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Can anyone tell me why I am getting this error? Obviously I am not defining something correctly, but I can't figure out what it is.

The storagebox table has sbox_id, sbox_itemid, sbox_userid, sbox_qty.

This is the error that I am getting.

QUERY ERROR: You have an error in your SQL syntax; check the manual that corresponds to your MySQL server version for the right syntax to use near '= `sbox_itemid` AND `sbox_userid` = '1'' at line 1

Query was UPDATE `storagebox` SET `sbox_qty` = `sbox_qty` + 1000 WHERE = `sbox_itemid` AND `sbox_userid` = '1'

This is the code that I am working with.


include "globals.php";
switch ($_GET['action'])
case 'gotransfer': go_transfer(); break;
case 'transferdone': transfer_done(); break;
default: index(); break;
function index()
global $db,$ir,$c,$userid,$h;
$item=mysql_query("SELECT `inv_qty` FROM `inventory` WHERE `inv_itemid`='564' AND `inv_userid`='$userid'");
echo "<h2><u>Welcome to the transfer center</u></h2>";
echo "<table bordercolor=red border=1><td><h4>You currently have {$item1['inv_qty']} Silver Flakes to transfer.</h4><br />
<form action='transfer.php?action=gotransfer' method='post'>
<input type='hidden' size='5'name='transfergem' />
<center><input type='submit' value='Transfer' /></center></form></td></table> ";
function go_transfer()
global $db,$ir,$c,$userid,$h;
$item=mysql_query("SELECT `inv_qty` FROM `inventory` WHERE `inv_itemid`='564' AND `inv_userid`='$userid'");
if($_POST['transfergem'] > $item1['inv_qty'])
echo "You are trying to transfer more than you have.<hr /> 
<a href='transfer.php'>Back</a>";
echo"You've chosen to transfer {$item1['inv_qty']}.<br />
<form action='transfer.php?action=transferdone' method='post'>
How many do you want to transfer? <input type='text' size='5' name='transfergem' value='' />
<input type='submit' value='Transfer Item' /></form>";
function transfer_done()
global $db,$ir,$c,$userid,$h;
$item=mysql_query("SELECT `inv_qty` FROM `inventory` WHERE `inv_itemid`='564' AND `inv_userid`='$userid'");
$db->query("UPDATE `storagebox` SET `sbox_qty` = `sbox_qty` + ". $gain ." WHERE {$item1['inv_itemid']} = `sbox_itemid` 
AND `sbox_userid` = '$userid'");
echo "Congratulations!<br />
     You have transferred {$tabs} to your Storage box.<br />
     You now have {$inc} left in your inventory.<br />
  <a href='transfer.php'>Transfer more</a><br />
  <a href='explore.php'>Back to town</a>";  
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Yep see what you have

$item=mysql_query("SELECT `inv_qty` FROM `inventory` WHERE `inv_itemid`='564' AND `inv_userid`='$userid'");





$db->query("UPDATE `storagebox` SET `sbox_qty` = `sbox_qty` + ". $gain ." WHERE {$item1['inv_itemid']} = `sbox_itemid`

AND `sbox_userid` = '$userid'");

Need to add inv_itemid to your query selecting/


$item=mysql_query("SELECT `inv_qty`,`inv_itemid` FROM `inventory` WHERE `inv_itemid`='564' AND `inv_userid`='$userid'");

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