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i have a problem sometimes when i bet, it gives me a card but does not count it towards the actually game.

for example, if i have a 5 a 6 and a king, the king wont count so I will have 11 not 21

can any one see below on my codes whats wrong or why it does this




include "includes/db_connect.php";

include "includes/functions.php";

if ($info->last_script_check < time()){
include_once "probe.php";


$playersusername = $_SESSION['username'];

$username = $_SESSION['username'];

$fetch= mysql_fetch_object(mysql_query("SELECT * FROM users WHERE username='$username'"));

$ding_dong1=mysql_fetch_object(mysql_query("SELECT * FROM bj WHERE location='$fetch->location'"));

if($ding_dong1->bjowner == "0" || $ding_dong1->bjowner == ""){ 


<link rel=stylesheet href=style.css type=text/css>

<form name="form1" method="post" action="">
 <table width="40%" border="0" align="center" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0" class="table">

   <tr><td height="30" align="center" class="header">BlackJack Unowned - <a href='?price' class="hover" title="<center>To Purchase This BlackJack It Will Cost You £5,000,000!">Price?</a></td></tr>

   <tr >

     <td align="center">The BlackJack Located In <b><?php echo "$fetch->location"; ?></b> Are Not Owned By Anyone!<br />

       <br />

       <input name="buyrps" id="buyrps" type="submit" class="button" value="Purchase" />

       <br />

       <br />

       <br />



  if($fetch->money < 5000000){

echo "You have not got £5,000,000 to pay for the BlackJack.";

}elseif($fetch->money > 5000000 && $ding_dong1->bjowner == "0"){

$moneyless = $sitestats->factoryprice;

mysql_query("UPDATE users SET money=money-5000000 WHERE username='$username'");

mysql_query("UPDATE bj SET bjowner='$username' WHERE location='$fetch->location'");

echo "You now own the BlackJack located in $fetch->location.";	 





 <?php }else{ ?>


$time = time();

echo "$style"; 




die("<center><h3><font colour='FFFFFF'>You Have Been Banned From This Page</h3></center>");


$fetch=mysql_fetch_object(mysql_query("SELECT username,location FROM users WHERE username='$username'"));

echo "

<link href=style.css rel=stylesheet type=text/css>


$username = $_SESSION['username'];

$self = "blackjack.php";

//***get info

$result = mysql_query("SELECT money, location FROM users WHERE username='$username'");

while ($info = mysql_fetch_row($result)) {

$pmoney = $info[0];

$currentmoney = $info[0];

$state = $info[1];

$location= $info[1];

$bj = $info[2];



$ding_dong=mysql_fetch_object(mysql_query("SELECT bjowner FROM bj WHERE location ='$fetch->location'"));

$ding_dong1=mysql_fetch_object(mysql_query("SELECT * FROM bj WHERE location ='$fetch->location'"));

$fat_****=mysql_fetch_object(mysql_query("SELECT username,status FROM users WHERE username='$ding_dong->bjowner'"));


if($fat_****->status == 'Dead' || $fat_****->status == 'Banned'){

mysql_query("UPDATE bj SET bjowner='0' WHERE location='$location'");

print "<font color=white>This table has no owner!";






echo "<center><font color=red><b>You flew and lost your cards!<BR>";



$result = mysql_query("SELECT bjmaxbet, bjminbet, bjowner , bjearnings FROM  bj WHERE location='$fetch->location'");

while ($info = mysql_fetch_row($result)) {

$bjowner = $info[2];

$max = $info[0];

$earn = $info[3];

$bjmaxbet = $info[0];

$bjminbid = $info[1];

$totalearnings = $info[3];

$bjowner = $info[2];


$result = mysql_query("SELECT id, money FROM users WHERE username='$bjowner'");

while ($info = mysql_fetch_row($result)) {

$oid = $info[0];

$omoney = $info[1];

$otmoney = $info[1];


if($bjowner == "None"){

echo "<font color=white>No owner";



$offer = $_POST['offer'];

$ownerstuff = mysql_query("SELECT money, id, status FROM users WHERE username='$bjowner'");

while($ownerstats = mysql_fetch_row($ownerstuff)){

$ownerscurrentmoney = $ownerstats[0];

$otmoney = $ownerstats[0];

$ownerid = $ownerstats[1];

$abd = $ownerstats[2];


if($offer != ""){

if($offer < 0){ echo "<font color=white>You can't go below 0!"; }

elseif($offer > 2147483647){ echo "<font color=white>Your offer is to high!"; }

elseif(ereg("[^[:digit:]]", $offer)) { echo "<font color=white>Bad amount!"; }

elseif($username == $bjowner){ echo "<font color=white>You can't make an offer to yourself!"; }

elseif($offer > $currentmoney){ echo "<font color=white>You dont have that much money!"; } else {

	echo "You have made an offer to take over that blackjack!";

	mysql_query("INSERT INTO `offers` ( `id` , `username` , `owner` , `offer` , `casino`, `location` ) VALUES ('', '$username', '$bjowner', '$offer', 'Blackjack', '$location');");




$yid = $_POST['yes'];

$nid = $_POST['no'];

if($yid != ""){ 

	$ow = mysql_query("SELECT * FROM offers WHERE id='$yid'");

	while($o = mysql_fetch_row($ow)){

		$offerer = $o[1];

		$bjowner = $o[2];

		$moffer = $o[3];

		$location = $o[5];

		$casino = $o[4];


	$cost = mysql_query("SELECT money FROM users WHERE username='$offerer'"); 

	while($money = mysql_fetch_row($cost)){

		$oumoney = $money[0];


	if($oumoney < $moffer){ echo "<font color=white>That user no longer has enough money!"; }

	elseif($offerer == $username){ echo "<font color=white>You cant accept your own offer!"; }

	elseif($bjowner != $username){ echo "<font color=white>Thats not your blackjack!"; } else {

		mysql_query("UPDATE bj SET bjowner='$offerer' WHERE location='$location'");

		$newownmoney = $currentmoney + $moffer;

		$newusemoney = $oumoney - $moffer;

		$message = "<font color=white>Your offer was <b>accepted</b> by <b>$bjowner</b> for the $location $casino for the price of $$moffer";

		mysql_query("INSERT INTO `inbox` (`id`, `to`, `from`, `date`, `text`) VALUES ('', '$offerer', 'BlackJack Ownership', NOW(), '$message');");

		mysql_query("UPDATE users SET money='$newownmoney' WHERE username='$username'");

		mysql_query("UPDATE users SET money='$newusemoney' WHERE username='$offerer'");

		mysql_query("DELETE FROM offers WHERE location='$location', bjmaxbet='100' AND casino='$casino'");

		echo "<font color=white>You have accepted that offer!";



} else {

	$ow = mysql_query("SELECT * FROM offers WHERE id='$nid'");

	while($o = mysql_fetch_row($ow)){

		$offerer = $o[1];

		$bjowner = $o[2];

		$moffer = $o[3];

		$location = $o[5];

		$casino = $o[4];


	$message = "Your offer was <b>declined</b> by <b>$bjowner</b> for $location $casino for the price of $$moffer";

	mysql_query("INSERT INTO `inbox` (`id`, `to`, `from`, `date`, `text`) VALUES ('', '$offerer', 'Location Ownership', NOW(), '$message');");

	mysql_query("DELETE FROM offers WHERE id='$nid'");

	echo "<font color=white>You declined that offer!";



//see if person owns table

if ($bjowner == $playersusername){

if ($_POST['newmaxbet']){ 

	$newmaxbet = $_POST['newmaxbet'];

	if ($newmaxbet < 5000000){

		echo "<center><font color=red><b>Max must be atleast £5,000,000 or above!";



	}elseif ($newmaxbet > 10000000000){

		echo "<center><font color=red><b>Max must be less then £10,000,000,000!";



	}elseif(ereg("[^[:digit:]]", $newmaxbet)){

		echo "<center><font color=white><b>Max bet must only contain numbers!";




		mysql_query("UPDATE bj SET bjmaxbet='$newmaxbet' WHERE bjowner='$username' AND location='$location'");

		echo "<center><font color=green><b>Your maxbet has been updated to £$newmaxbet";



if ($_POST['newminbid']){

	$newminbid = $_POST['newminbid'];

	if ($newminbid < 100){

		echo "<center><font color=red><b>Minimum bet must be atleast £100 or above!";




	if(ereg("[^[:digit:]]", $newminbid)){

		echo "<font color=white>Minimum bet must only contain numbers!";



	}elseif(!ereg("[^[:digit:]]", $newminbid)){

mysql_query("UPDATE bj SET bjminbet='$newminbid' WHERE bjowner='$username' AND location='$location'");


	echo "<center><font color=green><b>Minimum bet has been updated to £$newminbid!";


if ($_POST['givetouser']){

	$givetouser = $_POST['givetouser'];

	$checkgiveto = mysql_query("SELECT username FROM users WHERE username='$givetouser'");

	$checkifexist = mysql_num_rows($checkgiveto);

	if($checkifexist <= 0){

		echo "<center><font color=white><b>That user does not exist!";




	while($giver = mysql_fetch_row($checkgiveto)){

			$givetouser = $giver[0];

$date = gmdate('Y-m-d h:i:s');

mysql_query("INSERT INTO `propsend` ( `id` , `type` , `location` , `usernamefrom` , `usernameto` , `date` )

VALUES ('', 'Blackjack', '$location', '$username', '$givetouser', '$date')");

mysql_query("UPDATE bj SET bjmaxbet='2500' WHERE bjowner='$username' AND location='$location'");
mysql_query("UPDATE bj SET bjowner='$givetouser' WHERE bjowner='$username' AND location='$location'");

		echo "<center><font color=white><b>You gave $givetouser the Blackjack!";



if (strip_tags($_POST['drop']) == "Yes"){
mysql_query("UPDATE bj SET bjmaxbet='2500' WHERE bjowner='$username' AND location='$location'");
mysql_query("UPDATE bj SET bjowner='0', bjearnings='0' WHERE bjowner='$username' AND location='$location'");

	echo "<form method=post action=$self>

<table width=300 align=center border=0 cellpadding=0 cellspacing=0 class=table>

<tr class=header>

<td colspan=4>

     Blackjack CP</td>



	  <td width=130>Total Earnings: </td>

	  <td width=148 colspan=3>£"; echo number_format($totalearnings); echo "</td>



	  <td>Max Bet: </td>

	  <td width=148 colspan=3><input name=newmaxbet type=text id=maxbet class=textbox1></td>



	  <td>Current Max: </td>

	  <td colspan=3>£"; echo number_format($bjmaxbet); echo "</td>




           <td><select name=drop id=drop class=\"textbox1\" style=\"width: 60px;\">

               <option value=\"No\">No</option>

               <option value=\"Yes\">Yes</option>




	  <td>Give to: </td>

	  <td colspan=3><input name=givetouser type=text id=giveto class=textbox1></td>



	  <td> </td>

	  <td colspan=4 align=center><input type=submit name=Submit value=Update class=button></td>








$suc = 1;

if (isset($_POST['bett'])){

$bettt = strip_tags($_POST['bett']);

$now = $bj + 60;

if(time() < $now){

	echo "<font color=white>You started a blackjack game and never finished you must wait a minuite to start another!";


}elseif(ereg("[^[:digit:]]", $bettt)) {  

	echo "<font color=white>Bet amount can only contain numbers!";

	$suc = 2;


}elseif($bettt > $pmoney){

	echo "<font color=white>You dont have enough money!";

	$suc = 2;


}elseif($bettt > 1000000000){

	echo "<font color=white>Maximum is 1 billion!";


}elseif($bettt > $max) {

	echo "<font color=white>The current max is £$max!";

	$suc = 2;



	$_SESSION['bet'] = $bettt;

	$money = $pmoney - $bettt;

	mysql_query("UPDATE users SET money='$money', bj='$time' WHERE username='$username'");

$_SESSION['show'] = "show me";



$bet = $_SESSION['bet'];

//****check if they want to hit

if ((isset($_POST['hit'])) && (!isset($_POST['stand'])) && (isset($_SESSION['bet']))){

$deckk = $_SESSION['deck'];

if (isset($_SESSION['card6'])){


	$ex = "6";


if (isset($_SESSION['card5'])){


	$ex = "5";


if (isset($_SESSION['card4'])){


	$ex = "4";


if (isset($_SESSION['card3'])){


	$ex = "3";


if ($ex == 3){

	$card3 = explode("-", $deckk[2]);

	$color3 = $card3[1];

	$card3 =  $card3[0];

	if ($color3 == "h"){$color3 = 'heart';}

	if ($color3 == "d"){$color3 = 'diamond';}

	if ($color3 == "s"){$color3 = 'spade';}

	if ($color3 == "c"){$color3 = 'club';}

	$_SESSION['card3'] = $card3;

	$_SESSION['color3'] = $color3;


if ($ex == 4){

	$card4 = explode("-", $deckk[3]);

	$color4 = $card4[1];

	$card4 =  $card4[0];

	if ($color4 == "h"){$color4 = 'heart';}

	if ($color4 == "d"){$color4 = 'diamond';}

	if ($color4 == "c"){$color4 = 'club';}

	if ($color4 == "s"){$color4 = 'spade';}

	$_SESSION['card4'] = $card4;

	$_SESSION['color4'] = $color4;


if ($ex == 5){

	$card5 = explode("-", $deckk[4]);

	$color5 = $card5[1];

	$card5 =  $card5[0];

	if ($color5 == "h"){$color5 = 'heart';}

	if ($color5 == "d"){$color5 = 'diamond';}

	if ($color5 == "c"){$color5 = 'club';}

	if ($color5 == "s"){$color5 = 'spade';}

	$_SESSION['card5'] = $card5;

	$_SESSION['color5'] = $color5;


if ($ex == 6){

	$card6 = explode("-", $deckk[5]);

	$color6 = $card6[1];

	$card6 =  $card6[0];

	if ($color6 == "h"){$color6 = 'heart';}

	if ($color6 == "d"){$color6 = 'diamond';}

	if ($color6 == "c"){$color6 = 'club';}

	if ($color6 == "s"){$color6 = 'spade';}

	$_SESSION['card6'] = $card6;

	$_SESSION['color6'] = $color6;



//*****see if they stand

if ((isset($_POST['stand'])) && (!isset($_POST['hit'])) && (isset($_SESSION['bet']))){

$bet = $_SESSION['bet'];

$dcardd1 = $_SESSION['dcard1'];

$dcardd2 = $_SESSION['dcard2'];

if (($dcardd1 == 13) || ($dcardd1 == 12) || ($dcardd1 == 11)){

	$dcardd1 = 10;


if ($dcardd1 == 14){

	$dcardd1 = 11;


if (($dcardd2 == 13) || ($dcardd2 == 12) || ($dcardd2 == 11)){

	$dcardd2 = 10;


if ($dcardd2 == 14){

	$dcardd2 = 11;


$dtotal = $dcardd1 + $dcardd2;

if (($dtotal > 21) && ($dcardd1 == 11)){

	$dcardd1 = 1;

	$dtotal = $dtotal - 11;

	$dtotal = $dtotal + $dcardd1;


if (($dtotal > 21) && ($dcardd2 == 11)){

	$dcardd2 = 1;

	$dtotal = $dtotal - 11;

	$dtotal = $dtotal + $dcardd2;


$dtotal = $dcardd1 + $dcardd2;

if ($dtotal <= 16){

	$deckk = $_SESSION['deck'];

	$dcard3 = explode("-", $deckk[49]);

	$dcolor3 =  $dcard3[1];

	$dcard3 = $dcard3[0];

	if ($dcolor3 == "h"){$dcolor3 = 'heart';}

	if ($dcolor3 == "d"){$dcolor3 = 'diamond';}

	if ($dcolor3 == "c"){$dcolor3 = 'club';}

	if ($dcolor3 == "s"){$dcolor3 = 'spade';}

	$_SESSION['dcard3'] = $dcard3;

	$_SESSION['dcolor3'] = $dcolor3;

	$dcardd3 = $dcard3;

	if (($dcardd3 == 13) OR ($dcardd3 == 12) OR ($dcardd3 == 11)){

		$dcardd3 = 10;


	if ($dcardd3 == 14){

		$dcardd3 = 11;


	$dtotal = $dtotal + $dcardd3;

	if (($dtotal > 21) && ($dcardd3 == 11)){

		$dcardd3 = 1;

		$dtotal = $dtotal - 11;

		$dtotal = $dtotal + $dcardd3;



if (($dtotal <= 16) && (isset($_SESSION['dcard3']))){

	$deckk = $_SESSION['deck'];

	$dcard4 = explode("-", $deckk[48]);

	$dcolor4 =  $dcard4[1];

	$dcard4 = $dcard4[0];

	if ($dcolor4 == "h"){$dcolor4 = 'heart';}

	if ($dcolor4 == "d"){$dcolor4 = 'diamond';}

	if ($dcolor4 == "c"){$dcolor4 = 'club';}

	if ($dcolor4 == "s"){$dcolor4 = 'spade';}

	$_SESSION['dcard4'] = $dcard4;

	$_SESSION['dcolor4'] = $dcolor4;

	$dcardd4 = $dcard4;

	if (($dcardd4 == 13) OR ($dcardd4 == 12) OR ($dcardd4 == 11)){

		$dcardd4 = 10;


	if ($dcardd4 == 14){

		$dcardd4 = 11;


	$dtotal = $dtotal + $dcardd4;

	if (($dtotal > 21) && ($cardd4 == 11)){

		$dcardd4 = 1;

		$dtotal = $dtotal - 11;

		$dtotal = $dtotal + $dcardd4;



$cardd1 = $_SESSION['card1'];

$cardd2 = $_SESSION['card2'];

$cardd3 = $_SESSION['card3'];

$cardd4 = $_SESSION['card4'];

$cardd5 = $_SESSION['card5'];

$cardd6 = $_SESSION['card6'];

if (($cardd1 == 13) || ($cardd1 == 12) || ($cardd1 == 11)){

	$cardd1 = 10;


if ($cardd1 == 14){

	$cardd1 = 11;


if (($cardd2 == 13) || ($cardd2 == 12) || ($cardd2 == 11)){

	$cardd2 = 10;


if ($cardd2 == 14){

	$cardd2 = 11;


if (isset($_SESSION['card3'])){

	if (($cardd3 == 13) || ($cardd3 == 12) || ($cardd3 == 11)){

		$cardd3 = 10;


	if ($cardd3 == 14){

		$cardd3 = 11;



if (isset($_SESSION['card4'])){

	if (($cardd4 == 13) || ($cardd4 == 12) || ($cardd4 == 11)){

		$cardd4 = 10;


	if ($cardd4 == 14){

		$cardd4 = 11;



if (isset($_SESSION['card5'])){

	if (($cardd5 == 13) || ($cardd5 == 12) || ($cardd5 == 11)){

		$cardd5 = 10;


	if ($cardd5 == 14){

		$cardd5 = 11;



if (isset($_SESSION['card6'])){

	if (($cardd6 == 13) || ($cardd6 == 12) || ($cardd6 == 11)){

		$cardd6 = 10;


	if ($cardd6 == 14){

		$cardd6 = 11;



$total = $cardd1 + $cardd2;

if (isset($_SESSION['card3'])){

	$total = $total + $cardd3;


if (isset($_SESSION['card4'])){

	$total = $total + $cardd4;


if (isset($_SESSION['card5'])){

	$total = $total + $cardd5;


if (isset($_SESSION['card6'])){

	$total = $total + $cardd6;


if (($total > 21) && ($cardd1 == 11)){

	$cardd1 = 1;

	$total = $total - 11;

	$total = $total + $cardd1;


if (($total > 21) && ($cardd2 == 11)){

	$cardd2 = 1;

	$total = $total - 11;

	$total = $total + $cardd2;


if (($total > 21) && ($cardd3 == 11)){

	$cardd3 = 1;

	$total = $total - 11;

	$total = $total + $cardd3;


if (($total > 21) && ($cardd4 == 11)){

	$cardd4 = 1;

	$total = $total - 11;

	$total = $total + $cardd4;


if (($total > 21) && ($cardd5 == 11)){

	$cardd5 = 1;

	$total = $total - 11;

	$total = $total + $cardd5;


if (($total > 21) && ($cardd6 == 11)){

	$cardd6 = 1;

	$total = $total - 11;

	$total = $total + $cardd6;


if (($dtotal > 21) && (isset($_SESSION['bet']))){


	echo "<center><font color=green><b>The dealer has bust. You won £$hahahaha1.";

	$won = $bet;

	$newmoney = $omoney - $won;

	$ws = "win";

	if($newmoney <= 0){

		$bet = $bet;

mysql_query("UPDATE bj SET bjowner='$username', bjearnings='0', bjmaxbet='2000' WHERE bjowner='$bjowner' AND location='$location'");

		mysql_query("UPDATE users SET money='$otmoney' WHERE username='$bjowner'");

mysql_query("UPDATE bj SET bjowner='$username', bjearnings='0', bjmaxbet='2000' WHERE bjowner='$bjowner' AND location='$location'");

		echo "<font color=white>You tookover the table"; die();


		$money = $won + $pmoney;

		mysql_query("UPDATE users SET money='$money' WHERE username='$username'");
                       mysql_query("UPDATE users SET bjwins=bjwins+1 WHERE username='$username'");

		$total = $earn - $won;

		mysql_query("INSERT INTO `betlogs` (`id`, `username`, `money`, `end`, `owner`, `type`, `moneyuse`) VALUES ('', '$username', '$currentmoney', '$end', '$bjowner', 'bj', '$bettt');");

		mysql_query("UPDATE bj SET bjearnings='$total' WHERE bjowner='$bjowner'");	

		$newmoney = $omoney - $won;

		mysql_query("UPDATE users SET money='$newmoney' WHERE username='$bjowner'");

		mysql_query("UPDATE users SET bj='0' WHERE username='$username'");



	$_SESSION['show'] = "show them";


$phow = 21 - $total;

$dhow = 21 - $dtotal;

if (($phow > $dhow) && (isset($_SESSION['bet']))){

	echo "<center><font color=red><b>You had $total and the dealer had $dtotal you lost £$bet!";

	$total = $earn + $bet;

	$ws = "lost";

	mysql_query("UPDATE bj SET bjearnings='$total' WHERE bjowner='$bjowner'");	

	$newmoney = $omoney + $bet;
	mysql_query("UPDATE users SET money='$newmoney' WHERE username='$bjowner'");

               $start = $pmoney;
        $end = $pmoney-$bet;
	mysql_query("UPDATE users SET money='$end' WHERE username='$username'");


	$_SESSION['show'] = "show them";	


if (($phow < $dhow) && (isset($_SESSION['bet']))){


	echo "<center><font color=green><b>You had $total and the dealer had $dtotal you won £$eatshit!";

	$won = $bet;

	$newmoney = $omoney - $won;

	$ws = "win";

	if($newmoney <= 0){

$bet = $bet;
		mysql_query("UPDATE bj SET bjowner='$username',bjearnings='0',bjmaxbet='2000' WHERE bjowner='$bjowner' AND location='$location'");

		mysql_query("UPDATE users SET money='$otmoney' WHERE username='$bjowner'");
                      mysql_query("UPDATE users SET money=money+bet WHERE username='$username'");

		echo "<center><font color=green><b>The owner has no money left so you tookover the table!";


		$money = ($won) + $pmoney;

		mysql_query("UPDATE users SET money='$money' WHERE username='$username'");
                       mysql_query("UPDATE users SET bjwins=bjwins+1 WHERE username='$username'");

		$total = $earn - $won;

		mysql_query("UPDATE bj SET bjearnings='$total' WHERE bjowner='$bjowner'");	

		$newmoney = $omoney - $won;

		mysql_query("UPDATE users SET money='$newmoney' WHERE username='$bjowner'");	

		mysql_query("UPDATE users SET bj='0' WHERE username='$username'");



	$_SESSION['show'] = "show them";


if (($phow == $dhow) && ($bet)){
$bet = $bet;

	echo "<center><font color=white><b>It was a push both you and dealer had same amount!";

	mysql_query("UPDATE users SET money=money+$bet, bj='0' WHERE username='$username'");


	$_SESSION['show'] = "show them";



if ((!isset($_SESSION['card1'])) && (isset($_SESSION['bet']))){

$bet = $_SESSION['bet'];

//*********get cards

//make a deck

$cards = array("14-h", "14-c", "14-d", "14-s",

              "2-h", "2-c", "2-d", "2-s",

              "3-h", "3-c", "3-d", "3-s",

              "4-h", "4-c", "4-d", "4-s",

              "5-h", "5-c", "5-d", "5-s",

              "6-h", "6-c", "6-d", "6-s",

              "7-h", "7-c", "7-d", "7-s",

              "8-h", "8-c", "8-d", "8-s",

              "9-h", "9-c", "9-d", "9-s",

              "10-h", "10-c", "10-d", "10-s",

              "11-h", "11-c", "11-d", "11-s",

              "12-h", "12-c", "12-d", "12-s",

              "13-h", "13-c", "13-d", "13-s");


for($i = 0; $i < 52; $i++){

	$count = count($cards);

	$random = (rand()%$count);

 	 if($cards[$random] == "") {


	 } else{

 	   $deck[] = $cards[$random];

 	   $cards[$random] = "";



$_SESSION['deck'] = $deck;

$carrd1 = explode("-", $deck[0]);

$card1 =  $carrd1[0];

$color1 = $carrd1[1];

$carrd2 = explode("-", $deck[1]);

$card2 =  $carrd2[0];

$color2 = $carrd2[1];

if ($color1 == "h"){$color1 = 'heart';}

if ($color1 == "d"){$color1 = 'diamond';}

if ($color1 == "c"){$color1 = 'club';}

if ($color1 == "s"){$color1 = 'spade';}

$_SESSION['card1'] = $card1;	

$_SESSION['color1'] = $color1;

//second card

if ($color2 == "h"){$color2 = 'heart';}

if ($color2 == "d"){$color2 = 'diamond';}

if ($color2 == "c"){$color2 = 'club';}

if ($color2 == "s"){$color2 = 'spade';}

$_SESSION['card2'] = $card2;	

$_SESSION['color2'] = $color2;

//get dealer cards

$dcarrd1 = explode("-", $deck[50]);

$dcard1 =  $dcarrd1[0];

$dcolor1 = $dcarrd1[1];

$dcarrd2 = explode("-", $deck[51]);

$dcard2 =  $dcarrd2[0];

$dcolor2 = $dcarrd2[1];

if ($dcolor1 == "h"){$dcolor1 = 'heart';}

if ($dcolor1 == "d"){$dcolor1 = 'diamond';}

if ($dcolor1 == "c"){$dcolor1 = 'club';}

if ($dcolor1 == "s"){$dcolor1 = 'spade';}

$_SESSION['dcard1'] = $dcard1;	

$_SESSION['dcolor1'] = $dcolor1;

//second card

if ($dcolor2 == "h"){$dcolor2 = 'heart';}

if ($dcolor2 == "d"){$dcolor2 = 'diamond';}

if ($dcolor2 == "c"){$dcolor2 = 'club';}

if ($dcolor2 == "s"){$dcolor2 = 'spade';}

$_SESSION['dcard2'] = $dcard2;	

$_SESSION['dcolor2'] = $dcolor2;


//calcualte cards total to see if they have Blackjack or have bust

if (isset($_SESSION['card1'])){

$cardd1 = $_SESSION['card1'];

$cardd2 = $_SESSION['card2'];

$cardd3 = $_SESSION['card3'];

$cardd4 = $_SESSION['card4'];

$cardd5 = $_SESSION['card5'];

$cardd6 = $_SESSION['card6'];

if (($cardd1 == 13) || ($cardd1 == 12) || ($cardd1 == 11)){

	$cardd1 = 10;


if ($cardd1 == 14){

	$cardd1 = 11;


if (($cardd2 == 13) OR ($cardd2 == 12) OR ($cardd2 == 11)){

	$cardd2 = 10;


if ($cardd2 == 14){

	$cardd2 = 11;


if (isset($_SESSION['card3'])){

	if (($cardd3 == 13) OR ($cardd3 == 12) OR ($cardd3 == 11)){

		$cardd3 = 10;


	if ($cardd3 == 14){

		$cardd3 = 11;



if (isset($_SESSION['card4'])){

	if (($cardd4 == 13) OR ($cardd4 == 12) OR ($cardd4 == 11)){

		$cardd4 = 10;


	if ($cardd4 == 14){

		$cardd4 = 11;



if (isset($_SESSION['card5'])){

	if (($cardd5 == 13) OR ($cardd5 == 12) OR ($cardd5 == 11)){

		$cardd5 = 10;


	if ($cardd5 == 14){

		$cardd5 = 11;



if (isset($_SESSION['card6'])){

	if (($cardd6 == 13) OR ($cardd6 == 12) OR ($cardd6 == 11)){

		$cardd6 = 10;


	if ($cardd6 == 14){

		$cardd6 = 11;



$total = $cardd1 + $cardd2;

if (isset($_SESSION['card3'])){

	$total = $total + $cardd3;


if (isset($_SESSION['card4'])){

	$total = $total + $cardd4;


if (isset($_SESSION['card5'])){

	$total = $total + $cardd5;


if (isset($_SESSION['card6'])){

	$total = $total + $cardd6;


if (($total > 21) && ($cardd1 == 11)){

	$cardd1 = 1;

	$total = $total - 11;

	$total = $total + $cardd1;


if (($total > 21) && ($cardd2 == 11)){

	$cardd2 = 1;

	$total = $total - 11;

	$total = $total + $cardd2;


if (($total > 21) && ($cardd3 == 11)){

	$cardd3 = 1;

	$total = $total - 11;

	$total = $total + $cardd3;


if (($total > 21) && ($cardd4 == 11)){

	$cardd4 = 1;

	$total = $total - 11;

	$total = $total + $cardd4;


if (($total > 21) && ($cardd5 == 11)){

	$cardd5 = 1;

	$total = $total - 11;

	$total = $total + $cardd5;


if (($total > 21) && ($cardd6 == 11)){

	$cardd6 = 1;

	$total = $total - 11;

	$total = $total + $cardd6;


if (($total == "21") && (!isset($_SESSION['card3'])) && (isset($_SESSION['bet']))){

	$bj = ($bet)/2;


	$newmoney = $omoney - $won;

	$ws = "bj";

	if($newmoney <= 0){
$bet = $bet;

		mysql_query("UPDATE bj SET bjowner='$username',bjearnings='0',bjmaxbet='2000' WHERE bjowner='$bjowner' AND location='$location'");

		mysql_query("UPDATE users SET money='$otmoney' WHERE username='$bjowner'");
                      mysql_query("UPDATE users SET money=money+$bet WHERE username='$username'");

		echo "<font color=white>You tookover the table";


		echo "<center><font color=green><b>You got 21 and won £$won ";

		$money = ($won) + $pmoney;

		mysql_query("UPDATE users SET money='$money' WHERE username='$username'");
                       mysql_query("UPDATE users SET bjwins=bjwins+1 WHERE username='$username'");

		$total = $earn - $won;

		mysql_query("UPDATE bj SET bjearnings='$total' WHERE bjowner='$bjowner'");	

		$newmoney = $omoney - $won;

		mysql_query("UPDATE users SET money='$newmoney' WHERE username='$bjowner'");

		mysql_query("UPDATE users SET bj='0' WHERE username='$username'");

		$_SESSION['show'] = "show them";



	$_SESSION['show'] = "show them";


if (($total > "21" ) && (isset($_SESSION['bet']))){

	$lost = $bet;

	$ws = "lost";

	echo "<center><font color=red><b>You had $total. You bust and lost £$lost. ";		

	$total = $earn + $lost;

	mysql_query("UPDATE bj SET bjearnings='$total' WHERE bjowner='$bjowner'");	

	$newmoney = $omoney + $lost;

	mysql_query("UPDATE users SET money='$newmoney' WHERE username='$bjowner'");

               $start = $pmoney;
        $end = $pmoney-$bet;
	mysql_query("UPDATE users SET money='$end' WHERE username='$username'");

	$_SESSION['show'] = "show them";


	$_SESSION['show'] = "show them";



if($ws == "lost"){

$start = $pmoney;

$end = $pmoney-$bet;

 mysql_query("INSERT INTO `betlogs` (`id`, `username`, `money`, `end`, `owner`, `type`) VALUES ('', '$username', '$start', '$end', '$bjowner', 'bj');");

}elseif($ws == "win"){

$start = $pmoney;

$end = $pmoney+($bet);

 mysql_query("INSERT INTO `betlogs` (`id`, `username`, `money`, `end`, `owner`, `type`) VALUES ('', '$username', '$start', '$end', '$bjowner', 'bj');");

}elseif($ws == "bj"){

$start = $pmoney;

$end = $pmoney+($bet)+($bet/2);

 mysql_query("INSERT INTO `betlogs` (`id`, `username`, `money`, `end`, `owner`, `type`) VALUES ('', '$username', '$start', '$end', '$bjowner', 'bj');");


if (!isset($_SESSION['bet'])){

echo "


<form name=form3 method=post action=$self>

<table width=270 align=center cellspacing=0 cellpadding=0 class=table>

<tr><td class=header colspan=4>Blackjack</td></tr>


     <td colspan=3 align=center>Place Your Bet:</td>

     <td><input type=text name=bett class=textbox1></td>



     <td colspan=3 align=left> </td>

     <td align=left><input type=submit  class=button name=Submit value=Bet></td>



<table width=25% align=center border=0 cellspacing=0 cellpadding=0 class=table>


<td align=center class='header' colspan=4>Blackjack Stats</td></tr>

<tr><td align=center>";

if ($bjowner == "0"){ echo "This Blackjack table is not owned by anyone<br>The max bet is set at £".makecomma($bjmaxbet).""; }else{ echo "This Blackjack table is owned by <a href='profile.php?viewuser=$bjowner'><b>$bjowner</b></a><br>The max bet is set at £".makecomma($bjmaxbet).""; } echo"</td></tr></table>";


} else {

echo "



if ((isset($_SESSION['dcard1'])) && (isset($_SESSION['show']))){



<table width=600 align=center cellspacing=0 cellpadding=0 class=table>
<tr><td class=header colspan=11>Blackjack</td></tr>

<tr width=600>

   <td width="50%" valign=top>


     <b>Dealers Cards</b><br><br>

     <img src="images/cards/<?php if ((isset($_SESSION['dcard1'])) && (isset($_SESSION['show']))){

  													echo $_SESSION['dcolor1'];


													echo "cardback";}

												echo "/";

												if ((isset($_SESSION['dcard1'])) && (isset($_SESSION['show']))) {

													echo $_SESSION['dcard1'];


													echo "cardback";}?>.gif" width="93" height="120">   <img src=images/cards/<?php if ((isset($_SESSION['dcard2'])) && (isset($_POST['stand'])) && (isset($_SESSION['show']))) {

																																				echo $_SESSION['dcolor2'];


																																				echo "cardback";


																																			echo "/";

																																			if ((isset($_SESSION['dcard2'])) && (isset($_POST['stand'])) && (isset($_SESSION['show']))) {

																																				echo $_SESSION['dcard2'];


																																			echo "cardback";} ?>.gif width="93" height="120"> 

         <?php if ((isset($_SESSION['dcard3'])) && (isset($_POST['stand'])) && (isset($_SESSION['show']))) {

echo "<img src=images/cards/";

echo $_SESSION['dcolor3'];

echo "/";

echo $_SESSION['dcard3'];

echo ".gif width=71 height=96>"; 

echo " ";


if ((isset($_SESSION['dcard4'])) && (isset($_POST['stand'])) && (isset($_SESSION['show']))) {

echo "<img src=images/cards/";

echo $_SESSION['dcolor4'];

echo "/";

echo $_SESSION['dcard4'];

echo ".gif width=71 height=96>";

echo " ";




   <td colspan=10 valign=top>


     <b>Your Cards <? if ($_SESSION['bet']){ echo "- You have $total"; } ?></b><br>


     <img src="images/cards/<?php if ((isset($_SESSION['card1'])) && (isset($_SESSION['show']))) {

  											 echo $_SESSION['color1'];


												echo "cardback";}

											echo "/";

											if ((isset($_SESSION['card1'])) && (isset($_SESSION['show']))) { 

												echo $_SESSION['card1']; 


												echo "cardback";}?>.gif" width="93" height="120"> 

       <img src="images/cards/<?php if ((isset($_SESSION['card2'])) && (isset($_SESSION['show'])))  {

							echo $_SESSION['color2'];


							echo "cardback";} ?>/<?php if ((isset($_SESSION['card2'])) && (isset($_SESSION['show']))){

															echo $_SESSION['card2'];


														 echo "cardback"; }?>.gif" width="93" height="120"> 

       <?php if ((isset($_SESSION['card3'])) && (isset($_SESSION['show']))) {

echo "<img src=images/cards/";

echo $_SESSION['color3'];

echo "/";

echo $_SESSION['card3'];

echo ".gif width=93 height=120>"; 

echo " ";


if (isset($_SESSION['card4'])) {

echo "<img src=images/cards/";

echo $_SESSION['color4'];

echo "/";

echo $_SESSION['card4'];

echo ".gif width=93 height=120>";

echo " ";


if (isset($_SESSION['card5'])) {

echo "<img src=images/cards/";

echo $_SESSION['color5'];

echo "/";

echo $_SESSION['card5'];

echo ".gif width=93 height=120>";

echo " ";


if (isset($_SESSION['card6'])) {

echo "<img src=images/cards/";

echo $_SESSION['color6'];

echo "/";

echo $_SESSION['card6'];

echo ".gif width=93 height=120></div></td>";

echo " ";




<tr  class=text>

 <td  width=50% align=center>

 <form name="form2" method="post" action="<?php $_SERVER['PHP_SELF'] ?>">

           <div align="right">

             <input type="submit" class="button" name="submit" value="      Hit      ">

             <input name="hit" type="hidden" value="you hit">    </div>

 </form></td><td width=50% colspan=10>

<form name="form4" method="post" action="<?php $_SERVER['PHP_SELF'] ?>"> 

<br><input type="submit" class="button" name="submit2" value="Stand" />

 <input name="stand" type="hidden" value="you stand" />



if (!isset($_SESSION['bet'])){












<table width="25%" align="center" border="0" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0" class="table">

<tr class="thinline">

<td class='header'>Blackjack Stats</td>

   </tr><tr><td align=center>

<?php if ($bjowner == "0"){ echo "This Blackjack table is not owned by anyone<br>The max bet is set at £".makecomma($bjmaxbet).""; }else{ echo "This Blackjack table is owned by <a href='profile.php?viewuser=$bjowner'><b>$bjowner</b></a><br>The max bet is set at £".makecomma($bjmaxbet).""; } ?></td></tr></table>

<? include_once"footer_bottom.php"; ?>



<? } ?>

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I'm on the sharp end of a sugar rush, following a bottle of BPM, coffee with 4 sugars and half a bottle of Lucozade. Had a skim through the source and my mind is just completely blown.

However, have a look at

    $total = $cardd1 + $cardd2;

   if (isset($_SESSION['card3'])){

       $total = $total + $cardd3;


   if (isset($_SESSION['card4'])){

       $total = $total + $cardd4;


   if (isset($_SESSION['card5'])){

       $total = $total + $cardd5;


   if (isset($_SESSION['card6'])){

       $total = $total + $cardd6;



It could be perfectly fine, and I may be spouting nonsense, but it looks dodgy to me

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I'm on the sharp end of a sugar rush, following a bottle of BPM, coffee with 4 sugars and half a bottle of Lucozade. Had a skim through the source and my mind is just completely blown.

However, have a look at

    $total = $cardd1 + $cardd2;

   if (isset($_SESSION['card3'])){

       $total = $total + $cardd3;


   if (isset($_SESSION['card4'])){

       $total = $total + $cardd4;


   if (isset($_SESSION['card5'])){

       $total = $total + $cardd5;


   if (isset($_SESSION['card6'])){

       $total = $total + $cardd6;



It could be perfectly fine, and I may be spouting nonsense, but it looks dodgy to me



still having problems any one else knowwhat the hells up with it

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inless im missiing


if (isset($_SESSION['card1'])){


$total = $total + $cardd1;




if (isset($_SESSION['card2'])){


$total = $total + $cardd2;



Thats not the issue because you start out with two cards which is added together here:

$total = $cardd1 + $cardd2;

It may be an issue in one of the included scripts.

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If you do find out what's wrong with this, I'd actually be very interested to know, I've read all 2000 lines about 4 times and can't spot any obvious mistakes lol

will do lol its seriously seems a bit wired seen ive looked through it loads its definetly in this files some where thats throwing it out

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