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Diffrent bonus for diffrent race/clan?


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How Can I make diffrent bonus for diffrent race/clan?

I know how to force game to check it..


{if $player->race == 'Fire Clan'}
/* Script which executes +xx Something in mySQL
{if $player->race == 'Ice Clan'}
/* Script which executes +xx Some other stuff in mySQL
{if $player->race == 'Noob Clan'}
/* Script which executes +xx Some other stuff(again!) in mySQL


Would be awesome If I could get help.. I'm noob(worse than newbie) at programming...

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I tryed this code, but of course it doesn't work.... Now if any1 has hints(Hints would be more awesome than you fixing code, so I could learn something ,_,) :(


defined('IN_EZRPG') or exit;

$hooks->add_hook('player', 'level_up', 2);

function hook_level_up($db, &$tpl, $player, $args = 0)
   //No player data
   if ($args === 0 || LOGGED_IN == false)
      return $args;

   //Check if player has leveled up

{if $player->village == 'Enerugi Village'}

   //No player data
   if ($args === 0 || LOGGED_IN == false)
      return $args;

   //Check if player has leveled up
if ($args->exp >= $args->max_exp)
       //Update the current player variable ($args)
       $args->exp = $args->exp - $args->max_exp;
       $args->level += 1;
       $args->stat_points += 5;
       $args->max_exp += 100;
       $args->max_energy += 10;
       $args->energy += 10;
       $args->hp += 20;
       $args->max_hp += 20;

       //Update the database
       $db->execute('UPDATE `<ezrpg>players` SET `exp`=?, `level`=level+1, `stat_points`=stat_points+5, `max_exp`=max_exp+100, `energy`=energy+10, `max_energy`=max_energy+10, `hp`=hp+20, `max_hp`=max_hp+20 WHERE `id`=?', array(intval($args->exp), intval($args->id)));

       //Add event log
       $msg = 'You have leveled up! You gained +5 stat points, +10 max energy and +20 max hp!';
       addLog(intval($args->id), $msg, $db);

   return $args;

{if $player->village == 'Kenko Village'}

   //No player data
   if ($args === 0 || LOGGED_IN == false)
      return $args;

   //Check if player has leveled up
if ($args->exp >= $args->max_exp)
       //Update the current player variable ($args)
       $args->exp = $args->exp - $args->max_exp;
       $args->level += 1;
       $args->stat_points += 5;
       $args->max_exp += 100;
       $args->max_energy += 5;
       $args->energy += 5;
       $args->hp += 40;
       $args->max_hp += 40;

       //Update the database
       $db->execute('UPDATE `<ezrpg>players` SET `exp`=?, `level`=level+1, `stat_points`=stat_points+5, `max_exp`=max_exp+100, `energy`=energy+5, `max_energy`=max_energy+5, `hp`=hp+40, `max_hp`=max_hp+40 WHERE `id`=?', array(intval($args->exp), intval($args->id)));

       //Add event log
       $msg = 'You have leveled up! You gained +5 stat points, +5 max energy and +40 max hp!';
       addLog(intval($args->id), $msg, $db);

   return $args;

{if $player->village == 'Jinsokuna Village'}

   //No player data
   if ($args === 0 || LOGGED_IN == false)
      return $args;

   //Check if player has leveled up
if ($args->exp >= $args->max_exp)
       //Update the current player variable ($args)
       $args->exp = $args->exp - $args->max_exp;
       $args->level += 1;
       $args->stat_points += 10;
       $args->max_exp += 100;
       $args->max_energy += 5;
       $args->energy += 5;
       $args->hp += 20;
       $args->max_hp += 20;

       //Update the database
       $db->execute('UPDATE `<ezrpg>players` SET `exp`=?, `level`=level+1, `stat_points`=stat_points+10, `max_exp`=max_exp+100, `energy`=energy+5, `max_energy`=max_energy+5, `hp`=hp+20, `max_hp`=max_hp+20 WHERE `id`=?', array(intval($args->exp), intval($args->id)));

       //Add event log
       $msg = 'You have leveled up! You gained +10 stat points, +5 max energy and +20 max hp!';
       addLog(intval($args->id), $msg, $db);

   return $args;


   //No player data
   if ($args === 0 || LOGGED_IN == false)
      return $args;

   //Check if player has leveled up
if ($args->exp >= $args->max_exp)
       //Update the current player variable ($args)
       $args->exp = $args->exp - $args->max_exp;
       $args->level += 1;
       $args->stat_points += 5;
       $args->max_exp += 100;
       $args->max_energy += 5;
       $args->energy += 5;
       $args->hp += 20;
       $args->max_hp += 20;

       //Update the database
       $db->execute('UPDATE `<ezrpg>players` SET `exp`=?, `level`=level+1, `stat_points`=stat_points+5, `max_exp`=max_exp+100, `energy`=energy+5, `max_energy`=max_energy+5, `hp`=hp+20, `max_hp`=max_hp+20 WHERE `id`=?', array(intval($args->exp), intval($args->id)));

       //Add event log
       $msg = 'You have leveled up! You gained +5 stat points, +5 max energy and +20 max hp!';
       addLog(intval($args->id), $msg, $db);

   return $args;




I've 1% feeling that it is inposibble... and 99% that I did mistake, due to my Noobish skills ,_,

Edited by zefiux
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