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Re: owner panel pass and securin.(i need help)


well this is supposed to go into the modifications requests but ur a newb understandable anyone know how to help him out ??

that's not very nice, blaze im sure a admin will move this to the right directory for you then you will know where it is, i myself have no clue since i never use it but im sure someone will


Re: owner panel pass and securin.(i need help)


lol does any 1 no cron time code thin cos mine arnt workin

open installer.php in note pad go down to the cron setup part... it shows what it inputs.

hope it helps

Guest Anonymous

Re: owner panel pass and securin.(i need help)

A "car mod" would need some more explanation -- Exactly what would it do? How would players interact it with it etc.

An owner panel - is relatively simple - You know the data in the database, therefore you know what needs to be added, modified, deleted, monitored etc.

And as for securing a whole game --- that is a whole can of worms. It is simple, but time consuming. Every aspect of the game has to be checked, all player input sanitized, all SQL queries checked etc. Some people may give you a few "one-liners" that supposedly secure your site, but take it from someone with more experience than I care to recall - these simply do not work.

You will need to learn a lot about PHP in order to really run a secure system so I suggest you don't just blindly launch a game until you have understood at least the basics.


Re: owner panel pass and securin.(i need help)


buy car mod i mean buy a car upgrade it nd race with oothers sell cars nd that

You mean mccodes car mod for mcv1 converted and basically illegal modification?

im sure a vast few of CE members have that they seem to have alot of my mods (I know who you are expect a visit and remember to open your paypal)


Re: owner panel pass and securin.(i need help)

Well the first thing I suggest before trying to run a game especially an McCode based game, is to learn more about programming in php. I don't know a whole but I am getting better and that is why my game has been hacked and hence why I took it down until I learn more about securing the script and everything. So unless you have a deep pocket and can afford to pay someone for everything you want done then I suggest waiting till you learn more.

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