Tonka Posted April 11, 2008 Posted April 11, 2008 i keep having problems with my crons and i'm not sure how to fix them. the problems i'm having are that the education days are going into the negative the gang crime timer is going into the negative the jobs are not getting paid EDIT: all my other crons are working, these ones just randomly stop Quote
Spudinski Posted April 11, 2008 Posted April 11, 2008 Re: crons Have you enabled/added the cron script yet? If not - there is a ggood tutorial to do it in the FAQ section. Quote
Tonka Posted April 11, 2008 Author Posted April 11, 2008 Re: crons i have the crons working, they just randomly stop working and i'm not sure why Quote
Spudinski Posted April 11, 2008 Posted April 11, 2008 Re: crons It might be your host, that would be the most likely thing. If you doubt it is that, try entering your email at the crontabs page(cPanel), and look at the output. Quote
Tonka Posted April 11, 2008 Author Posted April 11, 2008 Re: crons all my other crons are working Quote
Joel Posted April 11, 2008 Posted April 11, 2008 Re: crons Most off the Free hosts are Crap for Cron Jobs, And did you put what exactly it said in the cron jobs and have you edited any off the cron files? Quote
Tonka Posted April 11, 2008 Author Posted April 11, 2008 Re: crons i don't use a free host i'm on a VPS, and as i said before all my other crons work fine Quote
Spudinski Posted April 11, 2008 Posted April 11, 2008 Re: crons Please post the actual cron file that is supposed to update the stats you mentioned above. Quote
Tonka Posted April 12, 2008 Author Posted April 12, 2008 Re: crons here are the snippet's that aren't working here is the education days, the education days have been separated from the main cron day file and are working fine % Total % Received % Xferd Average Speed Time Time Time Current Dload Upload Total Spent Left Speed 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 --:--:-- --:--:-- --:--:-- 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 --:--:-- --:--:-- --:--:-- 0 here is the actual file for education days <?php include "config.php"; global $_CONFIG; if($_GET['code'] != $_CONFIG['code']) { die(""); } define("MONO_ON", 1); require "class/class_db_{$_CONFIG['driver']}.php"; $db=new database; $db->configure($_CONFIG['hostname'], $_CONFIG['username'], $_CONFIG['password'], $_CONFIG['database'], $_CONFIG['persistent']); $db->connect(); $c=$db->connection_id; $db->query("UPDATE users SET cdays=cdays-1 WHERE course > 0"); $q=$db->query("SELECT * FROM users WHERE cdays=0 AND course > 0"); while($r=$db->fetch_row($q)) { $cd=$db->query("SELECT * FROM courses WHERE crID={$r['course']}"); $coud=$db->fetch_row($cd); $userid=$r['userid']; $db->query("INSERT INTO coursesdone VALUES({$r['userid']},{$r['course']})"); $upd=""; $ev=""; if($coud['crSTR'] > 0) { $upd.=",us.strength=us.strength+{$coud['crSTR']}"; $ev.=", {$coud['crSTR']} strength"; } if($coud['crGUARD'] > 0) { $upd.=",us.guard=us.guard+{$coud['crGUARD']}"; $ev.=", {$coud['crGUARD']} guard"; } if($coud['crLABOUR'] > 0) { $upd.=",us.labour=us.labour+{$coud['crLABOUR']}"; $ev.=", {$coud['crLABOUR']} labour"; } if($coud['crAGIL'] > 0) { $upd.=",us.agility=us.agility+{$coud['crAGIL']}"; $ev.=", {$coud['crAGIL']} agility"; } if($coud['crIQ'] > 0) { $upd.=",us.IQ=us.IQ+{$coud['crIQ']}"; $ev.=", {$coud['crIQ']} IQ"; } $ev=substr($ev,1); if ($upd) { $db->query("UPDATE users u LEFT JOIN userstats us ON u.userid=us.userid SET us.userid=us.userid $upd WHERE u.userid=$userid"); } $db->query("INSERT INTO events VALUES('',$userid,unix_timestamp(),0,'Congratulations, you completed the {$coud['crNAME']} and gained $ev!')"); } $db->query("UPDATE users SET course=0 WHERE cdays=0"); $db->disconnect(); ?> here is the OC timer $db->query("UPDATE gangs SET gangCHOURS=gangCHOURS-1 WHERE gangCRIME>0"); $q=$db->query("SELECT g.*,oc.* FROM gangs g LEFT JOIN orgcrimes oc ON g.gangCRIME=oc.ocID WHERE g.gangCRIME > 0 AND g.gangCHOURS = 0"); while($r=$db->fetch_row($q)) { $suc=rand(0,1); if($suc) { $log=$r['ocSTARTTEXT'].$r['ocSUCCTEXT']; $muny=(int) (rand($r['ocMINMONEY'],$r['ocMAXMONEY'])); $log=str_replace(array("{muny}","'"),array($muny,"''"),$log); $db->query("UPDATE gangs SET gangMONEY=gangMONEY+$muny,gangCRIME=0 WHERE gangID={$r['gangID']}"); $db->query("INSERT INTO oclogs VALUES ('',{$r['ocID']},{$r['gangID']}, '$log', 'success', $muny, '{$r['ocNAME']}', unix_timestamp())"); $i=$db->insert_id(); $qm=$db->query("SELECT * FROM users WHERE gang={$r['gangID']}"); while($rm=$db->fetch_row($qm)) { event_add($rm['userid'],"Your Gang's Organised Crime Succeeded. Go [url='oclog.php?ID=$i']here[/url] to view the details.",$c); }} else { $log=$r['ocSTARTTEXT'].$r['ocFAILTEXT']; $muny=0; $log=str_replace(array("{muny}","'"),array($muny,"''"),$log); $db->query("UPDATE gangs SET gangCRIME=0 WHERE gangID={$r['gangID']}"); $db->query("INSERT INTO oclogs VALUES ('',{$r['ocID']},{$r['gangID']}, '$log', 'failure', $muny, '{$r['ocNAME']}', unix_timestamp())"); $i=$db->insert_id(); $qm=$db->query("SELECT * FROM users WHERE gang={$r['gangID']}"); while($rm=$db->fetch_row($qm)) { event_add($rm['userid'],"Your Gang's Organised Crime Failed. Go [url='oclog.php?ID=$i']here[/url] to view the details.",$c); } } } Here is the job pay if(date('G')==17) { $db->query("UPDATE users u LEFT JOIN userstats us ON u.userid=us.userid LEFT JOIN jobs j ON j.jID=u.job LEFT JOIN jobranks jr ON u.jobrank=jr.jrID SET, u.exp=u.exp+(jr.jrPAY/20) WHERE u.job > 0 AND u.jobrank > 0"); $db->query("UPDATE userstats us LEFT JOIN users u ON u.userid=us.userid LEFT JOIN jobs j ON j.jID=u.job LEFT JOIN jobranks jr ON u.jobrank=jr.jrID SET us.strength=(us.strength+1)+jr.jrSTRG-1,us.labour=(us.labour+1)+jr.jrLABOURG-1,us.IQ=(us.IQ+1)+jr.jrIQG-1 WHERE u.job > 0 AND u.jobrank > 0"); } $db->disconnect(); i was thinking of moving the jobpay into a seperate cron file, i'm not sure if that would make a difference } Quote
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