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Driveby error


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-- Blown City
-- A product of GoldenZero.Net
-- Copyright held 2007 by GoldenZero
-- E-mail: joshisthebest1ca[AT]msn[DOT]com
include "globals.php";
include "mysql.php";
include "driveby_config.php";
global $db_config;

$in = abs((int) $_GET['ID']);
$q=mysql_query("SELECT u.*,us.* FROM users u LEFT JOIN userstats us ON u.userid=us.userid WHERE u.userid={$_GET['ID']}",$c);

die("You must be a donator to do drive bys");

$hosp = rand(50,150);
if($odata['bguard'] >0)
$er=$db->query("SELECT username FROM users WHERE userid={$_GET['ID']}");
$db->query("UPDATE users SET hp=0, hospital=hospital+$hosp, hospreason='Car Blown Up By {$er['username']}\'s Personal Bodyguard' WHERE userid=$userid");
$btext="Congratulations your bodyguard saved your life from {$r['username']}!!";
$db->query("INSERT INTO events VALUES('',$userid,UNIX_TIMESTAMP(),0,'$btext')");
$db->query("UPDATE users SET new_events=new_events+1 WHERE userid={$userid}");
die("<center>[b]<font color='#FFFF00'>Holy Shit![/b]</font> You Just Got Your Ass Kicked By The Bodygaurd!!


$i=mysql_query("SELECT * FROM inventory WHERE inv_id={$_GET['cID']} AND inv_userid=$userid",$c);
if(mysql_num_rows($i) == 0)
die("You do not currently possess a Car");
 print "Error - no valid player ID to drive by.";
$q = mysql_query("SELECT * FROM `users` WHERE userid = {$in}", $c);
 print "Error - you can't do a drive by on someone who dosent exist, what are you smoking dude?";
if ($ir['gang'] == $odata['gang'] && $ir['gang'] > 0)
print "You are in the same gang as {$odata['username']}, are you completely retarded?";

$r = mysql_fetch_array($q);
if(in_array($in, $db_config['prohibited']))
 print "Error - you cannot do a drive by on this player.

 [url='index.php']> Go Back[/url]";
if($r['user_level'] == 0 && $db_config['nobomb'])
 print "Error - you cannot do a drive by on NPCs.

 [url='index.php']> Go Back[/url]";
if($in == $userid)
 print "Error - you cannot do a drive by on yourself!

 [url='index.php']> Go Back[/url]";
 print "Error - you cannot do a drive by on people in Federal Jail

 [url='index.php']> Go Back[/url]";
 print "Error - you cannot drive by people who are in the hospital

 [url='index.php']> Go Back[/url]";
 print "Error - you cannot drive by people when you are in the hospital

 [url='index.php']> Go Back[/url]";
 print "Error - you cannot drive by people who are in jail

 [url='index.php']> Go Back[/url]";
 print "Error - you cannot drive by people when you are in jail

 [url='index.php']> Go Back[/url]";
if($ir['brave'] < $braveuse)
 print "Error - you need $braveuse Bravery to drive by someone.

 [url='index.php']> Go Back[/url]";

$rsf = rand(1,100);
$exp = rand($db_config['minexp'],$db_config['maxexp']);
if($rsf <= $db_config['chance'])

 mysql_query("UPDATE users SET exp=exp+{$exp}, brave=brave-$braveuse WHERE userid={$userid}", $c);
 $hosp = rand($db_config['minhosp'],$db_config['maxhosp']);
 mysql_query("UPDATE users SET hospital=hospital+{$hosp}, hospreason='Shot by {$ir['username']} during a drive by' WHERE userid={$in}", $c);
 mysql_query("UPDATE inventory SET inv_qty=inv_qty-1 WHERE inv_id={$_GET['ID']}",$c);
 mysql_query("DELETE FROM inventory WHERE inv_qty=0",$c);
 event_add($in, "[url='viewuser.php?u=$userid']{$ir['username']}[/url] shot you in a drive by", $c);
 print "You call up your gang and load up in your car. You drive down to {$r['username']}s hood.
you see them walking down the street...
You hang your gun out the window and blast {$r['username']} a few times </br>sending them to the hospital for $hosp minutes, and earning you $exp EXP!
You and your boys go and ramp the car off a bridge.";
 mysql_query("UPDATE inventory SET inv_qty=inv_qty-1 WHERE inv_id={$_GET['cID']}",$c);
 mysql_query("DELETE FROM inventory WHERE inv_qty=0",$c);
$db->query("INSERT INTO userattacks VALUES($userid,'You drove by <a href=viewuser.php?u={$r['userid']}>{$r['username']}</a> and hospitalized them.',unix_timestamp());");
$db->query("INSERT INTO userattacks VALUES({$r['userid']},'You got drove by from <a href=viewuser.php?u=$userid>{$ir['username']}</a>, and hospitalized you.',unix_timestamp());");

$exp = rand($db_config['minexp'],$db_config['maxexp']);
$hosp = rand($db_config['minhosp'],$db_config['maxhosp']);
 mysql_query("UPDATE users SET brave=brave-$braveuse WHERE userid={$userid}", $c);
 mysql_query("UPDATE users SET hospital=hospital+{$hosp}, hospreason='Wrecked while attempting a drive by.' WHERE userid={$userid}", $c);
 mysql_query("UPDATE users SET exp=exp-{$exp} WHERE userid={$userid}", $c);
 event_add($in, "[url='viewuser.php?u=$userid']{$ir['username']}[/url] attempted to mailbomb you, but the idiot crossed the wires and it exploded in his/her face.", $c);
 print "You call up your gang and load up in your car. You drive down to {$r['username']}s hood.
you see them walking down the street...
Your driver wasnt paying attention and hit a light post and totaled the car 
sending you to the hospital for {$hosp} minutes,
and taking $exp EXP from you.";
 mysql_query("UPDATE inventory SET inv_qty=inv_qty-1 WHERE inv_id={$_GET['cID']}",$c);
 mysql_query("DELETE FROM inventory WHERE inv_qty=0",$c);
$db->query("INSERT INTO userattacks VALUES($userid,'You tried to drive by <a href=viewuser.php?u={$r['userid']}>{$r['username']}</a> and crashed.',unix_timestamp());");
$db->query("INSERT INTO userattacks VALUES({$r['userid']},'<a href=viewuser.php?u=$userid>{$ir['username']}</a> tried to do a drive by, and crashed.',unix_timestamp());");


Parse error: syntax error, unexpected $end in /home/chavster/public_html/driveby.php on line 163
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Re: Driveby error


-- Blown City
-- A product of GoldenZero.Net
-- Copyright held 2007 by GoldenZero
-- E-mail: joshisthebest1ca[AT]msn[DOT]com
include "globals.php";
include "mysql.php";
include "driveby_config.php";
global $db_config;

$in = abs((int) $_GET['ID']);
$q=mysql_query("SELECT u.*,us.* FROM users u LEFT JOIN userstats us ON u.userid=us.userid WHERE u.userid={$_GET['ID']}",$c);

die("You must be a donator to do drive bys");

$hosp = rand(50,150);
if($odata['bguard'] >0)
$er=$db->query("SELECT username FROM users WHERE userid={$_GET['ID']}");
$db->query("UPDATE users SET hp=0, hospital=hospital+$hosp, hospreason='Car Blown Up By {$er['username']}\'s Personal Bodyguard' WHERE userid=$userid");
$btext="Congratulations your bodyguard saved your life from {$r['username']}!!";
$db->query("INSERT INTO events VALUES('',$userid,UNIX_TIMESTAMP(),0,'$btext')");
$db->query("UPDATE users SET new_events=new_events+1 WHERE userid={$userid}");
die("<center>[b]<font color='#FFFF00'>Holy Shit![/b]</font> You Just Got Your Ass Kicked By The Bodygaurd!!


$i=mysql_query("SELECT * FROM inventory WHERE inv_id={$_GET['cID']} AND inv_userid=$userid",$c);
if(mysql_num_rows($i) == 0)
die("You do not currently possess a Car");
 print "Error - no valid player ID to drive by.";
$q = mysql_query("SELECT * FROM `users` WHERE userid = {$in}", $c);
 print "Error - you can't do a drive by on someone who dosent exist, what are you smoking dude?";
if ($ir['gang'] == $odata['gang'] && $ir['gang'] > 0)
print "You are in the same gang as {$odata['username']}, are you completely retarded?";

$r = mysql_fetch_array($q);
if(in_array($in, $db_config['prohibited']))
 print "Error - you cannot do a drive by on this player.

 [url='index.php']> Go Back[/url]";
if($r['user_level'] == 0 && $db_config['nobomb'])
 print "Error - you cannot do a drive by on NPCs.

 [url='index.php']> Go Back[/url]";
if($in == $userid)
 print "Error - you cannot do a drive by on yourself!

 [url='index.php']> Go Back[/url]";
 print "Error - you cannot do a drive by on people in Federal Jail

 [url='index.php']> Go Back[/url]";
 print "Error - you cannot drive by people who are in the hospital

 [url='index.php']> Go Back[/url]";
 print "Error - you cannot drive by people when you are in the hospital

 [url='index.php']> Go Back[/url]";
 print "Error - you cannot drive by people who are in jail

 [url='index.php']> Go Back[/url]";
 print "Error - you cannot drive by people when you are in jail

 [url='index.php']> Go Back[/url]";
if($ir['brave'] < $braveuse)
 print "Error - you need $braveuse Bravery to drive by someone.

 [url='index.php']> Go Back[/url]";

$rsf = rand(1,100);
$exp = rand($db_config['minexp'],$db_config['maxexp']);
if($rsf <= $db_config['chance'])

 mysql_query("UPDATE users SET exp=exp+{$exp}, brave=brave-$braveuse WHERE userid={$userid}", $c);
 $hosp = rand($db_config['minhosp'],$db_config['maxhosp']);
 mysql_query("UPDATE users SET hospital=hospital+{$hosp}, hospreason='Shot by {$ir['username']} during a drive by' WHERE userid={$in}", $c);
 mysql_query("UPDATE inventory SET inv_qty=inv_qty-1 WHERE inv_id={$_GET['ID']}",$c);
 mysql_query("DELETE FROM inventory WHERE inv_qty=0",$c);
 event_add($in, "[url='viewuser.php?u=$userid']{$ir['username']}[/url] shot you in a drive by", $c);
 print "You call up your gang and load up in your car. You drive down to {$r['username']}s hood.
you see them walking down the street...
You hang your gun out the window and blast {$r['username']} a few times </br>sending them to the hospital for $hosp minutes, and earning you $exp EXP!
You and your boys go and ramp the car off a bridge.";
 mysql_query("UPDATE inventory SET inv_qty=inv_qty-1 WHERE inv_id={$_GET['cID']}",$c);
 mysql_query("DELETE FROM inventory WHERE inv_qty=0",$c);
$db->query("INSERT INTO userattacks VALUES($userid,'You drove by <a href=viewuser.php?u={$r['userid']}>{$r['username']}</a> and hospitalized them.',unix_timestamp());");
$db->query("INSERT INTO userattacks VALUES({$r['userid']},'You got drove by from <a href=viewuser.php?u=$userid>{$ir['username']}</a>, and hospitalized you.',unix_timestamp());");

$exp = rand($db_config['minexp'],$db_config['maxexp']);
$hosp = rand($db_config['minhosp'],$db_config['maxhosp']);
 mysql_query("UPDATE users SET brave=brave-$braveuse WHERE userid={$userid}", $c);
 mysql_query("UPDATE users SET hospital=hospital+{$hosp}, hospreason='Wrecked while attempting a drive by.' WHERE userid={$userid}", $c);
 mysql_query("UPDATE users SET exp=exp-{$exp} WHERE userid={$userid}", $c);
 event_add($in, "[url='viewuser.php?u=$userid']{$ir['username']}[/url] attempted to mailbomb you, but the idiot crossed the wires and it exploded in his/her face.", $c);
 print "You call up your gang and load up in your car. You drive down to {$r['username']}s hood.
you see them walking down the street...
Your driver wasnt paying attention and hit a light post and totaled the car 
sending you to the hospital for {$hosp} minutes,
and taking $exp EXP from you.";
 mysql_query("UPDATE inventory SET inv_qty=inv_qty-1 WHERE inv_id={$_GET['cID']}",$c);
 mysql_query("DELETE FROM inventory WHERE inv_qty=0",$c);
$db->query("INSERT INTO userattacks VALUES($userid,'You tried to drive by <a href=viewuser.php?u={$r['userid']}>{$r['username']}</a> and crashed.',unix_timestamp());");
$db->query("INSERT INTO userattacks VALUES({$r['userid']},'<a href=viewuser.php?u=$userid>{$ir['username']}</a> tried to do a drive by, and crashed.',unix_timestamp());");

Not tested

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