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Well, First help session here please :P

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Basically, This is doing my head in.

Basically, Mccode V2. When I edit a user(Whether it be to edit money,crystals,days) Anything, They completely loose the house they currently had.

To per say they have House #5, When I edit the user(And after I click back to home), They loose House #5, And back into House #1.


I have been away for quite awhile, But, No excuse for this doing my head in. Lol...

Any suggestions/help appreciated. Will post code if someone is willing to help.

Thank you in Advance, IEC

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function edit_user_begin()
global $db,$ir,$c,$h,$userid;
if($ir['user_level'] != 2)
print "<h3>Editing User</h3>
You can edit any aspect of this user. <br />
<form action='staff_users.php?action=edituserform' method='post'>
User: ".user_dropdown($c,'user')."<br />
<input type='submit' value='Edit User' /></form>
OR enter a user ID to edit:
<form action='staff_users.php?action=edituserform' method='post'>
User: <input type='text' name='user' value='0' /><br />
<input type='submit' value='Edit User' /></form>";
function edit_user_form()
global $db,$ir,$c,$h,$userid;
if($ir['user_level'] != 2)
$d=$db->query("SELECT u.*,us.* FROM users u LEFT JOIN userstats us on u.userid=us.userid WHERE u.userid={$_POST['user']}");
$itemi['willmax'] = ($itemi['willmax'] > $itemi['maxwill']) ? $itemi['willmax'] : $itemi['maxwill'] ;
print "<h3>Editing User</h3>
<form action='staff_users.php?action=editusersub' method='post'>
<input type='hidden' name='userid' value='{$_POST['user']}' />
<font color=red>Warnings: </font><input type='text' name='Warnings' value='{$itemi['Warnings']}' /><br /><br />
Username: <input type='text' name='username' value='{$itemi['username']}' /><br />
Login Name: <input type='text' name='login_name' value='{$itemi['login_name']}' /><br />
Duties: <input type='text' name='duties' value='{$itemi['duties']}' /><br />
Staff Notes: <input type='text' name='staffnotes' value='{$itemi['staffnotes']}' /><br />
Level: <input type='text' name='level' value='{$itemi['level']}' /><br />
Money: \$<input type='text' name='money' value='{$itemi['money']}' /><br />
Bank: \$<input type='text' name='bankmoney' value='{$itemi['bankmoney']}' /><br />
Crystals: <input type='text' name='crystals' value='{$itemi['crystals']}' /><br />
Bank Crystals: <input type='text' name='bankcrystals' value='{$itemi['bankcrystals']}' /><br />
Mail Ban: <input type='text' name='mailban' value='{$itemi['mailban']}' /><br />
Mail Ban Reason: <input type='text' name='mb_reason' value='{$itemi['mb_reason']}' /><br />
Forum Ban: <input type='text' name='forumban' value='{$itemi['forumban']}' /><br />
Forum Ban Reason: <input type='text' name='fb_reason' value='{$itemi['fb_reason']}' /><br />
Hospital time: <input type='text' name='hospital' value='{$itemi['hospital']}' /><br />
Hospital reason: <input type='text' name='hospreason' value='{$itemi['hospreason']}' /><br />
Jail time: <input type='text' name='jail' value='{$itemi['jail']}' /><br />
Jail reason: <input type='text' name='jail_reason' value='{$itemi['jail_reason']}' /><br />
House: ".house2_dropdown($c, "maxwill", $itemi['maxwill'])."<br />
Strength: <input type='text' name='strength' value='{$itemi['strength']}' /><br />
Agility: <input type='text' name='agility' value='{$itemi['agility']}' /><br />
Guard: <input type='text' name='guard' value='{$itemi['guard']}' /><br />
Labour: <input type='text' name='labour' value='{$itemi['labour']}' /><br />
IQ: <input type='text' name='IQ' value='{$itemi['IQ']}' /><br />
<input type='submit' value='Edit User' /></form>";
function edit_user_sub()

global $db,$ir,$c,$h,$userid;
if($ir['user_level'] != 2)
if(!isset($_POST['level'])) { $go=1; }
if(!isset($_POST['money'])) { $go=1; }
if(!isset($_POST['bankmoney'])) { $go=1; }
if(!isset($_POST['crystals'])) { $go=1; }
if(!isset($_POST['strength'])) { $go=1; }
if(!isset($_POST['agility'])) { $go=1; }
if(!isset($_POST['guard'])) { $go=1; }
if(!isset($_POST['labour'])) { $go=1; }
if(!isset($_POST['IQ'])) { $go=1; }
if(!isset($_POST['username'])) { $go=1; }
if(!isset($_POST['login_name'])) { $go=1; }
print "You did not fully fill out the form.";
$_POST['level']=(int) $_POST['level'];
$_POST['strength']=abs((int) $_POST['strength']);
$_POST['agility']=abs((int) $_POST['agility']);
$_POST['guard']=abs((int) $_POST['guard']);
$_POST['labour']=abs((int) $_POST['labour']);
$_POST['IQ']=abs((int) $_POST['IQ']);
$_POST['money']=(int) $_POST['money'];
$_POST['bankmoney']=(int) $_POST['bankmoney'];
$_POST['cybermoney']=(int) $_POST['cybermoney'];
$_POST['crystals']=(int) $_POST['crystals'];
$_POST['mailban']=(int) $_POST['mailban'];
$_POST['forumban']=(int) $_POST['forumban'];
$maxwill=abs((int) $_POST['maxwill']);

//check for username usage
$u=$db->query("SELECT * FROM users WHERE username='{$_POST['username']}' and userid != {$_POST['userid']}");
if($db->num_rows($u) != 0)
print "That username is in use, choose another.";
print "<br /><a href='admin.php?action=edituser'>> Back</a>";
$oq=$db->query("SELECT * FROM users WHERE userid={$_POST['userid']}");
$will=($rm['will'] > $maxwill) ? $maxwill: $rm['will'];
$db->query("UPDATE users SET username='{$_POST['username']}', level={$_POST['level']}, money={$_POST['money']}, crystals={$_POST['crystals']}, energy=$energy, brave=$nerve, maxbrave=$nerve, maxenergy=$energy, hp=$hp, maxhp=$hp, hospital={$_POST['hospital']}, jail={$_POST['jail']}, duties='{$_POST['duties']}', staffnotes='{$_POST['staffnotes']}', mailban={$_POST['mailban']}, mb_reason='{$_POST['mb_reason']}', forumban={$_POST['forumban']}, fb_reason='{$_POST['fb_reason']}', hospreason='{$_POST['hospreason']}', jail_reason='{$_POST['jail_reason']}', login_name='{$_POST['login_name']}', will=$will, maxwill=$maxwill WHERE userid={$_POST['userid']}");
$db->query("UPDATE userstats SET strength={$_POST['strength']}, agility={$_POST['agility']}, guard={$_POST['guard']}, labour={$_POST['labour']}, IQ={$_POST['IQ']} WHERE userid={$_POST['userid']}");
stafflog_add("Edited user {$_POST['username']} [{$_POST['userid']}]");
print "User edited....";

} }



Of course, I have my case functions and all also. Been so long since I have coded Mccode, I cannot completely remember everything properly. :(

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