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How can I use unix timestamp for daily cronjobs

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My host have cronjobs but the they wont work,

I'm using unix timestamp for the 1min & 5min.

But my daily one is broken (cronjob)

so I'm going to use unix_timestamp instead, but the code is a bit more complicated..

So here's my 1min unix timestamp code:

$result = mysql_query("SELECT * FROM `updates` WHERE `name` = '1min'");
$result = mysql_fetch_assoc($result);
$hla = time() - $result['last'];

if($hla > (60))
$hphp = $ir['maxhp'] / 6.6;
$n = floor($hla / 60);
$hospital = (1 * $n);
$jail = (1 * $n);
$hp = ($hphp * $n);
$val = (1 * $n);

$pt = (1 * $n);
$cht = (1 * $n);

$query_hos = sprintf("UPDATE users SET hospital = hospital - %u WHERE hospital <> 0", $hospital);
$query_jail = sprintf("UPDATE users SET jail = jail - %u WHERE jail <> 0", $jail);
$query_hp = sprintf("UPDATE users SET hp = hp + %u WHERE hp <> maxhp", $hp);
$query_val = sprintf("UPDATE users SET validation = validation - %u WHERE validation <> 0", $val); 
$query_prot = sprintf("UPDATE users SET protection = protection - %u WHERE protection <> 0", $pt);
$query_canh = sprintf("UPDATE users SET canhire = canhire - %u WHERE canhire <> 0", $cht);


mysql_query("UPDATE `users` SET `hospital` = 0 WHERE `hospital` < 0");
mysql_query("UPDATE `users` SET `jail` = 0 WHERE `jail` < 0");
mysql_query("UPDATE `users` SET `hp` = `maxhp` WHERE `hp` > `maxhp`");
mysql_query("UPDATE `users` SET `validation` = 0 WHERE `validation` < 0");
mysql_query("UPDATE `users` SET `protection` = 0 WHERE `protection` < 0");
mysql_query("UPDATE `users` SET `canhire` = 0 WHERE `canhire` < 0");

$time = time();
mysql_query("UPDATE `updates` SET `last` = ".$time." WHERE `name` = '1min'");
$floor = $time - (floor($time / 60) * 60);

if($floor > 0)
$newUpdate = time() - $floor;
mysql_query("UPDATE `updates` SET `last` = ".$newUpdate." WHERE `name` = '1min'");

and here's my cron_day.php

crons/cron_day.php Rev 1.1.0
Copyright (C) 2005-2012 Dabomstew

This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License
as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2
of the License, or (at your option) any later version.

This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
GNU General Public License for more details.

You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
along with this program; if not, write to the Software
Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA  02110-1301, USA.

require_once "mysql2.php";
require_once "global_func.php";

$cron_code = 'xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx';
if ($argc == 2)
   if ($argv[1] != $cron_code)
else if (!isset($_GET['code']) || $_GET['code'] !== $cron_code)
mysql_query("UPDATE `fedjail` SET `fed_days` = `fed_days` - 1", $c);
mysql_query("UPDATE `users` SET `turns` = 100", $c);
$q = mysql_query("SELECT * FROM `fedjail` WHERE `fed_days` <= 0", $c);
$ids = array();
while ($r = mysql_fetch_assoc($q))
   $ids[] = $r['fed_userid'];
if (count($ids) > 0)
           "UPDATE `users` SET `fedjail` = 0 WHERE `userid` IN("
                   . implode(",", $ids) . ")", $c);
mysql_query("DELETE FROM `fedjail` WHERE `fed_days` <= 0", $c);
mysql_query("UPDATE `users` SET `dreward` = 1", $c);
mysql_query("UPDATE `users` SET `datotal` = 0", $c);

mysql_query("UPDATE users SET canrate = 1 WHERE donatordays = 0", $c);
mysql_query("UPDATE users SET canrate = 2 WHERE donatordays > 1", $c);

mysql_query("UPDATE users SET noobprotection=noobprotection-1 WHERE noobprotection > 0", $c);

mysql_query("UPDATE users SET sbban=sbban-1 WHERE sbban > 0",$c);
mysql_query("UPDATE users SET daysingang=daysingang+1 WHERE gang > 0");
$user_update_query =
       "UPDATE `users` SET 
        `daysold` = `daysold` + 1,
        `mailban` = `mailban` - IF(`mailban` > 0, 1, 0),
        `donatordays` = `donatordays` - IF(`donatordays` > 0, 1, 0),
        `cdays` = `cdays` - IF(`course` > 0, 1, 0),
        `bankmoney` = `bankmoney` + IF(`bankmoney` > 0, `bankmoney` / 50, 0),
        `cybermoney` = `cybermoney` + IF(`cybermoney` > 0, `cybermoney` / 100 * 7, 0)";
mysql_query($user_update_query, $c);
$q =
               "SELECT `userid`, `course` FROM `users` WHERE `cdays` <= 0 AND `course` > 0",
$course_cache = array();
while ($r = mysql_fetch_assoc($q))
   if (!array_key_exists($r['course'], $course_cache))
       $cd =
                       "SELECT `crSTR`, `crGUARD`, `crLABOUR`, `crAGIL`, `crIQ`, `crNAME`
    				     FROM `courses`
                        WHERE `crID` = {$r['course']}", $c);
       $coud = mysql_fetch_assoc($cd);
       $course_cache[$r['course']] = $coud;
       $coud = $course_cache[$r['course']];
   $userid = $r['userid'];
           "INSERT INTO `coursesdone` VALUES({$r['userid']}, {$r['course']})",
   $upd = "";
   $ev = "";
   if ($coud['crSTR'] > 0)
       $upd .= ", us.strength = us.strength + {$coud['crSTR']}";
       $ev .= ", {$coud['crSTR']} strength";
   if ($coud['crGUARD'] > 0)
       $upd .= ", us.guard = us.guard + {$coud['crGUARD']}";
       $ev .= ", {$coud['crGUARD']} guard";
   if ($coud['crLABOUR'] > 0)
       $upd .= ", us.labour = us.labour + {$coud['crLABOUR']}";
       $ev .= ", {$coud['crLABOUR']} labour";
   if ($coud['crAGIL'] > 0)
       $upd .= ", us.agility = us.agility + {$coud['crAGIL']}";
       $ev .= ", {$coud['crAGIL']} agility";
   if ($coud['crIQ'] > 0)
       $upd .= ", us.IQ = us.IQ + {$coud['crIQ']}";
       $ev .= ", {$coud['crIQ']} IQ";
   $ev = substr($ev, 1);
           "UPDATE `users` AS `u`
               INNER JOIN `userstats` AS `us` ON `u`.`userid` = `us`.`userid`
               SET `u`.`course` = 0{$upd}
               WHERE `u`.`userid` = {$userid}", $c);
           "Congratulations, you have completed the {$coud['crNAME']} course and gained {$ev}!",

I'm not sure how I can make the cron_day work properly, if anyone could help me or start me off I would really appreciate it..

There's atleast one person playing every day, so I was wondering if this could be simple-ised (lol) Instead of making it * $n it could just only execute once a day?

How can I make the code only execute once per day using timestamps? thanks.

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You could alter this version, however;

  • Set up a database table to store unix timestamps and filenames
  • Include the cron files into a global file (that is run with every request)
  • In the cron file, pull the unix timestamp from the database table you created earlier, and see if it's time to update (use simple math)
  • If you have run the crons, because it was time to update, update the unix timestamp value in the database table


I hope that helps.

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