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Race. Help!


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Could use all the help i can. laitly ive added a upgrading car parts system. and now im trying to finish this. but its errors after errors. :?



$online="update km_users set online='$time', lastseen='Racing(Testing Trial)' where playername='$userstats3[playername]'";

   $myweapon = mysql_fetch_array(mysql_query("SELECT * FROM equipment WHERE owner='$userstats3[iD]' and type='W' and status='E'"));

$mycar = mysql_fetch_array(mysql_query("SELECT * FROM cars WHERE status='E' and owner=$userstats3[iD]"));

$mycar2 = mysql_fetch_array(mysql_query("SELECT * FROM carparts WHERE status='E' and type='P' and owner=$userstats3[iD]"));

$mycar3 = mysql_fetch_array(mysql_query("SELECT * FROM carparts WHERE status='E' and type='B' and owner=$userstats3[iD]"));

$mycar4 = mysql_fetch_array(mysql_query("SELECT * FROM carparts WHERE status='E' and type='D' and owner=$userstats3[iD]"));

$mycar5 = mysql_fetch_array(mysql_query("SELECT * FROM carparts WHERE status='E' and type='N' and owner=$userstats3[iD]"));

$mycar6 = mysql_fetch_array(mysql_query("SELECT * FROM carparts WHERE status='E' and type='T' and owner=$userstats3[iD]"));

$expneeded = ($userstats3[level] * 150);

$exppercentage = ($userstats3[exp] / $expneeded);

$pj = number_format($userstats3[pj],1);

$maxpj = number_format($userstats3[maxpj],1);








include "header.php";
if ($userstats3[gold] <= 5000) { 
							print "You don't have enough gold to battle."; 

						if ($userstats3[pj] < 25) { 
							print "You don't have enough pj to Race."; 
						$userstats3 = mysql_query("select * from cars where owner=$userstats3[iD] and status='E' and type='D' and type='C'"); 

						if ($mycar[horsepower] < 1) { $encar[horsepower] = 1; } {
							if ($enemy[horsepower] < 1) { $enemy[horsepower] = 1; } {
								print "<ul>"; 
								print "[b][img=$car[image]]</a> Vs. [img=$enemy[image]]</a>
$userstats3[name][/b] vs. [b]$enemy[name][/b]
								print "
[*][b]The Race:[/b]

								while ($userstats3[gold] > 0 && $enemy[gold] > 0) { 
									for ($i = 1;$i <= $userstats3[attackstr]; ++$i) { 
										if ($enemy[gold] > 0 && $userstats3[gold] > 0) { 
											$enemy[gold] = ($enemy[gold] - $userstats3[power]); 
											print "You raced [b]$enemy[image][/b] with [b]$userstats3[horsepower][/b] Horse Power!</font>
									for ($i = 1;$i <= $enemy[attackstr]; ++$i) { 
										if ($userstats3[gold] > 0 && $enemy[gold] > 0) { 
											$userstats3[gold] = ($userstats3[gold] - $enemy[damage]); 
											print "[b]$enemy[image][/b] raced you with [b]$enemy[horsepower][/b] Horse Power! ($userstats3[hp] left)

								if ($userstats3[hp] <= 0) { 
									print "
[*][b]Outcome:[/b] You were defeated by [b]'$enemy[name]'</a>[/b]."; 
									mysql_query("update cars set loses=loses+'1', pj=pj-'.5' where ID=$userstats3[id]"); 
									mysql_query("update cars set lastracedby=$enemy[name], where ID=$userstats3[id]");
								} else { 
									print "
[*][b]Outcome:[/b] You defeated '[b]$enemy[name]'[/b]</a>[/b]."; 
									$expgain = rand($enemy[exp1],$enemy[exp2]); 
									$goldgain = rand($enemy[credits1],$enemy[credits2]); 
									mysql_query("update cars set wins=wins+1 where ID=$userstats3[iD]"); 
									mysql_query("update cars set loses=loses+'1', where ID=$enemy[iD]");
									print "
[*][b]Gains[/b] You Defeated [img=$enemy[image]]</a>, $enemy[name]."; 
									mysql_query("update cars set horsepower=horsepower+'10', where ID=$userstats3[id]"); 

								print "[*][b]Options[/b]
								print "<a href=?x=carracing&battle=$enemy[id]>Race Again</a>
								print "<a href=?x=Racers>Leave</a>


edit (Templar): I have added the "Code tags" to this post

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Re: Race. Help!

This is what it looks like. i dont really know whats wrong wit it. it was made from scratch. really its just not pulling the names, avvys, cars, ect. from the database. if anyone can help i can send over msn and talk about it.

Also, i have made a test account for you all to log into and check it out.

Username: Test22

Password: 12345678


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Re: Race. Help!

didn't botherd to read the script but do you even connect to your db ?

you know those simple lines with mysql_connect and mysql_select_db

and using 'or die(mysql_error())' at the end of your mysql_query() call will give you way more info on what is going wrong

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Re: Race. Help!


didn't botherd to read the script but do you even connect to your db ?

you know those simple lines with mysql_connect and mysql_select_db

and using 'or die(mysql_error())' at the end of your mysql_query() call will give you way more info on what is going wrong

mhmmm it connects thru the Connect.php so i dont have to have it in the scripts....


So ive added some msql lines and i got the pic of YOUR car to sho up. the opponents car wont sho up. and also it prints a diff name instead of ur opponents name.


$online="update km_users set online='$time', lastseen='Racing(Testing Trial)' where playername='$userstats3[playername]'";

$profilestats="SELECT * FROM km_users WHERE ID='$_GET[battle]'"; 

$profilestats2=mysql_query($profilestats) or die(mysql_error());



$profilestats3 = mysql_fetch_array(mysql_query("SELECT * from km_users"));

   $myweapon = mysql_fetch_array(mysql_query("SELECT * FROM equipment WHERE owner='$userstats3[iD]' and type='W' and status='E'"));

$mycar = mysql_fetch_array(mysql_query("SELECT * FROM cars WHERE status='E' and owner=$userstats3[iD]"));

$equip2 = mysql_fetch_array(mysql_query("select * from cars where status='E' and owner=$profilestats3[iD]"));

$mycar2 = mysql_fetch_array(mysql_query("SELECT * FROM carparts WHERE status='E' and type='P' and owner=$userstats3[iD]"));

$mycar3 = mysql_fetch_array(mysql_query("SELECT * FROM carparts WHERE status='E' and type='B' and owner=$userstats3[iD]"));

$mycar4 = mysql_fetch_array(mysql_query("SELECT * FROM carparts WHERE status='E' and type='D' and owner=$userstats3[iD]"));

$mycar5 = mysql_fetch_array(mysql_query("SELECT * FROM carparts WHERE status='E' and type='N' and owner=$userstats3[iD]"));

$mycar6 = mysql_fetch_array(mysql_query("SELECT * FROM carparts WHERE status='E' and type='T' and owner=$userstats3[iD]"));

$expneeded = ($userstats3[level] * 150);

$exppercentage = ($userstats3[exp] / $expneeded);

$pj = number_format($userstats3[pj],1);

$maxpj = number_format($userstats3[maxpj],1);








include "connect.php";
if ($userstats3[gold] <= 5000) { 
							print "You don't have enough gold to battle."; 

						if ($userstats3[pj] < 1) { 
							print "You don't have enough pj to Race."; 
						$profilestats3 = mysql_fetch_array(mysql_query("SELECT * from km_users where ID='$view' LIMIT 1"));
						$userstats3 = mysql_query("select * from cars where owner=$userstats3[iD] and status='E' and type='D' and type='C'"); 
					    $profilestats3 = mysql_query("select * from cars where owner=$profilestats3[iD] and status='E' and type='D' and type='C'"); 

						if ($mycar[horsepower] < 1) { $encar[horsepower] = 1; } {
							if ($enemy[horsepower] < 1) { $enemy[horsepower] = 1; } {
								print "<ul>"; 
								print "[b]<img src=$mycar[image]></a> Vs. [img=$equip2[image]]</a>
$userstats3[name][/b] vs. [b]$profilestats3[playername][/b]
								print "
[*][b]The Race:[/b]

								while ($userstats3[gold] > 0 && $enemy[gold] > 0) { 
									for ($maxhorse = 1;$i <= $userstats3[horsepower]; ++$maxhorse) { 
										if ($enemy[gold] > 0 && $userstats3[gold] > 0) { 
											$enemy[gold] = ($enemy[gold] - $userstats3[horsepower]); 
											print "You raced [b]$enemy[image][/b] with [b]$userstats3[horsepower][/b] Horse Power!</font>
									for ($maxhorse = 1;$maxhorse <= $enemy[horsepower]; ++$maxhorse) { 
										if ($userstats3[gold] > 0 && $enemy[gold] > 0) { 
											$userstats3[gold] = ($userstats3[gold] - $enemy[damage]); 
											print "[b]$enemy[image][/b] raced you with [b]$enemy[horsepower][/b] Horse Power! ($userstats3[hp] left)

								if ($userstats3[hp] <= 0) { 
									print "
[*][b]Outcome:[/b] You were defeated by [b]'$enemy[name]'</a>[/b]."; 
									mysql_query("update cars set loses=loses+'1', pj=pj-'.5' where ID=$userstats3[id]"); 
									mysql_query("update cars set lastracedby=$enemy[name], where ID=$userstats3[id]");
								} else { 
									print "
[*][b]Outcome:[/b] You defeated '[b]$enemy[name]'[/b]</a>[/b]."; 
									$expgain = rand($enemy[exp1],$enemy[exp2]); 
									$goldgain = rand($enemy[credits1],$enemy[credits2]); 
									mysql_query("update cars set wins=wins+1 where ID=$userstats3[iD]"); 
									mysql_query("update cars set loses=loses+'1', where ID=$enemy[iD]");
									print "
[*][b]Gains[/b] You Defeated [img=$enemy[image]]</a>, $enemy[name]."; 
									mysql_query("update cars set horsepower=horsepower+'10', where ID=$userstats3[id]"); 

								print "[*][b]Options[/b]
								print "<a href=?x=carracing&battle=$enemy[id]>Race Again</a>
								print "<a href=?x=Racers>Leave</a>
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Re: Race. Help!

When you put arrays into strings, they need curly brackets around them.


$online="update km_users set online='$time', lastseen='Racing(Testing Trial)' where playername='$userstats3[playername]'";


That should be like this:


$online="update km_users set online='$time', lastseen='Racing(Testing Trial)' where playername='{$userstats3[playername]}'";


Does that help?

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Re: Race. Help!

This should get you pretty close...


$myweapon = mysql_fetch_array(mysql_query("SELECT * FROM equipment WHERE owner='$userstats3[iD]' and type='W' and status='E'"));

$mycar = mysql_fetch_array(mysql_query("SELECT * FROM cars WHERE status='E' and owner=$userstats3[iD]"));
$mycar2 = mysql_fetch_array(mysql_query("SELECT * FROM carparts WHERE status='E' and type='P' and owner=$userstats3[iD]"));
$mycar3 = mysql_fetch_array(mysql_query("SELECT * FROM carparts WHERE status='E' and type='B' and owner=$userstats3[iD]"));
$mycar4 = mysql_fetch_array(mysql_query("SELECT * FROM carparts WHERE status='E' and type='D' and owner=$userstats3[iD]"));
$mycar5 = mysql_fetch_array(mysql_query("SELECT * FROM carparts WHERE status='E' and type='N' and owner=$userstats3[iD]"));
$mycar6 = mysql_fetch_array(mysql_query("SELECT * FROM carparts WHERE status='E' and type='T' and owner=$userstats3[iD]"));

$expneeded = ($userstats3[level] * 150);
$exppercentage = ( $userstats3[exp] == 0 ) ? 0 : ($userstats3[exp] / $expneeded);

$pj = number_format($userstats3[pj],1);
$maxpj = number_format($userstats3[maxpj],1);


include "header.php";

if ($userstats3[gold] <= 5000) {
print "You don't have enough gold to battle.";
elseif ($userstats3[pj] < 25) {
print "You don't have enough pj to Race.";

$userstats3 = mysql_query("select * from cars where owner=$userstats3[iD] and status='E' and type='D' and type='C'");
if ($mycar[horsepower] < 1) $encar[horsepower] = 1; 
if ($enemy[horsepower] < 1) $enemy[horsepower] = 1; 

print "<ul>";
print "[b][img=".$car[]</a> Vs. [img=".$enemy[]</a>
$userstats3[name][/b] vs. [b]$enemy[name][/b]
print "
[*][b]The Race:[/b]

while ($userstats3[gold] > 0 && $enemy[gold] > 0) {
for ($i = 1;$i <= $userstats3[attackstr]; ++$i) {
	if ($enemy[gold] > 0 && $userstats3[gold] > 0) {
		$enemy[gold] = ($enemy[gold] - $userstats3[power]);
		print "You raced [b]$enemy[image][/b] with [b]$userstats3[horsepower][/b] Horse Power!</font>
for ($i = 1;$i <= $enemy[attackstr]; ++$i) {
	if ($userstats3[gold] > 0 && $enemy[gold] > 0) {
		$userstats3[gold] = ($userstats3[gold] - $enemy[damage]);
		print "[b]$enemy[image][/b] raced you with [b]$enemy[horsepower][/b] Horse Power! ($userstats3[hp] left)

if ($userstats3[hp] <= 0) {
print "
[*][b]Outcome:[/b] You were defeated by [b]'$enemy[name]'</a>[/b].";
mysql_query("update cars set loses=loses+'1', pj=pj-'.5' where ID=$userstats3[id]");
mysql_query("update cars set lastracedby=$enemy[name] where ID=$userstats3[id]");
else {
print "
[*][b]Outcome:[/b] You defeated '[b]$enemy[name]'[/b]</a>[/b].";
$expgain = mt_rand($enemy[exp1],$enemy[exp2]);
$goldgain = mt_rand($enemy[credits1],$enemy[credits2]);
mysql_query("update cars set wins=wins+1 where ID=$userstats3[iD]");
mysql_query("update cars set loses=loses+'1' where ID=$enemy[iD]");
print "
[*][b]Gains[/b] You Defeated [img=$enemy[image]]</a>, $enemy[name].";
mysql_query("update cars set horsepower=horsepower+'10' where ID=$userstats3[id]");

print "[*][b]Options[/b]
print "<a href=?x=carracing&battle=$enemy[id]>Race Again</a>
print "<a href=?x=Racers>Leave</a>


The anchor tags at the bottom are malformed and won't work. Wasn't sure where you were pointing the script to so I left them alone.

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