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[mccode v2] Battle Arena [$35.00]


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Name: Battle Arena

Availability: 15 Copies

Price: [$35.00] USD


php file(battlearena.php)

php file(attack3.php)

php file(cron_day.php)

sql file(battlearena.sql)

txt file(Instructions.txt)

Description: 10 person free for all. players will be able to sign up for their level bracket, and they can also gamble on the winner. every day the battlearena will start if there is 10 people in the bracket, you will be able to watch the battle and see who ended up in 1st place, 2nd place, 3rd place. attack script modified to help out the weaker players so they to can have fun. If you end up in 1st place you get 3 honor. 2nd place you get 2 honor. 3rd place you get 1 honor. but you can easily modify that to your likings. In the arena shop i have demonstrated what you could add in the screenshots. save up your honor and buy some pretty sick items, well your the one that will make the choice of what will go into the shop. easy instructions included if you are not the best at reading codes and modifying them. you can also add brackets, and if your game has lvl 200+ you can increase the range on the brackets by 20. Ithink thats all, great mod the users love it. Oh and the image of the battlearena on the screenshots is not included i asked for permission to use it from the author and forgot to take it out. your gonna have to find your own image.

Screen Shots:







[email protected] [Yahoo msgr]

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Re: [V2][sUPER] Battle Arena

Yeah it looks really nice good work. I must ask though.

What is your code like? Have you used sprintf where required and mysql real escape strings on the $_POST and $_GET variables etc? If so i would consider purchasing, price is a bit steep though but worth it if the code is well scripted.

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Re: [V2][sUPER] Battle Arena

Well 90% or more of free modications are coded like

print " "


With no "basic" security.

I have not seen savagers work before which is why i posed the question to see if they have been used.

Do you have a problem with curiosity?


"Your work is worthless"

Excuse me but can you please state where i said that? I didn't imply it either.

And as for your increased workload and pay, well, well done, good for you!

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Re: [V2][sUPER] Battle Arena

Well 90% or more of free modications are coded like

print " "


With no "basic" security.

I have not seen savagers work before which is precisely why i posed the question!

Do you have a problem with curiosity?


"Your work is worthless"

Excuse me but can you please state where i said that or "implied" it?

And as for your increased workload and pay, well, well done, good for you!


OOops, i thought i clicked modify not quote.

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Re: [V2][sUPER] Battle Arena

change of price to $25, and yes it is secured. going to be offline for the next 3-4 days going on a little trip. so post here or email me if you want a copy or what not.

Note: if enough users are interested in getting this for v1 i might convert

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Re: [mccode v2] Battle Arena [$25 in paid modifications]

kind of curious but this is like a tarted up version of attack ladder right?

i do not mean any offense by this question so im hoping no-one will take offense.

Yeah it looks really nice good work. I must ask though.

What is your code like? Have you used sprintf where required and mysql real escape strings on the $_POST and $_GET variables etc? If so i would consider purchasing, price is a bit steep though but worth it if the code is well scripted.

Why is this forum stuck in the understanding that is incorrect - "Your work is worthless"

Go and try on rentacoder etc and get bids for a job like so and I can guarantee that the price will be higher.

Thankfully, I moved away from CE sales a while ago and my workload and pay has increased by a great amount. Maybe because for $20 and $30, I will not open any program to even consider starting a script.

Exactly what im just about to do lol

im sick of the 1k line mods which sell for 20 bucks on here when i could make alot more elsewhere.

1k is a example lol i know it ain't much

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Re: [mccode v2] Battle Arena [$25 in paid modifications]

if you read the description and look at the screenshots carefully it is no where near the attack ladder. 10 person free for all, you get to gamble, sign up and watch the battle. i dont see where your getting at tarted up version of attack ladder.

13 copies Left

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Re: [mccode v2] Battle Arena [$25 in paid modifications]


if you read the description and look at the screenshots carefully it is no where near the attack ladder. 10 person free for all, you get to gamble, sign up and watch the battle. i dont see where your getting at tarted up version of attack ladder.

13 copies Left

ok maybe you didn't understand

attack ladder ...

users signup :-o

users attack others on the list :-o

users win a price (at the end of the day) :-D

are you telling me this is not similar and 25 bucks is pricey i would suggest getting a free copy of attack ladder and just TART it up.

add a simple gamble function and you have the mystical battlearea which is nothing like attack ladder... lol

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Re: [mccode v2] Battle Arena [$25 in paid modifications]

let me explain.

users do not win a prize at the end of the day. but they do get honor if they win 1st, 2nd, or 3rd.

users do not get to choose who to attack on the list. its a freeforall. at the end of everyday it runs a script if there is 10 users signed up.

you can watch the battle, and see everything that happend. even the weapon name they use.

users sign up yes wow your right, thats the only think the attack ladder and the battlearena have in common.

I challenge you to make a 10 person freeforall. and lets see how far you get.

your a confused little boy. your posting privaledges need to be taken away.

oh and whats the point of the battle ladder. only the person with the best stats is going to win.

now that doesnt sound that fun. does it?

you should really get a life besides sitting on CE all day flaming people.

90% of your posts are flaming people

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Re: [mccode v2] Battle Arena [$25 in paid modifications]


let me explain.

users do not win a prize at the end of the day. but they do get honor if they win 1st, 2nd, or 3rd.

users do not get to choose who to attack on the list. its a freeforall. at the end of everyday it runs a script if there is 10 users signed up.

you can watch the battle, and see everything that happend. even the weapon name they use.

users sign up yes wow your right, thats the only think the attack ladder and the battlearena have in common.

I challenge you to make a 10 person freeforall. and lets see how far you get.

your a confused little boy. your posting privaledges need to be taken away.

oh and whats the point of the battle ladder. only the person with the best stats is going to win.

now that doesnt sound that fun. does it?

you should really get a life besides sitting on CE all day flaming people.

90% of your posts are flaming people

flaming you i was not, 90% of my posts are not flaming has i have over 1,500.

I'm sure i would be banned by now if i was just flaming people...

do you want me to seriously make this and post it here?

would that be fair to the people who have bought it?

if you seriously want me to then i will but consider the sellers reputation since you asked me therefor i did nothing wrong.

If you cannot take negative posts then you ain't much of a coder.

if you have a problem then that's your problem...

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Re: [mccode v2] Battle Arena [$25 in paid modifications]

yeah i give you permission to make the exact replica of this mod.

and i was just giving an estimate of posts. over exagerating but still alot of your posts is making people angry thats why you have -43 for rate. thats sad.

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Re: [mccode v2] Battle Arena [$25 in paid modifications]

okay you to, stop it! Zero, stop picking fights, you do it to often, Savager - This is just what zero does, take it as a compliament, one opinion isnt enough as you have sold 2 copies already. For people who can code they would do something themselves however you have posted this for people who cannot code or do not have the time. Im sure you will sell them all in good time.

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Re: [mccode v2] Battle Arena [$25 in paid modifications]


okay you to, stop it! Zero, stop picking fights, you do it to often, Savager - This is just what zero does, take it as a compliament, one opinion isnt enough as you have sold 2 copies already. For people who can code they would do something themselves however you have posted this for people who cannot code or do not have the time. Im sure you will sell them all in good time.

i wasn't trying to "prick a fight" i was just saying it seems like attack ladder i did add "no offense" but seems he took it bad.

i give compliments in weird ways that's true...

yeah i give you permission to make the exact replica of this mod.

and i was just giving an estimate of posts. over exagerating but still alot of your posts is making people angry thats why you have -43 for rate. thats sad.

ok would you prefer to be mature about this rather than me having another arguement and another person hating me.

im sure you're grown up enough to consider a truce..

(i would also like to state i am not backing down from the challenge but i really would prefer not to have the aggravation and hate flying [another killah vs zero])

i do admit i have a bad side.

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Re: [mccode v2] Battle Arena [$25 in paid modifications]

just curious how would you feel if i posted something similar to this on one of your paid mods, something that is not true, maybe i didnt explain it well enough in the description. or your the only one that doesnt understand. thats why im asking if you think its that easy to tart up the attack ladder to do every thing my battlearena does. go right ahead. and if you make it right. i really dont see you coming back here and saying wow that was easy.

are you telling me this is not similar and 25 bucks is pricey i would suggest getting a free copy of attack ladder and just TART it up.

add a simple gamble function and you have the mystical battlearea which is nothing like attack ladder... lol

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Re: [mccode v2] Battle Arena [$25 in paid modifications]

maybe you can be more informative about the modification.

Just afew random questions i asked myself when looking at this topic.


  • Stats do not count therefor what does?
  • How does one become the winner, by chance?
  • does the stuff sold in the shops help against attacks in the battlearea?
  • Can honors be used for anything else?
  • Are honors in anyway related to "Honor Awards"?


im sure answering them questions will give you more sales, along with all the bumps me and you have been giving it lately lol

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Re: [mccode v2] Battle Arena [$25 in paid modifications]

+1 for being generous to tell me whats confusing about this mod.

Stats do not count therefor what does?

Stats do count, but if your attack is lower then 1/10 of the persons max hp

for example

$attack=rand($player['maxhp']/10, $player['maxhp']/8)

so that would help out the weaker players to have a bit of a chance.

then if the big guys stats are huge and they can 1 hit the person i simply made

it so they atlease have to attack them twice to lay em out

i tested it out many times and quite a few times the best in stats was not successful in getting first place

you want the people who started to have a chance, the big person with the stats kindof have a little handicap.

How does one become the winner, by chance?

last man standing out of the 10 people.

does the stuff sold in the shops help against attacks in the battlearea?

well you can as a buyer could add any items you want into the shop

i gave an example of health pot which does help you out youll have more maxhp

and depending what the buyer puts the weapon power of the weapon items yes that would help also.

Can honors be used for anything else?

no, but you as a buyer could try to think of something good to add for exchange of honor.

Are honors in anyway related to "Honor Awards"?


In a freeforall players attack randomly

everytime the attack script is looped a player will randomly choose a different target to attack.


im sure answering them questions will give you more sales, along with all the bumps me and you have been giving it lately lol


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Re: [mccode v2] Battle Arena [$25 in paid modifications]

very informative thank you.

i apologize for the way i acted, it does seem a very nice mod.

but it did sound kind of confusing in the description so i assumed it was just another newbie editing a script and trying to sell it, no offense intended

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Re: [mccode v2] Battle Arena [$25 in paid modifications]

MY TURN!!! :lol:


are you telling me this is not similar and 25 bucks is pricey i would suggest getting a free copy of attack ladder and just TART it up.

Free version of the attack ladder? UMM!!! WRONG!!! It's not free.


(i would also like to state i am not backing down from the challenge but i really would prefer not to have the aggravation and hate flying [another killah vs zero])

i do admit i have a bad side.

Why bring my name into it? :? :|

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