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Houses By Richard


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Richards House Mod works fine but theres one problem. It doesn't take away money from the person who rented the house out.

It only gives money to the person who giving out the rent.


I fixed bit of the mod.

And Anonymous I believe fixed it a lot by the forums errors.



switch ($_GET['page'])
  case 'move': move_house(); break;
  case 'move_out': move_out(); break;
  case 'estate': estate_agent(); break;
  case 'sell': sell_house(); break;
  case 'rentals': rental_market(); break;
  case 'rent': rent_house(); break;
  case 'upgrade': upgrade_house(); break;
  case 'rented': view_rentals(); break;
  default: houses_index(); break;

function houses_index()

  global $ir;
  $houses = mysql_query(sprintf("SELECT * FROM `owned_houses` LEFT JOIN `houses` ON (`hID` = `uhouseHouse`) LEFT JOIN `users` ON (`userid` = `uhouseOwner`) WHERE (`uhouseOwner` = '%u' || `uhouseTenant` = '%u') AND `uhouseId` != '%d'", $ir['userid'], $ir['userid'], $ir['house']));
  echo '<table width="600">

                                      Your Houses

  <td width="50%" align="center"><a href="houses.php?page=estate">Estate Agent</a></td>
  <td width="50%" align="center"><a href="houses.php?page=rentals">Rent A House</a></td>

     $fetch = mysql_query(sprintf("SELECT * FROM `owned_houses` LEFT JOIN `houses` ON (`hID` = `uhouseHouse`) WHERE (`uhouseId` = '%u')", $ir['house']));
     $h = mysql_fetch_assoc($fetch);
     echo '<b>Current House:</b>

     <table width="300" class="table">
     <th width="50%">Current House</th>
     <th width="50%">Move Out</th>
     <td><a href="houses.php?page=move_out">Move Out</a></td>

  echo '<table width="700" class="table">
  <th width="25%">House Name</th>
  <th width="25%">Owner</th>
  <th width="25%">Will Value</th>
  <th width="25%">Manage</th>
     echo '<tr>
     <td colspan="5">You have no houses at this time, purchase one at the estate agent.</td>
  while($r = mysql_fetch_assoc($houses))
     echo '<tr>
     <td><a href="viewuser.php?u='.$r['userid'].'">'.stripslashes($r['username']).'</a></td>
     <td>'.number_format($r['uhouseMood']).' Will Bar</td><br />

       <a href="houses.php?page=move&id='.$r['uhouseId'].'">Move In</a><br />
       <a href="houses.php?page=sell&id='.$r['uhouseId'].'">Sell House</a><br />
       <a href="houses.php?page=rent&id='.$r['uhouseId'].'">Rent House</a><br />
       <a href="houses.php?page=upgrade&id='.$r['uhouseId'].'">Add Upgrades</a></td>
  echo '</table>';
function move_house()
  global $ir;
  $fetch = mysql_query(sprintf("SELECT * FROM `owned_houses` LEFT JOIN `houses` ON (`hID` = `uhouseHouse`) LEFT JOIN `users` ON (`userid` = `uhouseOwner`) WHERE (`uhouseId` = '%u')", abs((int) $_GET['id'])));
     echo 'You did not select a house to move in to.';
  else if(!mysql_num_rows($fetch))
     echo 'You cannot move into a non-existant house.';
     $r = mysql_fetch_assoc($fetch);
     if($r['uhouseOwner'] != $ir['userid'] AND $r['uhouseTenant'] != $ir['userid'])
        echo 'You are not permitted to move into this house.';
     else if($r['uhouseRTime'] AND $r['uhouseOwner'] == $ir['userid'])
        echo 'You cannot move into a house while it is being rented to another member.';
        mysql_query(sprintf("UPDATE `users` SET `house` = '%d', `maxwill` = '%d' WHERE (`userid` = '%u')", abs((int) $_GET['id']), $r['uhouseMood'], $ir['userid']));
        echo 'You have moved into the '.stripslashes($r['hNAME']).', You now have a maximum Will Bar of '.number_format($r['uhouseMood']).'.';
function move_out()
  global $ir;
  $fetch = mysql_query(sprintf("SELECT * FROM `owned_houses` LEFT JOIN `houses` ON (`hID` = `uhouseHouse`) LEFT JOIN `users` ON (`userid` = `uhouseOwner`) WHERE (`uhouseId` = '%u')", $ir['house']));
     echo 'You cannot move out of a non-existant house.';
     $r = mysql_fetch_assoc($fetch);
     if($r['uhouseOwner'] != $ir['userid'] AND $r['uhouseTenant'] != $ir['userid'])
        echo 'You are not permitted to move out of this house.';
        mysql_query(sprintf("UPDATE `users` SET `house` = '0', `maxwill` = '100' WHERE (`userid` = '%u')", $ir['userid']));
        echo 'You have moved out of the '.stripslashes($r['hNAME']).', You now have a maximum Will Bar of 100.';
function sell_house()
  global $ir;
  $fetch = mysql_query(sprintf("SELECT * FROM `owned_houses` LEFT JOIN `houses` ON (`hID` = `uhouseHouse`) LEFT JOIN `users` ON (`userid` = `uhouseOwner`) WHERE (`uhouseOwner` = '%u') AND (`uhouseId` = '%u')", $ir['userid'], abs((int) $_GET['id'])));
     echo 'You did not select a house to sell.';
  else if(!mysql_num_rows($fetch))
     echo 'You cannot attempt to sell a non-existant house.';
     $r = mysql_fetch_assoc($fetch);
     if($r['uhouseOwner'] != $ir['userid'])
        echo 'You do not own this house, so don\'t attempt to sell it.';
     else if($r['uhouseTenant'])
        echo 'You cannot sell a house while it is being rented to another member.';
        mysql_query(sprintf("UPDATE `users` SET `money` = `money` + '%d' WHERE (`userid` = '%u')", $r['hPRICE'], $ir['userid']));
        mysql_query(sprintf("DELETE FROM `owned_houses` WHERE (`uhouseId` = '%u')", abs((int) $_GET['id'])));
        echo 'You have sold the '.stripslashes($r['hNAME']).' for a total of $'.number_format($r['hPRICE']).'.';
function estate_agent()
  global $ir;
     $house = mysql_query(sprintf("SELECT * FROM `houses` WHERE (`hID` = '%u')", abs((int) $_GET['id'])));
     $r = mysql_fetch_assoc($house);
        echo 'You cannot attempt to purchase a non-existant house.';
     else if($ir['money'] < $r['hPRICE'])
        echo 'You cannot afford to purchase this house right now, come back another time.';
        mysql_query(sprintf("UPDATE `users` SET `money` = `money` - '%d' WHERE (`userid` = '%u')", $r['hPRICE'], $ir['userid']));
        mysql_query(sprintf("INSERT INTO `owned_houses` (`uhouseId`, `uhouseOwner`, `uhouseHouse`, `uhouseMood`) VALUES ('NULL','%u', '%d', '%d')", $ir['userid'], $r['hID'], $r['hWILL']));
        echo 'You have purchased the '.stripslashes($r['hNAME']).' for a total of $'.number_format($r['hPRICE']).'!';
     $houses = mysql_query(sprintf("SELECT * FROM `houses` ORDER BY `hWILL` ASC"));
     echo '<table width="600" class="table">
     <th>House Name</th>
     <th>Will Value</th>
     while($r = mysql_fetch_assoc($houses))
        echo '<tr>
        <td><a href="houses.php?page=estate&id='.$r['hID'].'">'.stripslashes($r['hNAME']).'</a></td>
        <td>'.number_format($r['hWILL']).' Will Bar</td>
     print '</table>';
function rental_market()
  global $ir;
     $house = mysql_query(sprintf("SELECT * FROM `owned_houses` LEFT JOIN `houses` ON (`hID` = `uhouseHouse`) LEFT JOIN `users` ON (`userid` = `uhouseOwner`) WHERE (`uhouseId` = '%u')", abs((int) $_GET['id'])));
     $r = mysql_fetch_assoc($house);
        echo 'You cannot rent a house that does not exist.';
     else if($r['uhouseOwner'] == $ir['userid'])
        echo 'You own this house at this time, You cannot rent it aswell.';
      else if ($r['uhouseRent'] > $ir['money'])
       echo "You do not have enough money to rent the house out";
mysql_query(sprintf("UPDATE `users` SET `money` = `money` - '%d' WHERE `userid` = '%u'", $r['uhouseTenant'], $r['uhouseRent']));

  mysql_query(sprintf("UPDATE `users` SET `money` = `money` + '%d' WHERE `userid` = '%u'", $r['uhouseRent'], $r['uhouseOwner']));

        mysql_query(sprintf("UPDATE `owned_houses` SET `uhouseTenant` = '%d' WHERE (`uhouseId` = '%u')", $ir['userid'], abs((int) $_GET['id'])));
        echo 'You are now renting the '.stripslashes($r['hNAME']).' for a total of $'.number_format($r['uhouseRent']).' each night!';

event_add($r['uhouseOwner'],"".stripslashes($ir['username'])." has rented your {$r['hNAME']} for ".money_formatter($r['uhouseRent'])." each night!",$c);

     $houses = mysql_query(sprintf("SELECT * FROM `owned_houses` LEFT JOIN `houses` ON (`hID` = `uhouseHouse`) LEFT JOIN `users` ON (`userid` = `uhouseOwner`) WHERE `uhouseTenant` = '0' AND `uhouseRent` > '0' ORDER BY `uhouseRent` ASC"));
     echo '<table width="600" class="table">
     <th>House name</th>
     <th>Will value</th>
     <th>Cost each night</th>
     <th>Rental time</th>
     while($r = mysql_fetch_assoc($houses))
        echo '<tr>
        <td><a href="viewuser.php?u='.$r['userid'].'">'.stripslashes($r['username']).'</a></td>
        <td>'.number_format($r['uhouseMood']).' will bar</td>
        <td>'.number_format($r['uhouseRTime']).' nights</td>
        <td><a href="houses.php?page=rentals&id='.$r['uhouseId'].'">Rent house</a></td>
     print '</table>';
function rent_house()
  global $ir;
  $fetch = mysql_query(sprintf("SELECT * FROM `owned_houses` LEFT JOIN `houses` ON (`hID` = `uhouseHouse`) LEFT JOIN `users` ON (`userid` = `uhouseOwner`) WHERE (`uhouseOwner` = '%u') AND (`uhouseId` = '%u')", $ir['userid'], abs((int) $_GET['id'])));
     echo 'You did not select a house to rent out to members.';
  else if(!mysql_num_rows($fetch))
     echo 'You cannot attempt to rent out a non-existant house.';
     $r = mysql_fetch_assoc($fetch);
     if($r['uhouseOwner'] != $ir['userid'])
        echo 'You do not own this house, so don\'t attempt to rent it out to people.';
     else if($r['uhouseTenant'])
        echo 'You cannot rent out a house while it is being rented to another member.';
        if(isset($_POST['time']) AND isset($_POST['cost']))
           mysql_query(sprintf("UPDATE `owned_houses` SET `uhouseRent` = '%d', `uhouseRTime` = '%d' WHERE (`uhouseId` = '%u')", abs((int) $_POST['cost']), abs((int) $_POST['time']), abs((int) $_GET['id'])));
           echo 'You have added the '.stripslashes($r['hNAME']).' the the rental market at a cost of $'.number_format($_POST['cost']).' per night.';
           echo '<form action="houses.php?page=rent&id='.$_GET['id'].'" method="post">
           <table width="600">
           <td><b>Amount Of Nights:</b></td>
           <td><input type="text" name="time" value="30" /></td>
           <td><b>Cost Per Nights:</b></td>
           <td><input type="text" name="cost" value="250" /></td>
           <td colspan="2" align="center"><input type="submit" value="Submit rental" /></td>

function upgrade_house()
  global $ir;
        echo '<form action="houses.php?page=upgrade&id='.$_GET['id'].'" method="post" name="upgrades">
        <table class="table" width="600">
        <th width="45%">Upgrade name</th>
        <th width="25%">Will gain</th>
        <th width="25%">Cost</th>
        <th width="5%"></th>
        $fetch = mysql_query("SELECT * FROM `house_upgrades` ORDER BY `upgradeMood` ASC");
        while ($r = mysql_fetch_assoc($fetch))
           echo '<tr>
           <td>'.number_format($r['upgradeMood']).' mood</td>
           <td><input type="radio" name="id" value="'.$r['upgradeId'].'" onClick="document.upgrades.submit();" /></td>
        echo '</table>';
        echo 'You did not select a house to add upgrades to.';
     $upgrade = mysql_query(sprintf("SELECT * FROM `house_upgrades` WHERE `upgradeId` = '%u'", abs((int) $_POST['id'])));
        echo 'This upgrade does not exist at this time, if this problem continues report it to staff.';
     else if(!isset($_GET['id']))
        echo 'You did not select a house to add upgrades to.';
        $house = mysql_query(sprintf("SELECT * FROM `owned_houses` LEFT JOIN `houses` ON (`hID` = `uhouseHouse`) LEFT JOIN `users` ON (`userid` = `uhouseOwner`) WHERE (`uhouseId` = '%u')", abs((int) $_GET['id'])));
        $h = mysql_fetch_assoc($house);
        $r = mysql_fetch_array($upgrade);
           echo 'You cannot add upgrades to a non-existant house.';
        else if($h['uhouseOwner'] != $ir['userid'])
           echo 'You are not permitted to add upgrades to this house.';
        else if($ir['money'] < $r['upgradeCost'])
           echo 'You do not have enough cash to purchase this upgrade right now.';
           $check = mysql_query(sprintf("SELECT * FROM `owned_upgrades` WHERE (`ownupHouse` = '%u') AND (`ownupUpgrade` = '%d')", abs((int) $_GET['id']), abs((int) $_POST['id'])));
              echo 'This house has this upgrade at this time, it cannot be bought again.';
              mysql_query(sprintf("UPDATE `users` SET `money` = `money` - '%d' WHERE `userid` = '%u'", $r['upgradeCost'], $ir['userid']));
              mysql_query(sprintf("UPDATE `owned_houses` SET `uhouseMood` = `uhouseMood` + '%d' WHERE `uhouseId` = '%u'", $r['upgradeMood'], abs((int) $_GET['id'])));
              mysql_query(sprintf("INSERT INTO `owned_upgrades` (`ownupId`, `ownupHouse`, `ownupUpgrade`) VALUES ('NULL','%u', '%d')", abs((int) $_GET['id']), abs((int) $_POST['id'])));
              echo 'You have purchased the '.stripslashes($r['upgradeName']).' for $'.number_format($r['upgradeCost']).'.';
Edited by Scorpio
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I have the house mod from richard, theres alot of bugs.

Example with the rental market. When its rental time 0 it wont remove. Or the owner of the house cant remove the house from rent. Someon help me out please



if($ir['user_level'] == 1){
echo "Get out of here";

switch ($_GET['page'])
  case 'move': move_house(); break;
  case 'move_out': move_out(); break;
  case 'estate': estate_agent(); break;
  case 'sell': sell_house(); break;
  case 'rentals': rental_market(); break;
  case 'rent': rent_house(); break;
  case 'upgrade': upgrade_house(); break;
  case 'rented': view_rentals(); break;
  default: houses_index(); break;

function houses_index()

  global $ir;
  $houses = mysql_query(sprintf("SELECT * FROM `owned_houses` LEFT JOIN `houses` ON (`hID` = `uhouseHouse`) LEFT JOIN `users` ON (`userid` = `uhouseOwner`) WHERE (`uhouseOwner` = '%u' || `uhouseTenant` = '%u') AND `uhouseId` != '%d'", $ir['userid'], $ir['userid'], $ir['house']));
  echo '<table width="600">

                                      Your Houses

  <td width="50%" align="center"><a href="houses.php?page=estate">Estate agent</a></td>
  <td width="50%" align="center"><a href="houses.php?page=rentals">Rent a house</a></td>

     $fetch = mysql_query(sprintf("SELECT * FROM `owned_houses` LEFT JOIN `houses` ON (`hID` = `uhouseHouse`) WHERE (`uhouseId` = '%u')", $ir['house']));
     $h = mysql_fetch_assoc($fetch);
     echo '<b>Current house:</b>

     <table width="300" class="table">
     <th width="50%">Current house</th>
     <th width="50%">Move out</th>
     <td><a href="houses.php?page=move_out">Move out</a></td>

  echo '<table width="600" class="table">
  <th width="25%">House Name</th>
  <th width="25%">Owner</th>
  <th width="25%">Will value</th>
  <th width="25%">Manage</th>
     echo '<tr>
     <td colspan="5">You have no houses at this time, purchase one at the estate agent\'s.</td>
  while($r = mysql_fetch_assoc($houses))
     echo '<tr>
     <td><a href="viewuser.php?u='.$r['userid'].'">'.stripslashes($r['username']).'</a></td>
     <td>'.number_format($r['uhouseMood']).' will bar</td>
     <td><a href="houses.php?page=move&id='.$r['uhouseId'].'">Move in</a><br />

     <a href="houses.php?page=sell&id='.$r['uhouseId'].'">Sell house</a><br />

     <a href="houses.php?page=rent&id='.$r['uhouseId'].'">Rent house</a><br />

     <a href="houses.php?page=upgrade&id='.$r['uhouseId'].'">Add upgrades</a></td><br />
  echo '</table>';
function move_house()
  global $ir;
  $fetch = mysql_query(sprintf("SELECT * FROM `owned_houses` LEFT JOIN `houses` ON (`hID` = `uhouseHouse`) LEFT JOIN `users` ON (`userid` = `uhouseOwner`) WHERE (`uhouseId` = '%u')", abs((int) $_GET['id'])));
     echo 'You did not select a house to move in to.';
  else if(!mysql_num_rows($fetch))
     echo 'You cannot move into a non-existant house.';
     $r = mysql_fetch_assoc($fetch);
     if($r['uhouseOwner'] != $ir['userid'] AND $r['uhouseTenant'] != $ir['userid'])
        echo 'You are not permitted to move into this house.';
     else if($r['uhouseRTime'] AND $r['uhouseOwner'] == $ir['userid'])
        echo 'You cannot move into a house while it is being rented to another member.';
        mysql_query(sprintf("UPDATE `users` SET `house` = '%d', `maxwill` = '%d' WHERE (`userid` = '%u')", abs((int) $_GET['id']), $r['uhouseMood'], $ir['userid']));
        echo 'You have moved into the '.stripslashes($r['hNAME']).', You now have a maximum will bar of '.number_format($r['uhouseMood']).'.';
function move_out()
  global $ir;
  $fetch = mysql_query(sprintf("SELECT * FROM `owned_houses` LEFT JOIN `houses` ON (`hID` = `uhouseHouse`) LEFT JOIN `users` ON (`userid` = `uhouseOwner`) WHERE (`uhouseId` = '%u')", $ir['house']));
     echo 'You cannot move out of a non-existant house.';
     $r = mysql_fetch_assoc($fetch);
     if($r['uhouseOwner'] != $ir['userid'] AND $r['uhouseTenant'] != $ir['userid'])
        echo 'You are not permitted to move out of this house.';
        mysql_query(sprintf("UPDATE `users` SET `house` = '0', `maxwill` = '100' WHERE (`userid` = '%u')", $ir['userid']));
        echo 'You have moved out of the '.stripslashes($r['hNAME']).', You now have a maximum will bar of 100.';
function sell_house()
  global $ir;
  $fetch = mysql_query(sprintf("SELECT * FROM `owned_houses` LEFT JOIN `houses` ON (`hID` = `uhouseHouse`) LEFT JOIN `users` ON (`userid` = `uhouseOwner`) WHERE (`uhouseOwner` = '%u') AND (`uhouseId` = '%u')", $ir['userid'], abs((int) $_GET['id'])));
     echo 'You did not select a house to sell.';
  else if(!mysql_num_rows($fetch))
     echo 'You cannot attempt to sell a non-existant house.';
     $r = mysql_fetch_assoc($fetch);
     if($r['uhouseOwner'] != $ir['userid'])
        echo 'You do not own this house, so don\'t attempt to sell it.';
     else if($r['uhouseTenant'])
        echo 'You cannot sell a house while it is being rented to another member.';
        mysql_query(sprintf("UPDATE `users` SET `money` = `money` + '%d' WHERE (`userid` = '%u')", $r['hPRICE'], $ir['userid']));
        mysql_query(sprintf("DELETE FROM `owned_houses` WHERE (`uhouseId` = '%u')", abs((int) $_GET['id'])));
        echo 'You have sold the '.stripslashes($r['hNAME']).' for a total of $'.number_format($r['hPRICE']).'.';
function estate_agent()
  global $ir;
     $house = mysql_query(sprintf("SELECT * FROM `houses` WHERE (`hID` = '%u')", abs((int) $_GET['id'])));
     $r = mysql_fetch_assoc($house);
        echo 'You cannot attempt to purchase a non-existant house.';
     else if($ir['money'] < $r['hPRICE'])
        echo 'You cannot afford to purchase this house right now, come back another time.';
        mysql_query(sprintf("UPDATE `users` SET `money` = `money` - '%d' WHERE (`userid` = '%u')", $r['hPRICE'], $ir['userid']));
        mysql_query(sprintf("INSERT INTO `owned_houses` (`uhouseId`, `uhouseOwner`, `uhouseHouse`, `uhouseMood`) VALUES ('NULL','%u', '%d', '%d')", $ir['userid'], $r['hID'], $r['hWILL']));
        echo 'You have purchased the '.stripslashes($r['hNAME']).' for a total of $'.number_format($r['hPRICE']).'!';
     $houses = mysql_query(sprintf("SELECT * FROM `houses` ORDER BY `hWILL` ASC"));
     echo '<table width="600" class="table">
     <th>House Name</th>
     <th>Will Value</th>
     while($r = mysql_fetch_assoc($houses))
        echo '<tr>
        <td><a href="houses.php?page=estate&id='.$r['hID'].'">'.stripslashes($r['hNAME']).'</a></td>
        <td>'.number_format($r['hWILL']).' Will Bar</td>
     print '</table>';
function rental_market()
  global $ir;
     $house = mysql_query(sprintf("SELECT * FROM `owned_houses` LEFT JOIN `houses` ON (`hID` = `uhouseHouse`) LEFT JOIN `users` ON (`userid` = `uhouseOwner`) WHERE (`uhouseId` = '%u')", abs((int) $_GET['id'])));
     $r = mysql_fetch_assoc($house);
        echo 'You cannot rent a house that does not exist.';
     else if($r['uhouseOwner'] == $ir['userid'])
        echo 'You own this house at this time, You cannot rent it aswell.';

mysql_query(sprintf("UPDATE `users` SET `money` = `money` - '%d' WHERE `userid` = '%u'", $r['uhouseRent'], $r['uhouseTenant']));
  mysql_query(sprintf("UPDATE `users` SET `money` = `money` + '%d' WHERE `userid` = '%u'", $r['uhouseRent'], $r['uhouseOwner']));

        mysql_query(sprintf("UPDATE `owned_houses` SET `uhouseTenant` = '%d' WHERE (`uhouseId` = '%u')", $ir['userid'], abs((int) $_GET['id'])));
        echo 'You are now renting the '.stripslashes($r['hNAME']).' for a total of $'.number_format($r['uhouseRent']).' each night!';

     $houses = mysql_query(sprintf("SELECT * FROM `owned_houses` LEFT JOIN `houses` ON (`hID` = `uhouseHouse`) LEFT JOIN `users` ON (`userid` = `uhouseOwner`) WHERE `uhouseTenant` = '0' AND `uhouseRent` > '0' ORDER BY `uhouseRent` ASC"));
     echo '<table width="600" class="table">
     <th>House name</th>
     <th>Will value</th>
     <th>Cost each night</th>
     <th>Rental time</th>
     while($r = mysql_fetch_assoc($houses))
        echo '<tr>
        <td><a href="viewuser.php?u='.$r['userid'].'">'.stripslashes($r['username']).'</a></td>
        <td>'.number_format($r['uhouseMood']).' will bar</td>
        <td>'.number_format($r['uhouseRTime']).' nights</td>
        <td><a href="houses.php?page=rentals&id='.$r['uhouseId'].'">Rent house</a></td>
     print '</table>';
function rent_house()
  global $ir;
  $fetch = mysql_query(sprintf("SELECT * FROM `owned_houses` LEFT JOIN `houses` ON (`hID` = `uhouseHouse`) LEFT JOIN `users` ON (`userid` = `uhouseOwner`) WHERE (`uhouseOwner` = '%u') AND (`uhouseId` = '%u')", $ir['userid'], abs((int) $_GET['id'])));
     echo 'You did not select a house to rent out to members.';
  else if(!mysql_num_rows($fetch))
     echo 'You cannot attempt to rent out a non-existant house.';
     $r = mysql_fetch_assoc($fetch);
     if($r['uhouseOwner'] != $ir['userid'])
        echo 'You do not own this house, so don\'t attempt to rent it out to people.';
     else if($r['uhouseTenant'])
        echo 'You cannot rent out a house while it is being rented to another member.';
        if(isset($_POST['time']) AND isset($_POST['cost']))
           mysql_query(sprintf("UPDATE `owned_houses` SET `uhouseRent` = '%d', `uhouseRTime` = '%d' WHERE (`uhouseId` = '%u')", abs((int) $_POST['cost']), abs((int) $_POST['time']), abs((int) $_GET['id'])));
           echo 'You have added the '.stripslashes($r['hNAME']).' the the rental market at a cost of $'.number_format($_POST['cost']).' per night.';
           echo '<form action="houses.php?page=rent&id='.$_GET['id'].'" method="post">
           <table width="600">
           <td><b>Amount Of Nights:</b></td>
           <td><input type="text" name="time" value="30" /></td>
           <td><b>Cost Per Nights:</b></td>
           <td><input type="text" name="cost" value="250" /></td>
           <td colspan="2" align="center"><input type="submit" value="Submit rental" /></td>

function upgrade_house()
  global $ir;
        echo '<form action="houses.php?page=upgrade&id='.$_GET['id'].'" method="post" name="upgrades">
        <table class="table" width="600">
        <th width="45%">Upgrade name</th>
        <th width="25%">Will gain</th>
        <th width="25%">Cost</th>
        <th width="5%"></th>
        $fetch = mysql_query("SELECT * FROM `house_upgrades` ORDER BY `upgradeMood` ASC");
        while ($r = mysql_fetch_assoc($fetch))
           echo '<tr>
           <td>'.number_format($r['upgradeMood']).' mood</td>
           <td><input type="radio" name="id" value="'.$r['upgradeId'].'" onClick="document.upgrades.submit();" /></td>
        echo '</table>';
        echo 'You did not select a house to add upgrades to.';
     $upgrade = mysql_query(sprintf("SELECT * FROM `house_upgrades` WHERE `upgradeId` = '%u'", abs((int) $_POST['id'])));
        echo 'This upgrade does not exist at this time, if this problem continues report it to staff.';
     else if(!isset($_GET['id']))
        echo 'You did not select a house to add upgrades to.';
        $house = mysql_query(sprintf("SELECT * FROM `owned_houses` LEFT JOIN `houses` ON (`hID` = `uhouseHouse`) LEFT JOIN `users` ON (`userid` = `uhouseOwner`) WHERE (`uhouseId` = '%u')", abs((int) $_GET['id'])));
        $h = mysql_fetch_assoc($house);
        $r = mysql_fetch_array($upgrade);
           echo 'You cannot add upgrades to a non-existant house.';
        else if($h['uhouseOwner'] != $ir['userid'])
           echo 'You are not permitted to add upgrades to this house.';
        else if($ir['money'] < $r['upgradeCost'])
           echo 'You do not have enough cash to purchase this upgrade right now.';
           $check = mysql_query(sprintf("SELECT * FROM `owned_upgrades` WHERE (`ownupHouse` = '%u') AND (`ownupUpgrade` = '%d')", abs((int) $_GET['id']), abs((int) $_POST['id'])));
              echo 'This house has this upgrade at this time, it cannot be bought again.';
              mysql_query(sprintf("UPDATE `users` SET `money` = `money` - '%d' WHERE `userid` = '%u'", $r['upgradeCost'], $ir['userid']));
              mysql_query(sprintf("UPDATE `owned_houses` SET `uhouseMood` = `uhouseMood` + '%d' WHERE `uhouseId` = '%u'", $r['upgradeMood'], abs((int) $_GET['id'])));
              mysql_query(sprintf("INSERT INTO `owned_upgrades` (`ownupId`, `ownupHouse`, `ownupUpgrade`) VALUES ('NULL','%u', '%d')", abs((int) $_GET['id']), abs((int) $_POST['id'])));
              echo 'You have purchased the '.stripslashes($r['upgradeName']).' for $'.number_format($r['upgradeCost']).'.';

It also lets players gominto negative money

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function move_house()
  global $ir;
  $fetch = mysql_query(sprintf("SELECT * FROM `owned_houses` LEFT JOIN `houses` ON (`hID` = `uhouseHouse`) LEFT JOIN `users` ON (`userid` = `uhouseOwner`) WHERE (`uhouseId` = '%u')", abs((int) $_GET['id'])));
     echo 'You did not select a house to move in to.';


on richards SQL i cant see any mention of houses is this something youve renamed or ?

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function move_house()
  global $ir;
  $fetch = mysql_query(sprintf("SELECT * FROM `owned_houses` LEFT JOIN `houses` ON (`hID` = `uhouseHouse`) LEFT JOIN `users` ON (`userid` = `uhouseOwner`) WHERE (`uhouseId` = '%u')", abs((int) $_GET['id'])));
     echo 'You did not select a house to move in to.';


on richards SQL i cant see any mention of houses is this something youve renamed or ?

Hi illusionsthanks for taking the time to help everybody out

richards mod uses the houses table from the original mc codes.

And as you can see in the sql adds owned houses which is the table with all of the users houses and determines which ones are being rented etc

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I havent tested this mod but is the person who's renting the house suppose to get payment deducted weekly, daily or ??? or am i on another planet thinking this way

And it is meant to take themoneh daily from the day cron. But if the user doesnt have the money then it still lets them keepthe house and they cant even move out of it

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$houses = mysql_query(sprintf("SELECT * FROM `owned_houses` LEFT JOIN `users` ON (`userid` = `uhouseTenant`) WHERE `uhouseTenant` > '0'"));
while ($r = mysql_fetch_array($houses))
  mysql_query("UPDATE `owned_houses` SET `uhouseRTime` = `uhouseRTime` - '1' WHERE `uhouseRTime` > '0'");
  mysql_query("UPDATE `owned_houses` SET `uhouseTenant` = '0' WHERE `uhouseRTime` <= '0'");

  mysql_query("UPDATE `owned_houses` SET `uhouseRent` = '0' WHERE `uhouseRTime` <= '0'");
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