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Re: why

There is a problem with your mysql insert query.

Please let me know what the column name for the 'class' is.

If it is 'class' use the following query;

INSERT INTO users (username, login_name, userpass, level, money, user_level, energy, maxenergy, will, maxwill, brave, maxbrave, hp, maxhp, location, class, gender, signedup, email,  lastip) VALUES( '{$username}', '{$username}', md5('{$_POST['password']}'), 1, $sm,  1, 12, 12, 100, 100, 5, 5, 100, 100, 1, '{$_POST['class']}', '{$_POST['gender']}', unix_timestamp(), '{$_POST['email']}',  '$ip')
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Re: why


There is a problem with your mysql insert query.

Please let me know what the column name for the 'class' is.

If it is 'class' use the following query;

INSERT INTO users (username, login_name, userpass, level, money, user_level, energy, maxenergy, will, maxwill, brave, maxbrave, hp, maxhp, location, class, gender, signedup, email,  lastip) VALUES( '{$username}', '{$username}', md5('{$_POST['password']}'), 1, $sm,  1, 12, 12, 100, 100, 5, 5, 100, 100, 1, '{$_POST['class']}', '{$_POST['gender']}', unix_timestamp(), '{$_POST['email']}',  '$ip')


good catch, I missed that when I went over it

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Re: why


INSERT INTO users (username, login_name, userpass, level, money, user_level, energy, maxenergy, will, maxwill, brave, maxbrave, hp, maxhp, location, class, gender, signedup, email,  lastip) VALUES( '{$username}', '{$username}', md5('{$_POST['password']}'), 1, $sm,  1, 12, 12, 100, 100, 5, 5, 100, 100, 1, '{$_POST['class']}', '{$_POST['gender']}', unix_timestamp(), '{$_POST['email']}',  '$ip')

i get this now

Parse error: syntax error, unexpected T_STRING in /home/liam/public_html/register.php on line 60
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Re: why

Ferdi spoon feeds the kitten(btw. I'm allergic to cats and dogs).


 print "<html>
body { font-family:Verdana;font-size:9pt;color: black;
  scrollbar-base-color: #005B70;
  scrollbar-arrow-color: #F3960B;
  scrollbar-DarkShadow-Color: #000000; }
a:visited,a:active,a:hover,a:link { color: black;text-decoration: none; }
table,tr,td { font-size:9pt; }
img { border:none; }
 if (file_exists('ipbans/' . $ip)) {
     die("[b]<font color=red size=+1>Your IP has been banned, there is no way around this.</font>[/b]</body></html>");
 require "mysql.php";
 global $c;
 if ($_POST['username']) {
     $sm = 100;
     if ($_POST['promo'] == "Your Promo Code Here") {
         $sm += 100;
     $username = $_POST['username'];
     $username = str_replace(array("<", ">"), array("<", ">"), $username);
     $q = mysql_query("SELECT * FROM users WHERE username='{$username}'", $c);
     if (mysql_num_rows($q)) {
         print "Username already in use. Choose another.";
     } elseif ($_POST['password'] != $_POST['cpassword']) {
         print "The passwords did not match, go back and try again.";
     } else {
         $_POST['ref'] = abs((int)$_POST['ref']);
         $q = mysql_query("SELECT * FROM users WHERE lastip='$ip' AND userid={$_POST['ref']}", $c);
         if (mysql_num_rows($q)) {
             die("No creating referral multies. Bad dog.");
         if ($_POST['ref']) {
             $q = mysql_query("SELECT * FROM users WHERE userid={$_POST['ref']}", $c);
             $r = mysql_fetch_array($q);
         mysql_query("INSERT INTO users (username, login_name, userpass, level, money, user_level, energy, maxenergy, will, maxwill, brave, maxbrave, hp, maxhp, location, class, gender, signedup, email,  lastip) VALUES( '$username', '$username', md5('{$_POST['password']}'), 1, '$sm',  1, 12, 12, 100, 100, 5, 5, 100, 100, 1, '{$_POST['class']}', '{$_POST['gender']}', unix_timestamp(), '{$_POST['email']}',  '$ip')", $c);
         $i = mysql_insert_id($c);
         mysql_query("INSERT INTO userstats VALUES($i, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10)", $c);

         if ($_POST['ref']) {
             require "global_func.php";
             mysql_query("UPDATE users SET crystals=crystals+2 WHERE userid={$_POST['ref']}", $c);
             event_add($_POST['ref'], "For refering $username to the game, you have earnt 2 valuable crystals!", $c);
             mysql_query("INSERT INTO referals VALUES('', {$_POST['ref']}, $i, unix_timestamp(),'{$r['lastip']}','$ip')", $c);
         print "You have signed up, enjoy the game.

> [url='login.php']Login[/url]";
 } else {
     print "<h3>Deaths-City Registration</h3>";
     print "<form action=register.php method=post>Username: <input type=text name=username>

Password: <input type=password name=password>

Confirm Password: <input type=password name=cpassword>

Gender: <select type='dropdown' name='gender'><option value='male'>Male</option><option value='female'>Female</option></select>

Email: <input type=text name=email>

Class: <select name='class' type='dropdown'><option>Criminal</option><option>Mobster</option><option>Assasin</option><option>N/A</option></select>

Promo Code: <input type=text name=promo>

<input type=hidden name=ref value='";
     if ($_GET['REF']) {
         print $_GET['REF'];
     print "'>
<input type=submit value=Submit></form>

> [url='login.php']Go Back[/url]";
 print "</body></html>";
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