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[Free] [v1] Calculator Mod


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I had to make a php based calculator for a quest i made on my game so people can work out questions, seeing as some normal calculators couldnt multiply IP address's. So i made this calculator mod for your game, Its simple, but can be handy if you have riddles / missions requiring maths :P

Create new file called "calculator.php" with:


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Open "explore.php" and find:


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Just before the



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There your calculator will be located under City, now just under Users Online.

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Re: [Free] [v1] Calculator Mod

i think this is v2 but im not sure my first time converting v1 to v2 correct me if i am wrong




include "globals.php";




print "<h1>Calculation Wizard</h1>";

if ($numbera=="" || $numberb=="" || $calculation="")


print "You approach the wise old wizard, he tells you he can work out any sort of sum...

Work this out then smart ass:


print "<form action=calculator.php method=POST>

<input type=number name=numbera style='width:50px;'>

<select name=do>

<option value=times>x</option>

<option value=plus>+</option>

<option value=minus>-</option>

<option value=divide>/</option>


<input type=number name=numberb style='width:50px;'>

<input type=submit value=Calculate></form>

(Dont try typing in letters i'll just give you the answer 0)";




if ($do=="times")



print "Oh..Thats an easy one, the answer is:


print "$numbera x $numberb = $answertimes";

print "

<a href=calculator.php>Back</a>";


if ($do=="plus")



print "Oh..Thats an easy one, the answer is:


print "$numbera + $numberb = $answerplus";

print "

<a href=calculator.php>Back</a>";


if ($do=="minus")



print "Oh..Thats an easy one, the answer is:


print "$numbera - $numberb = $answerminus";

print "

<a href=calculator.php>Back</a>";


if ($do=="divide")



print "Oh..Thats an easy one, the answer is:


print "$numbera / $numberb = $answerdivide";

print "

<a href=calculator.php>Back</a>";







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  • 2 weeks later...

Re: [Free] [v1] Calculator Mod

When i used iseeyou94056's version translation, it works but i get this error:

Warning: session_start() [function.session-start]: Cannot send session cache limiter - headers already sent (output started at /home/downt12/public_html/calculator.php:2) in /home/downt12/public_html/globals.php on line 6

Which is kind of annoying, when i use 03laceys 2nd version, it doesnt work, comes up with some error on line 11 but someone pointed out that- that was V1 again soooo, then i tried 03laceys first translation, and it works perfectly, nice work man :-D

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  • 10 months later...

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