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Erm, well i've never actually ran a game before so i decided to try it. Using the Mc code v.2 (which people say i got bumped for 300 dollars *sighs* ) i uploaded onto a free server which allows php and has MySQL.

I run the installer but on number .3 i get these messages


Ermm, i've uploaded all the stuff it says and its still giving me the same answer :|

Anyway suggestions please?

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Re: Help

lol no offence, but "it would take 5 minutes if you knew..." is, oh never mind, I won't say it.


You either don't have that file, or you don't have permission to open it (i.e., PHP doesn't have permission.)


You could try chown[ing] the file to "nobody" and see if that does it.

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Re: Help


lol no offence, but "it would take 5 minutes if you knew..." is, oh never mind, I won't say it.


You either don't have that file, or you don't have permission to open it (i.e., PHP doesn't have permission.)


You could try chown[ing] the file to "nobody" and see if that does it.

well i definatley have that file since i've uploaded it and open it too...wtf is chowing? 0.o

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Re: Help

it's a unix command


from the command prompt (use ssh login)

chown user_name path_to_file/filename.php


make sure you login as root, and you must have ssh access (sometimes called shell access) to do this.

if you cannot change the owner of the file, you will have to edit the file yourself, not relying on the installer. I cannot help you with that bar doing it for you. good luck.

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Guest Anonymous

Re: Help

Had Floydian taken the time to RTFM he may have realized a possibly simpler and safer method - chmod:

chmod o=rw config.php

This does not require root privileges and can often be done from a half decent client.

Assuming this system works -- changing the mode of the file to o=r is all that is required to return the permissions to something a little simpler.

chmod o=r config.php

If you are using an FTP client -- Well they are all different, but what you are doing is changing the permissions of the file (not the owner - after all - What's the point of changing the owner of the file to nobody, when half the servers out there don't have a "nobody" user).

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Guest Anonymous

Re: Help

If you can shell in (the ssh command) then use the commands I suggested. (Just don't go in as root - that's just asking for trouble).

If you just use a FTP client (much safer) Depends on it really -- I find a right-click on the relevant file and selecting permissions from the context menu works, but that's just the FTP client I use.

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Guest Anonymous

Re: Help

Its more a case of allowing write access by other parties: hence the o=rw (other = read + write).

Hmm.. a quick look on a test harness suggests that everything is working correctly here, which makes me suspicious of two key areas. One is the ownership of the file, however the owner of each file should have been correctly created when you uploaded the files.

Perhaps you could just delete any existing config file and see what happens -- I checked on a local test harness and this still works fine.

Unfortunately, giving you a config is no real use as the installer script also creates all the tables at that point -- You'd also need a complete SQL dump (although I've no doubt there are plenty here who could provide a clean one).

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