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Re: [requests] Bot online 24hours

oh, what i mean is when ppl click on user list, there will be showed all user and the status of online or offline ppl in that list..

so i wan all my bot creation is to be online... is that possible ?


Re: [requests] Bot online 24hours

Just add a simple if function to where your userlist checks if a user is online.

You want the if function to check whether the user is an NPC.

if user_level=2





print "offline"


^^^ That statment is NOWHERE near correct but it helps you.


Re: [requests] Bot online 24hours


Just add a simple if function to where your userlist checks if a user is online.

You want the if function to check whether the user is an NPC.

if user_level=2





print "offline"


^^^ That statment is NOWHERE near correct but it helps you.


if($ir['user_level'] == "2") { echo "online"; } else { echo "offline"; }

Re: [requests] Bot online 24hours


if($ir['user_level'] == "2") { echo "online"; } else { echo "offline"; }


i need to use this code?? and where do i put it?? :(

noob here so sorry..


Re: [requests] Bot online 24hours

you mean you want to create a user say from ya admin pan and make it show the user which i assume will be you signing up again so it shows you have more user online than there is lol why not just make your better by coding or learn to code as all you want to show is its not bots just users you make up so you can make out there real players online bro come on learn to code and not fair on other players also will spiral ya game out of control man i would think


Re: [requests] Bot online 24hours


Sorry to sound stupid but HOW can somethng that never signs in show as onlline ?



$user = "2"; ///Pick your userid and they will stay online
$sql = sprintf("UPDATE `users` SET `laston` = unix_timestamp() WHERE `userid` = $user");

Re: [requests] Bot online 24hours

Illusions, Although it never signs in.

The code that is shown makes a cache I guess you would call it

To make it were the bots are online 24/7.

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