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here is a steps market so your members can add there steps to it and others can buy them


1.-create a file called stepsmarket.php

2.-instert the folowing:

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in your database insert this sql:

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NOTE: if you are not using turns in your database you must change all turns into what eva you are using thanks




Re: [FREE-v1.1]Steps market

You know I've had a simalure mod for awhile but never used it as I have 2 searches and am building more per player level based on location but heres a point cause the vicodin loves me and offering it people is a good gesture. Least I think so


Re: [FREE-v1.1]Steps market

well i dont like selling mods bcoz if i do sum ppl come along and say hey thats my mod and wants to sue me and of course i have to do suming about it and i tell them shut up and i block them and delete them and another thing why i dont sell it bcoz you will find alot of ppl wich dont have enough $ to buy it but wants it so bad so i just give it away for free but thats only if it is like a 1 hour job if it is more than 2 days job of course i will charge like $10

  • 9 months later...

Re: [mccode] Steps market

What do you change on these lines to work with version 2? After converting the mod to version 2...

$q=$db->query("SELECT steps.*, u.* FROM stepsmarket steps LEFT JOIN users u ON u.userid=steps.stepsADDER ORDER BY stepsPRICE/stepsQTY ASC",$c);


Fatal error: Call to a member function on a non-object in /home/virtual/site7/fst/var/www/html/stepsmarket.php on line 32


$db->query("INSERT INTO stepsmarket VALUES('',{$_POST['amnt']},$userid,$tp)", $c);

$db->query("UPDATE users SET turns=turns-{$_POST['amnt']} WHERE userid=$userid", $c);


Fatal error: Call to a member function on a non-object in /home/virtual/site7/fst/var/www/html/stepsmarket.php on line 99

  • 1 month later...

Re: [mccode] Steps market


Dont your turns reset every day? Might want to design this to reset every day.

What do you mean by that :?

The streets mod normaly runs on the day cron so the steps/turns reset back to the default number every midnight, wouldnt this mod just supply a place for players to store their steps/turns overnight? :wink:


Re: [mccode] Steps market


The streets mod normaly runs on the day cron so the steps/turns reset back to the default number every midnight, wouldnt this mod just supply a place for players to store their steps/turns overnight? :wink:

What I did was placed this in my daily cron and it seems to do the job. Steps are removed from the market at midnight. I got a kick out of people thinking the could use the market to store their steps even after I told them they couldn't :-P


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