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  • 2 weeks later...
I have to admit though, Octarine has left too much for you to do, so I suggest using this and simply adding content between the body tags


<title>SomeRandomBastard Reload!</title>
<script type="text/javascript">
function SRBownsYou() {
 alert("SomeRandomBastard Reload!");
<body onLoad="SRBownsYou();">


Im tempted to use it just to see what it does exactly haha

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 * header.php


I hereby release this header under the WTFPL license.


What's the problem?

It's a perfectly reasonable PHP script; fully functional in fact.

You haven't stated *anything* about your project except that it is non-mccodes;

thus without further information this is about the best you are going to get.

What facilities do you need?

What facilities do you want?

Which version(s) of PHP are to be supported?

What database constraints if any are there?

What level of (X)HTML are you looking for if any?

If it is a class based header similar to mccodes; then what methods are needed?


 * header.php

echo "I must provide more information to MWG if I am to receive any assistance";


Version 2.0; Again released under the WTFPL.



W3Fools; For those tempted by W3Schools

I am no coder but I dont think this will work. Shouldnt it be like this:

 * header.php

echo "I must provide more information to MWG if I am to receive any assistance";
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