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Disable referrals on a user


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Re: Disable referrals on a user

tomo-I would suggest just opening up your register.php

go to the line that adds crystals to the referer when the user signs up.

add a simple check

if($referers userid == 514)



add crystals


where 514 is the ID # of the person you wish to stop.

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Re: Disable referrals on a user

Ok, this didn't work but there's no doubt I'm doing it wrong, could someone tell me exactly what to put and where to put it?


$_POST['ref'] = abs((int) $_POST['ref']);
$q=mysql_query("SELECT * FROM users WHERE lastip='$ip' AND userid={$_POST['ref']}",$c);
die("No creating referral multies. Bad dog.");
if($_POST['ref']) {
$q=mysql_query("SELECT * FROM users WHERE userid={$_POST['ref']}",$c);
mysql_query("INSERT INTO users (username, login_name, userpass, level, money, crystals, donatordays, user_level, energy, maxenergy, will, maxwill, brave, maxbrave, hp, maxhp, location, gender, signedup, email, bankmoney, lastip) VALUES( '{$username}', '{$username}', md5('{$_POST['password']}'), 1, $sm, 0, 0, 1, 12, 12, 100, 100, 5, 5, 100, 100, 1, '{$_POST['gender']}', unix_timestamp(), '{$_POST['email']}', -1, '$ip')", $c);
mysql_query("INSERT INTO userstats VALUES($i, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10)", $c);

if($_POST['ref']) {
require "global_func.php";
mysql_query("UPDATE users SET crystals=crystals+100 WHERE userid={$_POST['ref']}",$c);
event_add($_POST['ref'],"For refering $username to the game, you have earnt 100 valuable crystals!",$c);
mysql_query("INSERT INTO referals VALUES('', {$_POST['ref']}, $i, unix_timestamp(),'{$r['lastip']}','$ip')", $c);
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Re: Disable referrals on a user

why not just...


mysql_query("UPDATE users SET crystals=crystals+100 WHERE userid={$_POST['ref']}",$c);
event_add($_POST['ref'],"For refering $username to the game, you have earnt 100 valuable crystals!",$c);


replace with



mysql_query("UPDATE users SET crystals=crystals+100 WHERE userid={$_POST['ref']}",$c);

event_add($_POST['ref'],"For refering $username to the game, you have earnt 100 valuable crystals!",$c);




event_add($_POST['ref'],"for being a noob and smelling like toast, i hereby banish you from recruiting among the morons you sleep with at night",$c);


something like that i would imagine

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Re: Disable referrals on a user


mysql_query("UPDATE users SET crystals=crystals+100 WHERE userid={$_POST['ref']}",$c);
event_add($_POST['ref'],"For refering $username to the game, you have earnt 100 valuable crystals!",$c);
event_add($_POST['ref'],"for being a noob and smelling like toast, i hereby banish you from recruiting among the morons you sleep with at night",$c);
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