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Ereg deprecated in email verification


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I purchased Cronus' email verification mod a long time ago, and haven't looked at my website backup in over a year until today. I noticed when I put it on my WAMP server I got loads of errors to do with deprecated and I could fix them all except this one. I have no idea how to use preg_match properly, so maybe i could get some help?

if (!ereg("^[^@]{1,64}@[^@]{1,255}$", $email)

if (!ereg("^\[?[0-9\.]+\]?$", $email_array[1])) { // Check if domain is IP. If not, it should be valid domain name


There are more but not sure if I can post them up

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i also got an error like that.. ;

Deprecated: Function eregi() is deprecated in /home/*****/public_html/header.php on line 55

this is line 55:

if(eregi("[\'|'/'\''<'>'*'~'`']",$ids_checkpost) || strstr($ids_checkpost,'union') || strstr($ids_checkpost,'java') || strstr($ids_checkpost,'script') || strstr($ids_checkpost,'substring(') || strstr($ids_checkpost,'ord()')){


idk if its enough information but maybe someone over here got an fast fix for this ;)

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Exactly the same as has been said - it is deprecated.

Ereg and eregi are almost the same, the only difference that I know of is that eregi is case-insensitive.


Try: RegEx cheat sheet

the code is not exactly the same since his problem was in the email part and mine is in the header '.php' as you see

and also i am not an pro at this but i assume its like this?


if(!preg_match("[\'|'/'\''<'>'*'~'`']",$ids_checkpost) || strstr($ids_checkpost,'union') || strstr($ids_checkpost,'java') || strstr($ids_checkpost,'script') || strstr($ids_checkpost,'substring(') || strstr($ids_checkpost,'ord()')){


only changing eregi or ereg to !preg_match ?? what exactly is the difference o.0 between this.. and eregi..

i havent tested this yet.. but let me know if this is also right^^ ? and make changes if not. thx

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Okay i've also searched for sql_regcase on: http://www.php.net/manual/en/reference.pcre.pattern.posix.php

and its saying: sql_regcase() | No equivalent

and i've got this error:

Deprecated: Function sql_regcase() is deprecated in /home/*****/public_html/globals.php on line 38

and this is the line from the error..

$val = preg_replace(sql_regcase("/(from|select|insert|delete|where|drop table|show tables|#|\*|--|\\\\)/"),"",$val);


and it only seems to help if i remove the full sql_regcase so it would be:

$val = preg_replace("/(from|select|insert|delete|where|drop table|show tables|#|\*|--|\\\\)/");


someone with a explaination or possible solution (and thanks by the way for showing me those sites since changing it to "preg_match ... / ... /i" is working

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