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Injectable through edit profile.php


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how can I make the script so that no one can hack the game, and could you xplain to me so I know how to keep a lookout for the codes in future?




include_once "includes/db_connect.php";




$query=mysql_query("SELECT * FROM users WHERE username='$username'");


$query1=mysql_query("SELECT * FROM user_info WHERE username='$username'");


if (($_POST['change_password']) && ($_POST['current_password']) && ($_POST['new_password']) && ($_POST['verify_password'])){


if ($current_password == $fetch->password && $new_password == $verify_password){

mysql_query("UPDATE users SET password='$new_password' WHERE username='$username'");

echo "Your password has successfully been changed.";


echo "<script language=\"javascript\">




echo "<b><center><font color=red>Your password could not be changed. Please try again with the right details!</font></b></center>";



if ($_POST['change_email']){


mysql_query("UPDATE users SET email='$new_email' WHERE username='$username'");

echo "Your email has successfully been changed to $new_email.";


if (($_POST['change_quote']) && ($_POST['replyMessage'])){


mysql_query("UPDATE users SET quote=\"$quote\" WHERE username=\"$username\"");

echo "Your profile has been updated.";


if ($_POST['profilecolour']){


mysql_query("UPDATE users SET profcolour=\"$profcolour\" WHERE username=\"$username\"");

echo "Your profile colour has been changed to $profcolour.";


if (strip_tags($_POST['change_gender'])){


if($genderc == "0" || $genderc == "1" || $genderc == "Unknown"){

mysql_query("UPDATE users SET hidecrime='$genderc' WHERE username='$username'");

echo"You have changed your profile."; 


echo"You can't have that gender.";	





include_once "includes/db_connect.php";




$query=mysql_query("SELECT * FROM users WHERE username='$username'");


$query1=mysql_query("SELECT * FROM user_info WHERE username='$username'");


if (($_POST['change_password']) && ($_POST['current_password']) && ($_POST['new_password']) && ($_POST['verify_password'])){


if ($current_password == $fetch->password && $new_password == $verify_password){

mysql_query("UPDATE users SET password='$new_password' WHERE username='$username'");

echo "Your password has successfully been changed.";


echo "<b><center><font color=red>Your password could not be changed. Please try again with the right details!</font></b></center>";

if ($_POST['preferences']){
mysql_query("UPDATE users SET hidecrime='$hidec' WHERE username='$username'");
echo "You have changed your Profile."; }



if (strip_tags($_POST['change_avatar'])){


echo"You have changed your Avatar."; 

mysql_query("UPDATE users SET avatar='$new_avatar' WHERE username='$username'"); 

if ($_POST['change_email']){


mysql_query("UPDATE users SET email='$new_email' WHERE username='$username'");

echo "Your email has successfully been changed to $new_email.";



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<table width='600'  align='center' cellpadding="2" cellspacing='0' class="table">


       <td width="49%" class='header' height="22"><div align="center"><b><u>Edit Quote</u></b> </div></td>



         <td height="358" valign="top" >

         <form action="" method="post" name="tehform" id="tehform">

           <div align="center">

             <table width="100%" border="0" cellspacing="0" cellpadding="0">


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                   <table width="100%" border="0" cellspacing="0" cellpadding="0">


                       <td width="71%" align="center"><textarea id='replyMessage' name='replyMessage' class='textb' style='width: 100%; height: 200px'><?php echo "$fetch->quote"; ?></textarea></textarea></td>



                            <input name='change_quote' type='submit' class="button" value='Update Profile' /></td>


             <p><a href="profile.php?viewuser=<?php echo "$username"; ?>">View Your Profile</a></p>


       </tr>  </table>
<table width='600'  align='center' cellpadding="2" cellspacing='0' class="table">
      <tr> <td width="49%" class='header' height="22"><div align="center"><strong>Account Settings</strong></div></td>

   </tr> <tr> <td height="520"><form action="" method="post" name="form1">

         <table width="100%" border="0" cellspacing="0" cellpadding="2">


               <td width="49%" height="39" align="center"><p align="center">Current Password:

                 <input name='current_password' type='password' class="textbox" size='15' />




               <td height="40" align="center">New Password:

               <input name='new_password' type='password' class="textbox" size='15' /></td>



               <td height="42" align="center">Verify New Password:

                 <input name='verify_password' type='password' class="textbox" size='15' /></td>



               <td height="43" align="center"><input name="change_password" type="submit" class="button" value="Change Pass!"></td>



               <td height="43" align="center">Change Email:

                 <input name='new_email' type='text' class="textbox" value="<?php echo "$fetch->email"; ?>" size='40' maxlength='40' /></td>


               <td height="36" align="center"><input name="change_email" type="submit" class="button" value="Change Email!"></td>



               <td align="center">Profile Colour : <br>
                 <input name='hexvalue' type='text' class="color" value="<?php echo"$fetch->profcolour";?>" size="6">
               <td align="center"><input name='profilecolour' type='submit' class="button" value='Profile Colour' /></td>

             <? if ($fetch->hidecrime == "0"){ $selected = " selected"; }else{ $selected = ""; }
if ($fetch->hidecrime == "1"){ $selected1 = " selected"; }else{ $selected1 = ""; }
<tr class="table">
               <td><div align="center">Change Avatar</div></td>
             <tr class="table">
               <td height="22"><div align="center">Avatar:
                 <input name='new_avatar' type='text' class="textbox" value="<?php echo "$fetch->avatar"; ?>" size='60' maxlength='100' />
             <tr class="table">
               <td height="22"><div align="center">
                 <input name="change_avatar" type="submit" class="button" value="Update">






<p> </p>


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Well for one its not a script its a plethera of codes. You need to sanitize your inputs and out puts. I myself am no security expert what so ever I pay people to do it for me so if your unsure how there are plenty of people that do.

Rumor has it mysql_real_escape_string() works pretty good for some of those things

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