not have enough energy to search the dump any longer.<br /><br />';
else if($rfc != 3) {
echo '<br />You searched the dump for hours but couldn\'t find anything.<br /><br />> <a href="dump.php?step=search">Search again!</a><br /><br />';
       mysql_query("UPDATE `users` SET `energy` = `energy` - {$energy} WHERE `userid` = ".$userid."");
else if(mysql_num_rows($num) < 1) {
    	echo '<br />You searched the dump for hours but couldn\'t find anything.<br /><br />> <a href="dump.php?step=search">Search again!</a><br /><br />';
       mysql_query("UPDATE `users` SET `energy` = `energy` - {$energy} WHERE `userid` = ".$userid."");
       $query = mysql_query("SELECT * FROM `dump` ORDER BY RAND() LIMIT 0,1;");
       while($data = mysql_fetch_array($query)) {
       $getname = mysql_query("SELECT `username` FROM `users` WHERE `userid` = ".$data['dumperID']."", $c);
       if(mysql_num_rows($getname)) {
       $a = mysql_fetch_array($getname);
       $name = '<a href="viewuser.php?u='.$data['dumperID'].'" alt="'.$a['username'].'">'.$a['username'].'</a>';
       $name = "Unknown";
       echo '<br />You searched the dump and find a <font color = gold>'.getitmname($data['itmID']).'</font> that was dumped by '.$name.'!';
       item_add($userid, $data['itmID'], 1);
       mysql_query("UPDATE `users` SET `energy` = `energy` - {$energy} WHERE `userid` = ".$userid."");
       mysql_query("DELETE FROM `dump` WHERE `dumpID`= ".$data['dumpID']."");
       echo'<br /><br />> <a href="dump.php?step=search">Search again!</a><br /><br />';
       echo '
<hr width="75%" /><table width="75%">
     	<tr><td width="50%" align="center">
    	> <a href="dump.php">Back</a>
     	</td><td width="50%" align="center">
     	> <a href="dump.php?step=dump" alt="Dump your items!">Dump Items</a>
     	</td></tr></table><hr width="75%" /><br />';
function getitmname($itmid) {
global $db, $ir, $c, $h, $userid;
       $getitem = mysql_query("SELECT `itmname` FROM `items` WHERE `itmid` = ".$itmid."");
       if(mysql_num_rows($getitem)) {
       $itemData = mysql_fetch_array($getitem);
       $item = $itemData['itmname'];
   return $item;
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  • Perhaps adopt some sort of naming convention for your variables
    • Hungarian camel notation will help 3rd party developers, such as those on a forum - like this one - debug your horribly presented code.
    • It'll help you debug your code faster

    [*]Indent your code logically.

    • It could be the forum software rendering it incorrectly, however I doubt it
    • It will help you debug your code faster

    [*]Use an IDE or advanced text-editor (you could be that you're already using one, I don't know)

    • I don't mean Notepad.

    [*]Move away from mysql

    • At the very least, move to MySQLi
    • You're bound to the mysql database
      • What if you wanted to move to ...say... MongoDB? You'd have to rewrite everything

      [*]Research into PDO

      • Or a 3rd party database class




Anyhow, here's your code indented properly.


require "global_func.php";
if ($_SESSION['loggedin'] == 0) {
   header("Location: login.php");

$userid = $_SESSION['userid'];
require "header.php";
$h = new headers;
include "mysql.php";
global $c;
$is = mysql_query("SELECT u.*,us.* FROM users u LEFT JOIN userstats us ON u.userid=us.userid WHERE u.userid=$userid", $c) or die(mysql_error());
$ir = mysql_fetch_array($is);
$fm = money_formatter($ir['money']);
$cm = money_formatter($ir['crystals'], '');
$lv = date('F j, Y, g:i a', $ir['laston']);
$h->userdata($ir, $lv, $fm, $cm);

echo '<h3><u>Dump</u></h3><hr width="75%" />';

switch ($_GET['step']) {
   case "dump": dump();
   case "dump2": dump2();
   case "search": search();
   default: index();

function index() {
   global $db, $ir, $c, $h, $userid;
   $num = mysql_query("SELECT * FROM `dump`");
   echo 'Welcome to the dump, people all over the city come here to dump there crap. There are currently <font color=blue><b>' . mysql_num_rows($num) . '</b></font> items that are dumped.
         > <a href="dump.php?step=search">Search the dump!</a>';

function dump2() {
   global $db, $ir, $c, $h, $userid;
   if ($_POST) {
       $itemid = abs((int) $_GET['id']);
       $amount = abs((int) $_POST['amount']);
       $query = mysql_query("SELECT * FROM `inventory` WHERE `inv_userid` = {$ir['userid']} and inv_itemid = " . $itemid . "");
       $data = mysql_fetch_array($query);
       if ($_POST['amount'] < 1) {
           echo 'You have to dump something to be able to dump it!';
       if ($data['inv_qty'] < $_POST['amount']) {
           echo 'You do not have that many of this item to dump!';
       } else {
           $query = mysql_query("SELECT * FROM `inventory` WHERE `inv_userid` = " . $userid . "");
           $data = mysql_fetch_array($query);
           item_remove($userid, $itemid, $_POST['amount']);
           for ($i = 1; $i <= $_POST['amount']; $i++) {
               mysql_query("INSERT INTO `dump` (dumpID, itmID, dumperID) VALUES (NULL, " . $itemid . ", " . $userid . ")");
           echo 'You have dumped ' . $_POST['amount'] . ' ' . getitmname($itemid) . '(s)!';

function dump() {
   global $db, $ir, $c, $h, $userid;
   echo "Please pick which items you would like to dump.<hr width='75%' />";
   echo "<table width='75%' cellspacing='1' class='table'><tr style='background:gray'>
       <th width='70%'>Name</th><th>Qty</th><th width='15%'>Amount</th><th width='15%'>Trash</th></tr>";
   $query = mysql_query("SELECT * FROM `inventory` WHERE `inv_userid` = " . $userid . "");
   while ($data = mysql_fetch_array($query)) {
       echo"<td>" . getitmname($data['inv_itemid']) . " </td>
           <td>x" . $data['inv_qty'] . "</td> 
           <td><input type=text name='amount' size='5' maxlength='5' value='0'></td>
           <form action=dump.php?step=dump2&id=" . $data['inv_itemid'] . " method='post'>
           <td><input type='submit' value='Dump' /></td>
   echo '</form></table>';

function search() {
   global $db, $ir, $c, $h, $userid;
   $energy = (int) ($ir['maxenergy'] / 100 * 10);
   $rfc = rand(1, 5);
   $num = mysql_query("SELECT * FROM `dump`");
   if ($energy >= $ir['energy'] + 1) {
       echo 'You do not have enough energy to search the dump any longer.';
   } else if ($rfc != 3) {
       echo 'You searched the dump for hours but couldn\'t find anything.> <a href="dump.php?step=search">Search again!</a>';
       mysql_query("UPDATE `users` SET `energy` = `energy` - {$energy} WHERE `userid` = " . $userid . "");
   } else if (mysql_num_rows($num) < 1) {
       echo 'You searched the dump for hours but couldn\'t find anything.> <a href="dump.php?step=search">Search again!</a>';
       mysql_query("UPDATE `users` SET `energy` = `energy` - {$energy} WHERE `userid` = " . $userid . "");
   } else {
       $query = mysql_query("SELECT * FROM `dump` ORDER BY RAND() LIMIT 0,1;");
       while ($data = mysql_fetch_array($query)) {
           $getname = mysql_query("SELECT `username` FROM `users` WHERE `userid` = " . $data['dumperID'] . "", $c);
           if (mysql_num_rows($getname)) {
               $a = mysql_fetch_array($getname);
               $name = '<a href="viewuser.php?u=' . $data['dumperID'] . '" alt="' . $a['username'] . '">' . $a['username'] . '</a>';
           } else {
               $name = "Unknown";
           echo 'You searched the dump and find a <font color = gold>' . getitmname($data['itmID']) . '</font> that was dumped by ' . $name . '!';
           item_add($userid, $data['itmID'], 1);
           mysql_query("UPDATE `users` SET `energy` = `energy` - {$energy} WHERE `userid` = " . $userid . "");
           mysql_query("DELETE FROM `dump` WHERE `dumpID`= " . $data['dumpID'] . "");
       echo'> <a href="dump.php?step=search">Search again!</a>';

echo '
   <hr width="75%" /><table width="75%">
       <tr><td width="50%" align="center">
       > <a href="dump.php">Back</a>
       </td><td width="50%" align="center">
       > <a href="dump.php?step=dump" alt="Dump your items!">Dump Items</a>
       </td></tr></table><hr width="75%" />';

function getitmname($itmid) {
   global $db, $ir, $c, $h, $userid;
   $getitem = mysql_query("SELECT `itmname` FROM `items` WHERE `itmid` = " . $itmid . "");
   if (mysql_num_rows($getitem)) {
       $itemData = mysql_fetch_array($getitem);
       $item = $itemData['itmname'];
       return $item;



I have a problem when ever I dump the item it always come out as blank?

What is it?

- - - Updated - - -


  • Perhaps adopt some sort of naming convention for your variables
    • Hungarian camel notation will help 3rd party developers, such as those on a forum - like this one - debug your horribly presented code.
    • It'll help you debug your code faster

    [*]Indent your code logically.

    • It could be the forum software rendering it incorrectly, however I doubt it
    • It will help you debug your code faster

    [*]Use an IDE or advanced text-editor (you could be that you're already using one, I don't know)

    • I don't mean Notepad.

    [*]Move away from mysql

    • At the very least, move to MySQLi
    • You're bound to the mysql database
      • What if you wanted to move to ...say... MongoDB? You'd have to rewrite everything

      [*]Research into PDO

      • Or a 3rd party database class




Anyhow, here's your code indented properly.


require "global_func.php";
if ($_SESSION['loggedin'] == 0) {
   header("Location: login.php");

$userid = $_SESSION['userid'];
require "header.php";
$h = new headers;
include "mysql.php";
global $c;
$is = mysql_query("SELECT u.*,us.* FROM users u LEFT JOIN userstats us ON u.userid=us.userid WHERE u.userid=$userid", $c) or die(mysql_error());
$ir = mysql_fetch_array($is);
$fm = money_formatter($ir['money']);
$cm = money_formatter($ir['crystals'], '');
$lv = date('F j, Y, g:i a', $ir['laston']);
$h->userdata($ir, $lv, $fm, $cm);

echo '<h3><u>Dump</u></h3><hr width="75%" />';

switch ($_GET['step']) {
   case "dump": dump();
   case "dump2": dump2();
   case "search": search();
   default: index();

function index() {
   global $db, $ir, $c, $h, $userid;
   $num = mysql_query("SELECT * FROM `dump`");
   echo 'Welcome to the dump, people all over the city come here to dump there crap. There are currently <font color=blue><b>' . mysql_num_rows($num) . '</b></font> items that are dumped.
         > <a href="dump.php?step=search">Search the dump!</a>';

function dump2() {
   global $db, $ir, $c, $h, $userid;
   if ($_POST) {
       $itemid = abs((int) $_GET['id']);
       $amount = abs((int) $_POST['amount']);
       $query = mysql_query("SELECT * FROM `inventory` WHERE `inv_userid` = {$ir['userid']} and inv_itemid = " . $itemid . "");
       $data = mysql_fetch_array($query);
       if ($_POST['amount'] < 1) {
           echo 'You have to dump something to be able to dump it!';
       if ($data['inv_qty'] < $_POST['amount']) {
           echo 'You do not have that many of this item to dump!';
       } else {
           $query = mysql_query("SELECT * FROM `inventory` WHERE `inv_userid` = " . $userid . "");
           $data = mysql_fetch_array($query);
           item_remove($userid, $itemid, $_POST['amount']);
           for ($i = 1; $i <= $_POST['amount']; $i++) {
               mysql_query("INSERT INTO `dump` (dumpID, itmID, dumperID) VALUES (NULL, " . $itemid . ", " . $userid . ")");
           echo 'You have dumped ' . $_POST['amount'] . ' ' . getitmname($itemid) . '(s)!';

function dump() {
   global $db, $ir, $c, $h, $userid;
   echo "Please pick which items you would like to dump.<hr width='75%' />";
   echo "<table width='75%' cellspacing='1' class='table'><tr style='background:gray'>
       <th width='70%'>Name</th><th>Qty</th><th width='15%'>Amount</th><th width='15%'>Trash</th></tr>";
   $query = mysql_query("SELECT * FROM `inventory` WHERE `inv_userid` = " . $userid . "");
   while ($data = mysql_fetch_array($query)) {
       echo"<td>" . getitmname($data['inv_itemid']) . " </td>
           <td>x" . $data['inv_qty'] . "</td> 
           <td><input type=text name='amount' size='5' maxlength='5' value='0'></td>
           <form action=dump.php?step=dump2&id=" . $data['inv_itemid'] . " method='post'>
           <td><input type='submit' value='Dump' /></td>
   echo '</form></table>';

function search() {
   global $db, $ir, $c, $h, $userid;
   $energy = (int) ($ir['maxenergy'] / 100 * 10);
   $rfc = rand(1, 5);
   $num = mysql_query("SELECT * FROM `dump`");
   if ($energy >= $ir['energy'] + 1) {
       echo 'You do not have enough energy to search the dump any longer.';
   } else if ($rfc != 3) {
       echo 'You searched the dump for hours but couldn\'t find anything.> <a href="dump.php?step=search">Search again!</a>';
       mysql_query("UPDATE `users` SET `energy` = `energy` - {$energy} WHERE `userid` = " . $userid . "");
   } else if (mysql_num_rows($num) < 1) {
       echo 'You searched the dump for hours but couldn\'t find anything.> <a href="dump.php?step=search">Search again!</a>';
       mysql_query("UPDATE `users` SET `energy` = `energy` - {$energy} WHERE `userid` = " . $userid . "");
   } else {
       $query = mysql_query("SELECT * FROM `dump` ORDER BY RAND() LIMIT 0,1;");
       while ($data = mysql_fetch_array($query)) {
           $getname = mysql_query("SELECT `username` FROM `users` WHERE `userid` = " . $data['dumperID'] . "", $c);
           if (mysql_num_rows($getname)) {
               $a = mysql_fetch_array($getname);
               $name = '<a href="viewuser.php?u=' . $data['dumperID'] . '" alt="' . $a['username'] . '">' . $a['username'] . '</a>';
           } else {
               $name = "Unknown";
           echo 'You searched the dump and find a <font color = gold>' . getitmname($data['itmID']) . '</font> that was dumped by ' . $name . '!';
           item_add($userid, $data['itmID'], 1);
           mysql_query("UPDATE `users` SET `energy` = `energy` - {$energy} WHERE `userid` = " . $userid . "");
           mysql_query("DELETE FROM `dump` WHERE `dumpID`= " . $data['dumpID'] . "");
       echo'> <a href="dump.php?step=search">Search again!</a>';

echo '
   <hr width="75%" /><table width="75%">
       <tr><td width="50%" align="center">
       > <a href="dump.php">Back</a>
       </td><td width="50%" align="center">
       > <a href="dump.php?step=dump" alt="Dump your items!">Dump Items</a>
       </td></tr></table><hr width="75%" />';

function getitmname($itmid) {
   global $db, $ir, $c, $h, $userid;
   $getitem = mysql_query("SELECT `itmname` FROM `items` WHERE `itmid` = " . $itmid . "");
   if (mysql_num_rows($getitem)) {
       $itemData = mysql_fetch_array($getitem);
       $item = $itemData['itmname'];
       return $item;



I have a problem when ever I dump the item it always come out as blank?

What is it?

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