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[mccodes V1-V2]Selling MYOP - Players can make their Own Donor Packs ($75)

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Yes, I have a feature that allows the players to make their own donor packs. You will be able to set it up so they are able to view your packs, If those packs dont have want they want, They can use the MYOP system and buy what they want. Its set at a $10 dollar min. On my game but you can adjust that to about whatever you want. This system is the only one i have seen before.

You will get-

2 Script Files

1 SQL File (4 DB Entries)

1 Misc file with stuff needing to be added to your donator.php

This is a complex script, And will need a little bit of editing to fit your game. It comes with DPLOGS option i will inculde, you can add it if you want it. Below is some images.

This first image is what the index page of the MYOP looks like. Shows a drop down box with all your donor options in it!


This next image is what it looks like when you add something to the pack. It auto create the pack for you!


This is once you accept the pack. It will ask you to select which pack you created you want to buy!


It allows you to send the pack to another user.


This image shows you what your buying. It allows you to go back and change it!


This image shows where you can delete the current pack and go create a new one.


This image shows you the Staff Functions at adding or removing the donor options.


Im selling this for $75 bucks. As a player i know how it sucks if their dont have a pack you like and want. This fixes that problem. You will get rights to use this on your game. I ask that you NOT remove my credit line (But i know it will be) but i must say it lol..


If you have any Questions, email me at [email protected] Your welcome to purchase this by sending the money VIA PayPal using [email protected] as the email aswell. Ill answer any and all questions if someone has something to ask.


Thank you for looking! I will have more mods to add soon!


Re: [mccodes V1-V2]Selling MYOP - Players can make their Own Donor Packs ($75)

Maybe if you want a plain buggy system, Then have at it. If it was that easy im sure i would have seen it on plenty of sites by now.

Thanks for your feedback.


Re: [mccodes V1-V2]Selling MYOP - Players can make their Own Donor Packs ($75)

Dont judge him.......

Nice work, Nice Idea, and nice mod..

If you can code it on 1 PHP and no SQL, do it and sell it cheaper than his..........Thats the only logical thing i can think.........

And like he said if ti was that easy it would be all over the place..

All i can say is Nice idea and work, only thing i can see is that the layout...But of course people woudl have to change that to fit therre game. Nice work man dont listen to them they just haters


Re: [mccodes V1-V2]Selling MYOP - Players can make their Own Donor Packs ($75)

Thank you! Yes the layout is a bit icky. Im waiting to redo all my layouts anyway. So i may do that. Once again thanks


Re: [mccodes V1-V2]Selling MYOP - Players can make their Own Donor Packs ($75)

This seems to be a great mod. I couldnt use it as they really only have one dontion option. Plus That taking thier time to figure out what they want etc etc...Would be a waste and could mean that thye dont want to take the time to do it,Meaning you could loose dontions.. So i think ill just stick with my own DP packs.. Especailly for $75..lol.. But over all mate, good mod..Hope it all works for ya


Re: [mccodes V1-V2]Selling MYOP - Players can make their Own Donor Packs ($75)

ok i had to post on here since i have seen a section of good and bad posts on here already.

Luke has a point this can be done very easy i'd say with a little edit of sql maybe afew rows in selective tables and one php file i'd also make it autocredit and send full details of the pack in paypal and i still wouldn't charge 75 bucks.

i wouldn't charge 75 bucks for anything (unless i know it is worth 75)

not worth 75 bucks for afew php files and one sql i'd want so much more...

but i will give you + 1 for effort i suggest lowering the price then edit it later with extra options...

only big games like torncity / coveofpirates / mafiacorruption / amazonsurvival would pay something like that for a mod the smaller games are lucky to make 25 bucks a week why do you think php mods are cheap...

anyways +1 and goodluck with sales


Re: [mccodes V1-V2]Selling MYOP - Players can make their Own Donor Packs ($75)

Yes Luke i agree you may get paid more than some people on here but im assuming you have alot of experience.

10 hours at 350 bucks is 35 bucks a hour which is roughly 15.00 that's pretty good

im bored lol thought i would work that out

Guest Anonymous

Re: [mccodes V1-V2]Selling MYOP - Players can make their Own Donor Packs ($75)

[me=Nyna]whistles innocently[/me]

Guest Anonymous

Re: [mccodes V1-V2]Selling MYOP - Players can make their Own Donor Packs ($75)


I also have a good "mentor" who teaches me things, although, the "mentor" is not actually a "mentor", but more like a pain in my ass that teaches me bad things, which then, in turn, teaches me the security side of stuff.

I don't *teach* bad things -- I demonstrate how easy it is to circumvent poor quality code as a function of building more secure and stable environments :D


Re: [mccodes V1-V2]Selling MYOP - Players can make their Own Donor Packs ($75)


I also have a good "mentor" who teaches me things, although, the "mentor" is not actually a "mentor", but more like a pain in my ass that teaches me bad things, which then, in turn, teaches me the security side of stuff.

I don't *teach* bad things -- I demonstrate how easy it is to circumvent poor quality code as a function of building more secure and stable environments :D

Bad things sounds technical, i have always wondered $userid runs from a session and if session can be edited you can be anyone you want :-D


Re: [mccodes V1-V2]Selling MYOP - Players can make their Own Donor Packs ($75)

anything is possible Luke.

if you code it they will come. (wow i watch alot of movies also "they" are hackers not baseball team players and your dad)

but im assuming Nyna will enlighten us all on my theory.


Re: [mccodes V1-V2]Selling MYOP - Players can make their Own Donor Packs ($75)


anything is possible Luke.

if you code it they will come. (wow i watch alot of movies also "they" are hackers not baseball team players and your dad)

but im assuming Nyna will enlighten us all on my theory.

Do not need nyna to confirm, I know all the ways to bypass mc code security and that is not one =]

maybe you should teach me the mystical ways of lost one then huh


Re: [mccodes V1-V2]Selling MYOP - Players can make their Own Donor Packs ($75)


Ohhh Luke you noob asssssssssssssssssssss :-D :-D :-D


anything is possible Luke.

if you code it they will come. (wow i watch alot of movies also "they" are hackers not baseball team players and your dad)

but im assuming Nyna will enlighten us all on my theory.

Do not need nyna to confirm, I know all the ways to bypass mc code security and that is not one =]

maybe you should teach me the mystical ways of lost one then huh

When you can afford my knowledge, let me know lol

ill let you know when i have enough money lmao


Re: [mccodes V1-V2]Selling MYOP - Players can make their Own Donor Packs ($75)


I also have a good "mentor" who teaches me things, although, the "mentor" is not actually a "mentor", but more like a pain in my ass that teaches me bad things, which then, in turn, teaches me the security side of stuff.

I don't *teach* bad things -- I demonstrate how easy it is to circumvent poor quality code as a function of building more secure and stable environments :D

Bad things sounds technical, i have always wondered $userid runs from a session and if session can be edited you can be anyone you want :-D

Sessions are highly encrypted. I don't know if its possible to edit or even view the session data.

But if you want to put security over efficiency, then go ahead and encrypt/secure these sessions.

Better to be safe then sorry if your not sure?

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