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Get number of rows in a mysql result set


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I am wondering how to get the number of rows in a result set. My best guess is that it should be $result->NbRows holding the value, but it stays at -1


// Sample code at http://www.nw-engine.com/wiki/index.php/Database
$result = $db->Execute("SELECT amount, bonus, rate, time FROM ngm_bank WHERE playerid = ? LIMIT 5", $userId);


The vardump output:

 private 'result' => boolean true
 private 'stmt' => 
     public 'affected_rows' => null
     public 'insert_id' => null
     public 'num_rows' => null
     public 'param_count' => null
     public 'field_count' => null
     public 'errno' => null
     public 'error' => null
     public 'error_list' => null
     public 'sqlstate' => null
     public 'id' => null
 public 'fields' => 
   array (size=4)
     0 => &int 1000
     1 => &int 10
     2 => &int 1
     3 => &int 1356859428
 public 'EOF' => boolean false
 private 'conn' => 
     public 'affected_rows' => null
     public 'client_info' => null
     public 'client_version' => null
     public 'connect_errno' => null
     public 'connect_error' => null
     public 'errno' => null
     public 'error' => null
     public 'error_list' => null
     public 'field_count' => null
     public 'host_info' => null
     public 'info' => null
     public 'insert_id' => null
     public 'server_info' => null
     public 'server_version' => null
     public 'stat' => null
     public 'sqlstate' => null
     public 'protocol_version' => null
     public 'thread_id' => null
     public 'warning_count' => null
 public 'NbRows' => int -1
 private 'currentRow' => int 0
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Reason I am asking is that I often prefer to know if there is rows to show. I often tent to make scripts following this structure.


* Manage displaying current transactions and handle payouts
$result = $db->Execute("SELECT id, amount, bonus, rate, time FROM ngm_bank WHERE playerid = ? LIMIT 5", $userId);
$timeLeft = $result->fields[4] - time();
if($timeLeft > 0){
	$left = sec2string(sec2time( $timeLeft ));
	$list .= '<tr><td><a class="btn btn-mini btn-danger" href="index.php?p=ngm_bank&cancel='.$result->fields[0].'">Cancel Transaction</a></td><td> '.number_format($result->fields[1]).'</td><td>'.number_format($result->fields[2]).' '.$result->fields[3].'%</td><td>'.$left.'</td></tr>';
} else {
	//Remove transaction and send money to bank
	$payout = $result->fields[2]+$result->fields[1];
	$payout_total += $payout;
	$userStats['bank']->value += $payout;
	$db->Execute("DELETE FROM ngm_bank WHERE id = ? LIMIT 1", $result->fields[0]);


if(strlen($list) == 0){
$list = '<tr><td colspan="4">You currently do not have any money in the bank</td></tr>';


Further down the output section


<table class="table table-striped table-bordered table-condensed">
	<th style="width: 13%;"> </th>
	<th>Time Left</th>

	<?php echo $list; ?>	



As you see I made a tempt solution by using strlen(). That does not work to bad in this example. But would like a way to do this:


$r = mysql_query("SELECT * FROM users WHERE id='something'");
if(mysql_num_rows() > 0){
// do stuff

} else {
// No reason todo anything
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You then simply need to check if you are already at the end of the query:


$result = $db->Execute("SELECT id, amount, bonus, rate, time FROM ngm_bank WHERE playerid = ? LIMIT 5", $userId);
// No rows...
   // Do something
   // Go through all
   foreach($result as $row)
       // Do something on the row
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