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strange forum behaviour


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hey guys

I've recently noticed that when a user posts in our forums, it sometimes posts twice, one with their actual text then a second blank post. This is also the case when i try to lock a topic, it locks, then seems to unlock itself at the same time.

We've also noticed that in the stafflogs, whenever a staff member does something that gets recorded, it is recorded twice for some reason.

Have no clue why this is happening as i can't recall changing anything that would effect it?!

Any ideas??

cheers for any help you can give!

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hey, this is the code to post in the forums....as far as i can tell there arent any major problems, but then again i dont have much knowledge yet. would the problem be somehwere in this part of code or more likely in a different page, e.g. header.php?


$db->query("INSERT INTO forum_posts VALUES('', {$_GET['reply']}, {$forum['ff_id']}, $userid, '$u', unix_timestamp(), '{$_POST['fp_subject']}', '{$_POST['fp_text']}', 0, '', 0, 0)") or die(mysql_error());
$db->query("UPDATE forum_topics SET ft_last_id=$userid, ft_last_name='$u', ft_last_time=unix_timestamp(), ft_posts=ft_posts+1 WHERE ft_id={$_GET['reply']}");
$db->query("UPDATE forum_forums SET ff_lp_time=unix_timestamp(), ff_posts=ff_posts+1, ff_lp_poster_id=$userid, ff_lp_poster_name='$u', ff_lp_t_id={$_GET['reply']}, ff_lp_t_name='{$topic['ft_name']}' WHERE ff_id={$forum['ff_id']}");
$db->query("UPDATE users SET posts=posts+1 WHERE userid=$userid");
print "<b>Reply Posted!</b><hr /><br />";
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