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Issue with money/exp

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I have no idea what is causing this issue, I was wondering if I could get some assitance from you guys.

Anyhow, once a crime is done the moment you refresh the page your exp goes back down to 0. Which is totally unfair and needs to be sorted.

Also peoples money keeps getting a negative - before the ammount.

I was wondering if there is a fix for this?

if you want to see what I mean visit


Please give me a hand,


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$page_url = explode(".", $_SERVER['REQUEST_URI']);
$_SERVER['REQUEST_URI'] = $page_url[0].".php";

if($_SERVER['REQUEST_URI'] == "/_crimes.php"){

$crime_information = explode("-", $crimes);

if ($button_value == $_POST['userdigit']) {

$payout = rand($crime_min_payout[$_POST['crime']], $crime_max_payout[$_POST['crime']]);

echo "You didn't select the type of crime you wish to do.";

if((time() <= $crime_information[6]) ) {
echo "You can do another crime in ".$ts['m']." Minutes And ".$ts['s']." Seconds";
if ($crime_information[($_POST['crime']-2)]<75 && $_POST['crime']>1) {
echo "You don't have enough experience to do this type of crime!";
} else {

if (in_array($_POST['crime'], array(1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6))) {
if (rand(0, 100) <=$crime_information[($_POST['crime']-1)]) {
echo str_replace('{money}', $payout, $crime_success_text[$_POST['crime']]);
} else if (rand(1, 3)==1) {
echo "You failed to commit the crime and the cops caught you.";
} else {
echo "You failed to commit the crime.";

$crime_information[($_POST['crime']-1)] = $crime_information[($_POST['crime']-1)] + rand(1, 3);

if($crime_information[0] > 100 ){ $crime_information[0] = 100;}
if($crime_information[1] > 100 ){ $crime_information[1] = 100;}
if($crime_information[2] > 100 ){ $crime_information[2] = 100;}
if($crime_information[3] > 100 ){ $crime_information[3] = 100;}
if($crime_information[4] > 100 ){ $crime_information[4] = 100;}
if($crime_information[5] > 100 ){ $crime_information[5] = 100;}

$crime_information[6] = time()+$crime_time[$_POST['crime']];

$newrates = implode("-", $crime_information);

$rand_exp = rand($crime_min_exp[$_POST['crime']], $crime_max_exp[$_POST['crime']]);

if($suc == "yes"){

$result = mysql_query("UPDATE login SET crimes='".mysql_real_escape_string($newrates)."', exp=exp+'".mysql_real_escape_string($rand_exp)."', money=money+'".mysql_real_escape_string($payout)."' WHERE id='" .mysql_real_escape_string($_SESSION['user_id']). "'") 
or die(mysql_error());


if($jail == "yes"){ 

$result = mysql_query("UPDATE login SET crimes='".$newrates."', jail='".(time()+$crime_jail_time[$_POST['crime']])."-1' WHERE id='" .mysql_real_escape_string($_SESSION['user_id']). "'") 
or die(mysql_error());


$result = mysql_query("UPDATE login SET crimes='".$newrates."' WHERE id='" .mysql_real_escape_string($_SESSION['user_id']). "'") 
or die(mysql_error());
}// if in jail.
}// if no succes.
// new information.
$exp = $exp + $rand_exp;
$money = $money + $payout;
}// crime check.
}// if within timeout.
}// if empty post crime.
                } else {
echo $lang_no_verification;
}// else wrong activation code.

}// if post commit

// dissabling.

if($crime_information[0] < 75 ){$disabled_1 = "disabled='yes'";}
if($crime_information[1] < 75 ){$disabled_2 = "disabled='yes'";}
if($crime_information[2] < 75 ){$disabled_3 = "disabled='yes'";}
if($crime_information[3] < 75 ){$disabled_4 = "disabled='yes'";}
if($crime_information[4] < 75 ){$disabled_5 = "disabled='yes'";}





if(time() <= $crime_information[6]){
echo "You can do another crime in:<br />".date( "00:i:s", $crime_information[6] - time() );

echo '<form method="post">
<fieldset style="color: #000000; border: 1px solid #000000; width: 300px; text-align: left; padding: 5px;">
<legend style="color: #999999; font-weight: bold;">Crimes.</legend>
<input name="crime" type="radio" value="6" id="crime6"  '.$disabled_5.' onFocus="if(this.blur)this.blur()"/><label for="crime6" >'; 
if($crime_information[4] < 75){echo "<s>";} echo $crime_name[5]; if($crime_information[4] < 75){echo "</s>";} 
echo '</label>
<b>'.$crime_information[5].'% </b><br />
<input name="crime" type="radio" value="5" id="crime5"'.$disabled_4.' onFocus="if(this.blur)this.blur()"/>
<label for="crime5" >';
if($crime_information[3] < 75){echo "<s>";} echo $crime_name[4]; if($crime_information[3] < 75){echo "</s>";} 
echo '</label>
<b>'.$crime_information[4].'%</b><br />
<input name="crime" type="radio" value="4" id="crime4"  '.$disabled_3.' onFocus="if(this.blur)this.blur()"/><label for="crime4" >';
if($crime_information[2] < 75){echo "<s>";} echo $crime_name[3]; if($crime_information[2] < 75){echo "</s>";}
echo '</label>
<b>'.$crime_information[3].'%</b><br />
<input name="crime" type="radio" value="3" id="crime3"  '.$disabled_2.' onFocus="if(this.blur)this.blur()"/><label for="crime3" >';
if($crime_information[1] < 75){echo "<s>";} echo $crime_name[2]; if($crime_information[1] < 75){echo "</s>";} 
echo '</label>
<b> '.$crime_information[2].'% </b><br />
<input name="crime" type="radio" value="2" id="crime2" '.$disabled_1.' onFocus="if(this.blur)this.blur()"/><label for="crime2" >';
if($crime_information[0] < 75){echo "<s>";} echo $crime_name[1]; if($crime_information[0] < 75){echo "</s>";}
echo '</label>
<b> '.$crime_information[1].'%</b><br />
<input name="crime" type="radio" value="1" id="crime1" onFocus="if(this.blur)this.blur()"/><label for="crime1" > 
     </label><b>'.$crime_information[0].'% </b>
   <table width="295" border="0" cellspacing="0">
       <td width="120" align="center"><img src="files/button.php" alt="Verification." width="120" height="30" /></td>
       <td width="100" align="center"><input name="userdigit" type="text" class="entryfield" style=\'width: 85%;\' size="5" maxlength="5"'.$disabled.'/></td>
       <td width="120" align="center"><input name="Commit" type="submit" class="button" value="Commit." onFocus="if(this.blur)this.blur()"/></td>
     <a>Please be aware, more crimes will unlock as you level.</a>

echo '</form>';


*DJK Note: [*CODE][*/CODE] tags please ( remove the asterisk ( * ) )

Edited by Djkanna
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It wont be in crimes if the EXP is been given but after they refresh it is gone. Have you looked in the header/globals/includes? make sure if you have made your own level up system that you have set it to only set 0 exp if they have reached a maximum amount needed for the lvl :)

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It wont be in crimes if the EXP is been given but after they refresh it is gone. Have you looked in the header/globals/includes? make sure if you have made your own level up system that you have set it to only set 0 exp if they have reached a maximum amount needed for the lvl :)

What file should I look in?


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