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Header and Mission mod


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I added this bit of code snippet to the header to make missions mod but now it isnt working I tried everything but it doesnt work

Here is my header

header('X-UA-Compatible: IE=EmulateIE8');
ob_start ("ob_gzhandler");
header("Cache-Control: must-revalidate");

$count = 3;
$x = -1;
while($x < $count)
$security = array("ID","viewforum","viewtopic");
$_GET[$security[$x]] = abs(@intval($_GET[$security[$x]]));

class headers {
function startheaders() {
global $ir, $set;
echo <<<EOF
<!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD HTML 3.2//EN">
<!DOCTYPE html>
<meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=utf-8"/>
<meta http-equiv="content-language" content="en"/>
<meta name="Distribution" content="Global"/>
<meta http-equiv="X-UA-Compatible" content="IE=EmulateIE8" /> 
<link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="custom.css" />
<table width="970" border="0" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0" class="table2">
<td class="lgrad"></td>
<td class="center">
<style type="text/css">
img { border: none; } 
function userdata($ir,$lv,$fm,$cm,$dosessh=1)
global $db,$c,$userid, $set;
$IP = mysql_real_escape_string($IP);
$IP = $db->escape($IP);

$db->query("UPDATE users 
SET laston=unix_timestamp(),
lastip='$IP' WHERE userid=$userid");

global $domain;
die (" <body>
Your account may be broken. 
Please mail support@{$domain} 
stating your username and player ID.");
if($dosessh && ($_SESSION['attacking'] || $ir['attacking']))

print "
You lost all your EXP for running from the fight.";

$db->query("UPDATE users 
SET exp=0,
WHERE userid=$userid");

$enperc=(int) ($ir['energy']/$ir['maxenergy']*100);
$wiperc=(int) ($ir['will']/$ir['maxwill']*100);
$experc=(int) ( $ir['exp']/$ir['exp_needed']*100);
$brperc=(int) ($ir['brave']/$ir['maxbrave']*100);
$hpperc=(int) ($ir['hp']/$ir['maxhp']*100);
if($ir['donatordays']) { $u = "
<font color=red>{$ir['username']}</font>

global $staffpage;
$bgcolor = '999999';
if($ir['mission'] != 0)
$mq=mysql_query("SELECT * FROM missions WHERE id=".$ir['mission']."",$c);
if(mysql_num_rows($mq)== 0)
mysql_query("UPDATE users SET mission=0 WHERE userid=".$userid."",$c);
if($rm['location_on']== 1)
if($rm['location_value'] != $ir['location'])
{ mysql_query("UPDATE users SET mission=0 WHERE userid=".$userid."",$c);
event_add($ir['userid'],"Your mission has been ended because you have moved city.",$c);
if($rm['item_on']== 1 && $rm['attack_on']== 0)
$invq=mysql_query("SELECT * FROM inventory WHERE inv_userid=".$userid." AND inv_itemid=".$rm['item_value']."",$c);
mysql_query("UPDATE users SET mission=0, money=money+".$rm['money'].", crystals=crystals+".$rm['crystals'].", exp=exp+".$exp.", mission_counter=mission_counter+'1' WHERE userid=".$userid."",$c);
mysql_query("INSERT INTO missdone VALUES ($userid,$mission);",$c);
mysql_query("DELETE FROM inventory WHERE inv_userid=$userid AND inv_itemid=".$rm['item_value']."",$c);
event_add($ir['userid'],"You have completed the mission and you was credited your reward.",$c);
if($rm['item_on']== 0 && $rm['attack_on']== 0)
mysql_query("UPDATE users SET mission=0 WHERE userid=".$userid."",$c);
event_add($owner,"The mission $rm[name] mission ($rm[id]) is not set to a mission, Please do so.",$c);
if($rm['item_on']== 0 && $rm['attack_on']== 1)

$aa=mysql_query("SELECT * FROM missions WHERE id=".$ir['mission']." AND attack_value=".$_SESSION['mission_attack']."",$c);
mysql_query("UPDATE users SET mission=0, money=money+".$rm['money'].", crystals=crystals+".$rm['crystals'].", exp=exp+".$exp.", mission_counter=mission_counter+'1' WHERE userid=".$userid."",$c);
mysql_query("INSERT INTO missdone VALUES ($userid,$mission);",$c);
event_add($ir['userid'],"You have completed the mission and you was credited your reward.",$c);

//Display Pic 

$display_pic = $ir['display_pic'];
if(!$display_pic) {
print <<<OUT

<div id="hd">
<div class="hd_displaypic">[img=$display_pic]</div>
<div class="hd_username">
[url="viewuser.php?u={$ir['userid']}"] $gn{$u} [{$ir['userid']}] $d[/url]
<ul id="menu">

<table width="100%" border="0" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0">
<td width="20%" bgcolor="#$bgcolor" valign="top" align="left" style="padding-left:10px;">

<span class='icons1' style='padding-left:24px;'></span>[b]Money:[/b] {$fm}

<span class='icons2' style='padding-left:24px;'></span>[b]Level:[/b] {$ir['level']}

<span class='icons3' style='padding-left:24px;'></span>[b]Crystals:[/b] {$ir['crystals']}
<hr />
<div class="stat_bars">
<a href="#" class="Tooltip"><span>Current Energy:{$enperc}%</span>
<img src=images/bar.png width=$enperc height=10><img src=redbar.png width=$enopp height=10></a>

<div class="stat_bars">
[url="#"]<span>Current Will: {$wiperc}%</span><img src=images/bar.png width=$wiperc height=10><img src=redbar.png width=$wiopp height=10>[/url]

<div class="stat_bars">
[url="#"]<span>Current Brave: {$ir['brave']}/{$ir['maxbrave']}</span><img src=images/bar.png width=$brperc height=10><img src=redbar.png width=$bropp height=10>[/url]

<div class="stat_bars">
[url="#"]<span>Current EXP: {$experc}%</span><img src=images/bar.png width=$experc height=10><img src=redbar.png width=$exopp height=10>[/url]

<div class="stat_bars">
[url="#"]<span>Current Health: {$hpperc}%</span><img src=images/bar.png width=$hpperc height=10><img src=redbar.png width=$hpopp height=10>[/url]

<hr />

$q=$db->query("SELECT * FROM fedjail WHERE fed_userid=$userid");
[b] <font color=red size=+1>
You have been put in the {$set['game_name']} Federal Jail for {$r['fed_days']} day(s).

Reason: {$r['fed_reason']}</font>[/b]</body></html>");
die(" [b]<font color=red size=+1>Your IP has been banned from {$set['game_name']}, 
there is no way around this.</font>[/b]</body></html>");
function menuarea()
include "mainmenu.php";
global $ir,$c;
$bgcolor = '999999';
print ' 
</td><td width="2" class="linegrad" bgcolor="#'.$bgcolor.'"></td>
<td width="80%" bgcolor="#'.$bgcolor.'" valign="top">
print "[b]NB:[/b] You are currently in hospital for {$ir['hospital']} minutes.
print "[b]NB:[/b] You are currently in jail for {$ir['jail']} minutes.
print "[url='donator.php'][b]Donate to {$set['game_name']} now for game benefits![/b][/url]
function smenuarea()
include "smenu.php";
global $ir,$c;
$bgcolor = 'FFFFFF';
print ' 
</td><td width="2" class="linegrad" bgcolor="#'.$bgcolor.'"></td>
<td width="80%" bgcolor="#'.$bgcolor.'" valign="top"><center>';
function endpage()
global $db;

//Shows useronline & Total Users

$q=$db->query(" SELECT userid FROM users 
WHERE laston>unix_timestamp()-100*60 
ORDER BY laston DESC");
$q=$db->query("SELECT userid FROM users");

print <<<OUT

</td><td class="rgrad"></td>
</tr><tr><td colspan="3">
<table cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0" border="0" width="100%">
<td class="dgradl"></td>
<td class="dgrad" align="center">Total Users [url="userlist.php"]$r2[/url] | Users Online [url="usersonline.php"]$r1[/url] </td>
<td class="dgradr"></td>


This is the error


Parse error:  syntax error, unexpected '{' in /home/mafiacou/public_html/header.php on line 133


Please help!!!!

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