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I have the car mod installed and working on my site. and i get this error when I go to tune "Fatal error: Call to undefined function power() in /home/edstarns/public_html/tune.php on line 10"

The person that installed it for me said "the problem with tune is that something needs to be added to global_func.php and it wasn't included in the file" Does anyone have any suggetions? Sorry for posting here, I couldent find MOD requests since the site is being worked on


Re: Car Mod

If its a paid mod we cant really touch it. But if its a freebie mod we may be able to help. I regd on your site and got this message when going to the tune.php page

Tuning Shop


> Back To Garage


Invalid Usage

Now Invalid usage could mean that that its calling for an ID example

tune.php?id=1 and 1 being the CAR in question.

So i would add some CARS to the list and try again


Re: Car Mod


@ MrGi: Why the need to spam? Trying to boost up your post count? Pretty lame.

Killah, Why dont you just keep your little typing fingers to yourself. You don't know why I deleted those do you? Didnt think so.Instead of just coming out here running your mouth over something you dont know what happened.Why didnt you just ask. MrGi how come you dleted those post?

Learn some respect for others man.

And I deleted them because after i posted them i realized it was copyrighted by Dabomstew.

And your not suppose to post those in here. And Im sorry, I didnt realize it till Nismo told me.

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