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[FAQ] Developing locally on your own local PHP/MySQL/Apache server


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Developing Mods locally on your own local PHP/MySQL/Apache server

Its easier than you might think!

I setup a dedicated local server once to let me do this but it turns out there is an even faster easier way to do it .


wampserver is a complete software package allowing to use all the power and the flexibility that offers the dynamic language PHP and the effecient use of databases under Windows. Package includes an Apache server, a MySQL database, a fully PHP execution, as well as easy development tools for your web site or your applications.

Best part - its a one click install on your local system no need anymore to upload your scripts to a server, you can test them on your own PC.

And don't be afraid to experiment with php it's a very easy language to learn

As php/htm/whatever language editor I use Crimson Editor which is also free available at http://www.crimsoneditor.com/


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Developing locally on your own local PHP/MySQL/Apache server

you can ad extra's and php libraries just like on a real server, don't forget to edit the php.ini

but honestly I never used crons with it, just for testing localy before uploadin as I hate online editing of scripts.

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Developing locally on your own local PHP/MySQL/Apache server

Cron jobs as far as I know are not a possibility with Wampserver. I have used wampserve for quite a while and made several posts on their support forums. No real helpful replies came from that.

The only thing wampserver is really for is to make sure all your scripts run decently before uploading them to the server for the first time. If you want your energy to refil you will have to make a cron script and execute it yourself whenever you want to gain more energy. Since its offline, I reccomend making the cron completely refill everything on you. Here:


mysql_query("update users set energy=maxenergy, hp=maxhp, brave=maxbrave, will=maxwill",$c);


that query will give u full energy and you can just put it n the headers.php file if you want your energy brave will and health to stay full no matter what.[/code]

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Developing locally on your own local PHP/MySQL/Apache server

It took me about 3 months to set up php, mysql and apache on my machine manually...well not three months straight but still

i found it in a book, and it was still kinda mashed together, but it works for me and it was a good learning experience lol

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Re: Developing locally on your own local PHP/MySQL/Apache server

after months of working with a hand-made apache installation :p i finally d/led wamp

i love it, i loaded the zip, curl, imap and gd extensions in about ten clicks :D as opposed to my nights of getting it to work before

kinda irritating moving all my files over but its ok....now i can mess around with other extensions (specifically zip because im bored)

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Re: Developing locally on your own local PHP/MySQL/Apache server

Im currently using WAMP and as of which currently host my game. As under windows to do crons I use a program called VisualCron which isnt that hard to set up and works 100% for me. Never had a cron problem yet. Needless to say I host my game myself using this setup as of which runs at great speed.

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Re: Developing locally on your own local PHP/MySQL/Apache server

I downloaded WAMP to mess around with the orignal v1.1 code I purchased but I cant seem to log in to the game now. I installed the orignal code and the orignal sql_schema and when I try and log in using admin:admin I get this error:

Warning: mysql_query(): supplied argument is not a valid MySQL-Link resource in C:\wamp\www\authenticate.php on line 12

Can someone help me?

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Re: Developing locally on your own local PHP/MySQL/Apache server

well, IF you are using an unmodified authenticate.php script...

AND if you don't get an error like "You did not fill in the login form!"

THEN you have POST'ed the name and pass as something other than "" or ""

I still suspect the mysql.php info, but I make mistakes everyday.

the script only has the ONE query.

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Re: Developing locally on your own local PHP/MySQL/Apache server

I installed this, and it never loads up. It says im using version And every time i click the icon, it starts the installer. And when i go through the start menu, nothing happens

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