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[mccode v2] Upgraded Brothel

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Okay, here is an upgraded brothel, Thank Zero-Affect for teaching me functions.


i currenlty cannot test the script so i will rely on you to test the script for errors and please post back the errors i will try and fix them, Note i have only been coding functions for around 45 - 1HR.30 mins.


You sign up to the whore house and buy hoes each day and they give you cash

Create a file called brothel.php

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Now put this SQL's in the database (PHPMYADMIN)

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Now open cron_day.php and put this code in

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Any errors reply and remeber to thank Zero_Affect for helping me alot

EDITED: A spelling error in the db query


Re: [V2] Upgraded Brothel

Before you upload the scripts im just adding something


Ok ive added it please post your reviews


Re: [V2] Upgraded Brothel

Looks good for a first attempt Sniko, by the way anyone disses i will have ur lifes in your posts.

you may wanna be reminded this is a learner not a pro like which most of you think you are.

give him props where it's due

he did this withiin 20 mins of me showing him some new techniques so his brain will be semi mashed lol


Re: [V2] Upgraded Brothel

Excellent work mate! It looks good.

I believe I spotted one simple error though: you have function joinconfirm() instead of function buyconfirm(). But other than that, good work. :)

Keep it up mate. :-D


Re: [V2] Upgraded Brothel


Excellent work mate! It looks good.

I believe I spotted one simple error though: you have function joinconfirm() instead of function buyconfirm(). But other than that, good work. :)

Keep it up mate. :-D

Thanks mate ive fixed it


Re: [V2] Upgraded Brothel

No problem mate. I do that sometimes. I sometimes forget the names of my functions, especially when I've got a lot of them. So I just go back and double check. :)


Re: [V2] Upgraded Brothel

Ok thanks mate, umm, just 1 question have you tested it?


Re: [V2] Upgraded Brothel

No, I haven't. I'm using my crappy computer, so the database goes really slow and everything. It get's really annoying. If I get round to it, I'll test it for you. :)


Re: [V2] Upgraded Brothel

Well i got this much done....


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its printing now, just getting Fatal error: Cannot redeclare join() in C:\wamp\www\SportMCC\upbrothel.php on line 51 ... now


Re: [V2] Upgraded Brothel


You could try this:

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I'm tired, so there's probably something wrong in there. :-P

Yeah its got all the print/echo errors again. Try the one I posted, its at least got rid of that... :)


Re: [V2] Upgraded Brothel

Sniko`- love your mods. I wish you would code my game. ( LOL if you want to you can... hint hint)

but really you do great work. +++++ for you


Re: [V2] Upgraded Brothel

Another Updated version, Tested. Works to my knowledge, If any errors found post them up.

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Some spelling and function errors in it that i found.. Also use {$_SERVER['PHP_SELF']} instead of .$_SERVER['PHP_SELF'].' because it usally causes errors as the ones you guys are having.


Re: [V2] Upgraded Brothel


Another Updated version, Tested. Works to my knowledge, If any errors found post them up.

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Some spelling and function errors in it that i found.. Also use {$_SERVER['PHP_SELF']} instead of .$_SERVER['PHP_SELF'].' because it usally causes errors as the ones you guys are having.

ah yeah sniko i meant '..' if its ' and {} if its " for statements

also hint for the future

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could easily be one query like so

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but i still prefer the sprintf way which i can explain in more detail in the near future


Re: [V2] Upgraded Brothel

There was many errors within the code. Sniko, Good job though bud, It was a great first try, and i give props for Zero teaching ya the functions etc etc. One thing, When You had

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You would end your print in 2 spots, first after the Statment and another after the query, I found that on all your querys mate, Just watch out for things like that. Overall GOod work mate, Keep it up


Still getting some errors, as there are alot of them and im short on time atm, I will post a full working version when i get time..

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