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What would you say this is...


// Coded by DeathStar //changed XD
// thingy.. v1

//set variables..

//Game Info
$proxy_url = "http://w1.hidemyass.com/index.php?q=";
$game_url = "http%3A%2F%2Fgangsterterritory.com%2"; //url encoded
$username = "DeathStar";
$password = "h13p9s82ra1d";
$energy_update = 5; //minutes
$brave_update = 5; //minutes
$will_update = 5; //minutes

//Character Info
$name = "DeathStar";
$donator = 0; //yes == 1 , no == 0
$donator_days = 0;
$money = 1000;
$crystals = 100;
$steps = 100;
$level = 1;
$strenght = 10;
$agility = 10;
$gaurd = 10;
$labour = 10;
$iq = 10;
$energy = 100;
$max_energy = 100;
$exp = 0;

//Gym Info
$gym_train = 20;

//Crime Info
$crimeid = 1;
$crimegroup = 1;

Re: What do you think this is XD

ummm , lemme take a guesss lol , its some variables and something to do with hiding your IP...

So i say some kind of cheating lol


Re: What do you think this is XD

Well, Its not against game rules!

So i though id make a bot, that does the following for you.

Hides your real identity


Do Crimes

Take Steps

Maybe attack

And the key future

Ill let it change name to

[bot] YourName


So its not against the rules.

You people can still change the rules though.. ;)


Re: What do you think this is XD

Well most games at the end say many other rules not worth mentioning ... that would be one of them :p

Come msn btw :)

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