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Help with Percentage


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I kind of having a difficult time with what i am trying to do, and just going to ask someone on here to see if they can direct me in the right area, or give me an example how i would do it.

Ok I made an education mod similar to roguevampires that has up to 3 modules per class everything is working the only problem I am having is on the last click I want it not go over 100% and want to add the completion text on the last click that would equal 100% for instance the 3rd module is 1.6% per click say the percentage is 99.8% done, I want the next click to read 100% and for it to read a message that it's complete instead of it reading 101.4%.

the code I am using for the percentage is the same exp and level uses in the check_level function with some adjustments made to fit the education table module instead of level and i erased the other things for will,brave,and ect.

would i just change the table field where exp is default 0.0 to 100.0?

Edited by lucky3809
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I had a problem like this (somewhat).


Just make a max amount of EXP. eg:

$Max_EXP = $_MOD['LEVEL']*7+180

That would set the max.

Then in header have something like:

if ($_MOD['MyEXP'] => $Max_EXP) {

echo' gratz you have level'd up/ranked up';

mysql_query("UPDATE `mod` SET `EXP_NEED` = `0`");


its late and im not well so pm me and ill get back to you tomorrow or day after.

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