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hello, Ive got MC-Codes V1 and I'm having problems with my preferences every time i try to change my password it comes up with a error saying,

"The current password you entered was wrong.

> Back"

Although i know full well i entered it right as Ive done it 10 - 20 times and checked again and again.

If anyone could help in anyway then it would be greatly appreciated, Pm me if you also wish.



Re: Help needed with prefrences!

You need to post more info for anyone to really be able to help you. Since you haven't posted any of your preferences page coding up here all anyone can do is take a wild guess. My guess would be that your database is holding your password as an encrypted md5 string but your preference page is trying to compare a plain text password or vise versa. I would check that first.


Re: Help needed with prefrences!


You need to post more info for anyone to really be able to help you. Since you haven't posted any of your preferences page coding up here all anyone can do is take a wild guess. My guess would be that your database is holding your password as an encrypted md5 string but your preference page is trying to compare a plain text password or vise versa. I would check that first.

here's mine ive got the same problem?

<?php/*------------------------------------------------------- Mono Country v1.0 BETA-- A product of DBS-entertainment-- Copyright held 2005 by Dabomstew-- INDEX.php-----------------------------------------------------*/session_start();require "global_func.php";if($_SESSION['loggedin']==0) { header("Location: login.php");exit; }$userid=$_SESSION['userid'];require "header.php";$h = new headers;$h->startheaders();include "mysql.php";global $c;$is=mysql_query("SELECT u.*,us.* FROM users u LEFT JOIN userstats us ON u.userid=us.userid WHERE u.userid=$userid",$c) or die(mysql_error());$ir=mysql_fetch_array($is);check_level();$fm=money_formatter($ir['money']);$cm=money_formatter($ir['crystals'],'');$lv=date('F j, Y, g:i a',$ir['laston']);$h->userdata($ir,$lv,$fm,$cm);$h->menuarea();switch($_GET['action']){case 'sexchange2':do_sex_change();break;case 'sexchange':conf_sex_change();break;case 'passchange2':do_pass_change();break;case 'passchange':pass_change();break;case 'namechange2':do_name_change();break;case 'namechange':name_change();break;case 'picchange2':do_pic_change();break;case 'picchange':pic_change();break;default:prefs_home();break;}function prefs_home(){global $ir,$c,$userid,$h;print "<h3>Preferences</h3>[url='preferences.php?action=sexchange']Sex Change[/url]
[url='preferences.php?action=passchange']Password Change[/url]
[url='preferences.php?action=namechange']Name Change[/url]
[url='music.php?action=music']<font color=red>[</font>Turn Your Music ";if($ir['music']==0){echo "On";}if($ir['music']==1){echo "Off";}echo "<font color=red>]</font>[/url]
[url='preferences.php?action=picchange']Display Pic Change[/url]
";}function conf_sex_change(){global $ir,$c,$userid,$h;if($ir['gender'] == "Male") { $g="Female"; } else { $g="Male"; }print "Are you sure you want to become a $g?
[url='preferences.php?action=sexchange2']Yes[/url] | [url='preferences.php']No[/url]";}function do_sex_change(){global $ir,$c,$userid,$h;if($ir['gender'] == "Male") { $g="Female"; } else { $g="Male"; }mysql_query("UPDATE users SET gender='$g' WHERE userid=$userid",$c);print "Success, you are now $g!
[url='preferences.php']Back[/url]";}function pass_change(){global $ir,$c,$userid,$h;print "<h3>Password Change</h3><form action='preferences.php?action=passchange2' method='post'>Current Password: <input type='password' name='oldpw' />
New Password: <input type='password' name='newpw' />
Confirm: <input type='password' name='newpw2' />
<input type='submit' value='Change PW' /></form>";}function do_pass_change(){global $ir,$c,$userid,$h;if($_POST['oldpw'] != $ir['userpass']){print "The current password you entered was wrong.
[url='preferences.php?action=passchange']> Back[/url]";}else if($_POST['newpw'] !== $_POST['newpw2']){print "The new passwords you entered did not match!
[url='preferences.php?action=passchange']> Back[/url]";}else{mysql_query("UPDATE users SET userpass='{$_POST['newpw']}' WHERE userid=$userid",$c);print "Password changed!";}}function name_change(){global $ir,$c,$userid,$h;print "<h3>Name Change</h3>Please note that you still use the same name to login, this procedure simply changes the name that is displayed. <form action='preferences.php?action=namechange2' method='post'>New Name: <input type='text' name='newname' />
<input type='submit' value='Change Name' /></form>";}function do_name_change(){global $ir,$c,$userid,$h;if($_POST['newname'] == ""){print "You did not enter a new name.
[url='preferences.php?action=namechange']> Back[/url]";}else{$_POST['newname']=str_replace(array("<", ">", "\\\'"), array("<", ">", "'"), $_POST['newname']);mysql_query("UPDATE users SET username='{$_POST['newname']}' WHERE userid=$userid",$c);print "Username changed!";}}function pic_change(){global $ir,$c,$userid,$h;print "<h3>Pic Change</h3>Please note that this must be externally hosted, [url='http://imageshack.us']ImageShack[/url] is our recommendation.
Any images that are not 150x150 will be automatically resized <form action='preferences.php?action=picchange2' method='post'>New Pic: <input type='text' name='newpic' value='{$ir['display_pic']}' />
<input type='submit' value='Change Name' /></form>";}function do_pic_change(){global $ir,$c,$userid,$h;if($_POST['newpic'] == ""){print "You did not enter a new pic.
[url='preferences.php?action=picchange']> Back[/url]";}else{$_POST['newpic']=str_replace('\\\'',''', $_POST['newpic']);mysql_query("UPDATE users SET display_pic='{$_POST['newpic']}' WHERE userid=$userid",$c);print "Pic changed!";}}$h->endpage();?>

Re: Help needed with prefrences!

providing your registration is storing it with an md5 encryption then try this out.


function do_pass_change()
	global $ir,$c,$userid,$h;
	if(md5($_POST['oldpw']) != $ir['userpass'])
			print "The current password you entered was wrong.

			[url='preferences.php?action=passchange']> Back[/url]";
	else if($_POST['newpw'] !== $_POST['newpw2'])
			print "The new passwords you entered did not match!

			[url='preferences.php?action=passchange']> Back[/url]";
			mysql_query("UPDATE users SET userpass='$newpass' WHERE userid=$userid",$c);
			print "Password changed!";

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