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Halo Flux - In Development


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This game is my love child! After playing various text based games whilst at school/college i decided to give it a go myself. I knew nothing. I have learnt php through various websites and tutorials and have (over the past 3 years, on and off) been adding more to this game and recently i have made a push towards getting more content added.

Was just looking for experianced bod's to signup and let me know any problems they encounter or anything they think needs to be improved :D

Its space based and i have no images yet.

Current feature list: (might be some missing)


  • 900 (30x30) tile map which you can explore with viewable map
  • In game tutorial for new players
  • Ship based combat and player based combat
  • Upgradable weapons
  • Modules (weapons/shields) to fit to ships
  • Missions with enemies that drop required items
  • Mining
  • Manufacturing
  • Gym to improve stats
  • Home made forum :)
  • Market - with localised items
  • Implants to increase stats
  • Stock market
  • Blackjack and lottery
  • Corporations - they can claim space as their own
  • Fleet battles - occur if another corp tries to claim your space


If your still reading then thanks; http://www.haloflux.co.uk

I await your feedback, good or bad :cool:

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  • 2 weeks later...

1) Registration should lead directly to the game and should not require again to login

2) Login should be made with username... email is somewhat odd

3) Inside the game it's good to have a tutorial, but it's not visible enough

4) Tutorial "link names" and what you find in the menu don't match, for example armory or armoury...

5) Ship pieces can be bought with negative numbers which actually produce money out of... nothing.

6) negative pieces of ship can then be used on the ship XD

7) Lack of story

8) Lack of items in the shop

9) Map doesn't seems to work while exploring

Overall it's not bad, and actually better than many other games I tested which was presented here, however there is quiet some work to do if you really want to have a nice game in my opinion. Basically your game is lacking story / content, also I would think about the balance of the game... which I'm way not sure it's ok currently.

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test/demo account?

There isnt really a demo account. Just sign up with a fictional email at the moment if you want as it doesnt currently email you for autherisation.


1) Registration should lead directly to the game and should not require again to login

2) Login should be made with username... email is somewhat odd

3) Inside the game it's good to have a tutorial, but it's not visible enough

4) Tutorial "link names" and what you find in the menu don't match, for example armory or armoury...

5) Ship pieces can be bought with negative numbers which actually produce money out of... nothing.

6) negative pieces of ship can then be used on the ship XD

7) Lack of story

8) Lack of items in the shop

9) Map doesn't seems to work while exploring

Overall it's not bad, and actually better than many other games I tested which was presented here, however there is quiet some work to do if you really want to have a nice game in my opinion. Basically your game is lacking story / content, also I would think about the balance of the game... which I'm way not sure it's ok currently.

Thanks for taking the time to make all these comments!! :D

I will take on board all of the above and make some changes.

With number 9 what did u mean? the map in the seperate tab? i could make it ajax so it does refresh every few seconds to check where you are. is that what you mean by not working?

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  • 4 weeks later...

I've been reading around. You don't have an if/else statement in your code. Such as

if($balance <= 0)


print "You can not upgrade this.";




print "You just upgraded this.";


It would help on the ship part and the money part.

For the map part, make it where the max number is 9 or something on the X and Y axis. Using arrows, would help if you are maxed on X or Y. Have the arrow where you can't click on it, and it is dim so people know what arrow they can click on to move to another plot.

I haven't signed up yet, but my experience on coding, even though I haven't coded in a long time, I know what I need and how I code the things I should have. It would help out if you don't know a lot about making a game. Making a story line helps the player know what they are playing and how they should play the game. Like call of duty, left for dead, Forza Motorsport, and other games that are for the computer, xbox, or PS3. Know what they show first, before the actual game play.

This advise, would help you understand the concepts of game making and better you into creating the next big thing.

I wish you luck on your game, and I hope you understand everything very clearly.

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